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Why should I buy an Apple Watch

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got my first, a Series 4 44mm in black SS with black milanese loop. I've had it just over a month.

  • Cellular is standard on the SS, but I've not activated it. +$10/month with AT&T. Only missed having that on one occasion so far.
  • Good size, easy for my aging eyes to read
  • Really helpful in keeping with my desire to improve my fitness, fun to try and close the rings for the day.
  • Wear it 15 hours a day, still has ~55% battery at end of the day


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  • 2 years later...

Buy it for heart monitoring and I guess fitness. Other than that I wouldn’t bother. I was in your boat a few months ago. I played with one in store and found out they are terrible to do anything significant with. I asked a friend who had one and he said he never uses it. I like watches but I can’t bring myself to get one of those and I really like my iPhone, I am a long time android user. If you Don’t have any apple produce just pass completely. 

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I like mine and feel it was worth the money.  I use the Oxygen Level app a bit, and the rings are nice to track heath metrics.  As I get older my calendar has become super important for me to not miss scheduled events.  The watch taps my wrist so I remember to make meetings, events etc.  


As far as the model goes, buy the one with the features you would use.  Not the ones other people use.  

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  • 1 month later...

We bought my father one for the heart monitor after his surgery. He loves it. Mom wanted one too and then my brother and wife. Most of them use it to make sure they’re working out/active. My wife likes the phone option, so she can walk without taking her phone along and call/text if she needs to. I don’t like stuff on my wrist, so I don’t use a watch if any sort, but tried hers cycling and it’s cool To track your heart rate. 

Edited by Scrounger
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

There are a number of perks to owning an Apple Watch.  I got one back in 2014 not because i like new gadgets, i just hate having to carry my phone everywhere.  When I;m in my house, i can keep my phone in the basement and if i get calls or text, i can respond with my watch. 


The work out and steps tracking was a plus.  Two models later and 8 years later. They came a long way with the heart monitor.  two years ago at a match I started to get a little dehydrated but didn’t know it, and my watched just gave me a warning that my hear rate was elevated for not doing anything.  I was just standing watching a person shoot.  Feeling a little funny and then the watch went off.  So i ate a snack and drank more water and more water, and felt better.


And any other notifications, like reminders, calendar, etc that pop up on the phone i can see from the watch.


Granted there are some things I’ve disabled, like the stand reminder.  Which if you sit a lot it can be handy to stand for a few minutes, but it would remind me to stand while i’m driving to a match that is an hour and a half away.  So i turned it off use based on that.

And there are some useful apps that come with it and you can get.


And I didn’t replace them because I wanted the latest greatest model in the last 10 years, the first one had too much heat exposure over time and the face came off.  The second one the battery would last for 16-18 hours before getting to 10% and I would have to charge.  I’m two years into my 3rd watch.  So far I have averaged a watch every 4 years, I’m hoping this one lasts a little longer, but I will know in two more years.


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I like the alarm clock function because it doesn't wake up my wife.  The fitness aspect if my main reason for buying one.  I walked over 18K steps at Texas State a couple weeks ago.  

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I bought the Ultra+ for my 10 year old so I can track her on field trips, play dates and sleepover stuff. Wanted the 36 hour battery life so she didn't take it off to charge if she does a sleepover.


Other than that I use my smartwatch just for notifications. I didn't see a need for one connected to the network. Bluetooth is fine and you can get some that last for 14 or more days. 


If you want gps and calling and all that the Garmin is a much better choice and lasts a good time. 

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I use a Garmin but their latest app update is kind of annoying.  Battery life for weeks if you don't have GPS on all the time.


Btw. this thread is great because the spammers can't help themselves from posting in it....


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