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With a president that is not hostel to firearms.  Has any organization started a move to appeal the currant 10 round mag law.  I realize that this also may not be a priority at the moment due to the war on terrorism but now is the time to do the ground work!

(Edited by Shipster at 10:17 am on June 21, 2002)

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Isn't it supposed to sunset if left alone?  2003 or 2004 sounds like the timeframe I had heard of.  I know I have read some comments about this on this site but I can't seem to find them.


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My understanding (and I may be wrong...god knows it's happened before) is that the NRA is not specifically opposed to a 10-round cap. In fact, other than USPSA, I don't think there's any particular opposition to continuing the Ban as it stands. Prez George has said several times he'll sign a Ban; I'm not aware of any strong political sentiment in the House/Senate against it.

I doubt that it'll be allowed to sunset, because it's a "freebie" for the antigunners. No one's going to fight it, and they get to declare a victory. We all know that it's a false issue (and I said so, publicly, in the Wall Street Journal Online a few months back). Still, the problem is that the camel is in the tent, and no one has put forward a compelling argument as to why the Ban should be allowed to sunset (HINT: "Because run-and-gun courses are cool!" is not a compelling argument!).


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MBneACP said   "(HINT: "Because run-and-gun courses are cool!" is not a compelling argument!). "

Well I think it is!     But who am I?

Man I Hate Politics    But your probably right on the money MBneACP.

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In line with this thread,

Do USPSA shooters (some, most, nearly all) obey the 10 rnd mag law?  

I mean, do you buy grandfathered hi cap magazines and replace the worn parts?

Is there anyone out there who just buys the hi cap replacement parts, and lies about having something they're supposed to replace?

I certainly would harbor no moral or ethical feelings against it...but I have no idea what the legal penalty would be if you got caught (how would you get caught?).

Anyway, is simple non-compliance a strategy that has been used?

Semper Fi,


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Dogma:  most original makers of mags for pistols in general use (beretta, Sig, CZ, Browning, etc) do not sell hi-cap tubes as replacement parts.  A smith at Beretta factory told me that they are required to remove and replace any high-cap tubes they see on the mags in guns sent in for service even if the hi-cap mags were legally bought.  He said that as warning to me if I was sending my gun back for a trigger job (don't include the mags).  Sounds wierd, that's what he said.

The high-cap mags that are made are generally labeled in a way that makes it clear they are for military and LE use so anybody caught with them would have to justify ownership.  As for pre-ban high caps, you can still get those and smuggle them into restricted states like Kalifornia and it is a felony if caught.

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The irony here is that all the ban did was raise the price of good standard cap mags 400%.

I just ordered a pre-ban Beretta mag that holds 30 rds for $18. It works fine, though is is a no-name job and poorly made.

Anybody who wants a legal hi-cap can get one...


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The irony here is that all the ban did was raise the price of good standard cap mags 400%.

Right...which was the intended effect.

The anti-gunners keep chiseling away until they find a crack...then they exploit it.


(Edited by Flexmoney at 1:16 am on June 22, 2002)

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I'm going to be hopeful about the sunset law.  W's administration just reversed almost 70 years of court precedent that said that private gun ownership was NOT a right.  That's a pretty bold move.  

Hillary is going to wait until 2008 to run, which means that the Dems are pretty sure W's going to get a second term.  Maybe lightning will strike twice, but I think we've got a fair to middlin' chance to see the ban go away.  

By the way, I've heard from LEO's that they pull LE/Mil Only marked mags of bad guys all the time.  Any forum LEO's care to comment?  Truth or BS?


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Like most bans, that one only applies to people who actually obey it.

I have it on good authority that they banned handguns in the UK, but somehow the crims seemed to have ignored  this. It appears that handgun crime trebled in London in the first two years of the ban. They suddenly lost the figures for the last two years???????????

So lets hope they sunset the ban. Just in case the polititions here get the idea that it is good for our pistol shooters.

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This from SVI's website:

"*Magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds are for military, law enforcement and export use only."

"Magazine replacement parts are for replacement of existing preban components only."


Kind of ambiguous.  If I claim to have existing preban components, will SVI verify that I do, somehow?  Will they ensure that I destroy the parts I am "replacing"?  

Of course it isn't really more difficult to get high capacity magazines, and it is ridiculously expensive.  It's also obvious that the "wondernine" trend of the 80s ended with the high cap ban, and then gun makers started making really concealable guns holding 10 rounds (Glock 26, for e.g., or my Kahr, which only holds 7, but close enough).  Also obvious that the anti-gunners didn't anticipate, and certainly don't like that unforseen consequence of their ban.  

Oh, and none of the magazines I've been issued by the military actually say anything about "military/LE use only" on them.

Anyway, even if SVI will sell you new high cap parts, I'm sure the price is still high.  That may be a substantial influence for me later, when I consider going from limited 10 to limited (hosing does look fun, afterall).

Semper Fi,


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I've seen no support, or for that matter, even a mention of the ban by the NRA!  Don't look for them to support the withdrawal of it either, for political purposes.  They very seldom go on the offensive on issues, only try to defend against the attacks by the antis, and make as few waves as possible.  The Action Shooting Division at NRA is the bastard-step-child anymore too.  They recently fired Russ Stott, the Bianchi Coordinator with no reason given, and no notice.  I agree that "Dubya" would probably sign the bill and let us down like his dad did earlier.

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Thats a shame, Russ was a decent man. I had the opportunity to meet Russ Nov 1999 when he accompanied the USA NRA team to New Zealand for the NRA Action Pistol World Champs. He always seemed to be doing all sorts of things to try and promote Action Pistol in particular and shooting in general. He has certainly helped a number of shooters here make the trip to the Bianchi a possiblity, which otherwise would be a real drama for them.

It does explain the recent lack of email replies. Sorry to see him go.

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