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Mistaken Re-entry

John Heiter

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I was entering competitors for a match and was entering a husband and wife pair into Winscore. Since most of their information was the same as far as address, etc. went I got on a role and didn't notice until too late that I had entered his information under her USPSA number so it went in as a reentry. I then changed his USPSA number but he's still listed as a re-entry so his scores won't show up in the results. Is there any way to remove the re-entry flag from his entry?



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That's not much of a fix.   <_<

Where were you when we needed you at today's match in Austin?

Seriously, is there no way for us mere mortals to fix this?

Actually, it's an excellent answer and it's the SAFEST answer. But since you press...

Well, yes, there is a way, but I advise anyone attempting it make copious quanties of backups of their match file first. I've seen just too many instances of people jabbing ezwinscore (or for that matter, its predecessor ezscore) in the side with a fork and shredding their match file as a result :( to ever have really wanted to document this, but here goes.


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Hoo boy, I've done it now. I just recently watched "Laura Croft and the Cradle of Life" where she finds Pandora's Box. Curiosity almost gets the better of her as she cracks open the lid and you see all this bright light streaming out, but then she thinks better of it and slams it back shut.

I think I just ripped the lid clean off and scattered the contents into the air.... :unsure:

Anyway, yes, you CAN do stuff like this. One safe way of doing that is open up a match file in access, select the whole table grid and copy/paste that into a new excel spreadsheet. That way, you can safely close and maintain the integrity of the actual match file and use the excel copy for your mailmerge purposes.

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All that is neat and all...but, it didn't seem to work. Probably something wrong on my end.

I was always able to 'delete' the shooter from the match.

The issue was, we needed to get the shooter back into the match to put their scores up (I don't think we got that communicated properly to bill)...without the shooter showing up as a 'reentry'.

So, with the shooter deleted, we go to put them back in, EZ says "is this a reentry"...I say NO...EZ says "then go fix the problem" :wacko:

So...I did. Finally.

The fix is to go into the "already registered" section and click on the shooter that was mistakenly labeled a "reentry". We have already "deleted" this shooter from the match. But, now we need to make him invisible to EZ so that he isn't flagged as a reentry over and over again. the way to do this is to edit the field which make him unique (edit his name and USPSA #), then re-save this deleted shooter.

That makes him dead to EZ.

Now, go enter the shooter fresh and new.

(sorry if that didn't make much sense, but it works)

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All that is neat and all...but, it didn't seem to work.  Probably something wrong on my end.

I was always able to 'delete' the shooter from the match. 

I still have an original in tact ezwinscore db file with Joseph as a reentry - I'll try to fix it Bill's way when I get home from work tonight!

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Okay, as near as I can tell from forum posts and looking at the match:

competitor numbers 47 and 48 have no scores entered; I physically deleted them from the match. If you were to add another competitor now, it'll start at #47

Competitor 27 (Jacob Eberfeld) has good scores and is not an issue.

Competitor 28 (Joseph Eberfeld) has good scores but is marked re-entry. I cleared the re-entry bit.

Match file with above changes applied was emailed this morning.

Is that what you were looking for? Bn

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 years later...

I am still looking for two things in EZ.

1) I would like to import a file with the competitors information to EZ. We do online pre-registration for our matches. I, and anone else running any size match that uses an online form to collect the shooter information has a nice file with USPSA number, Name, Division and email, maybe other info, maybe not. It would be really sweet to be able to just run that database as your shooters list. We use StageScore so once the known shooters are in, we add a group of 20-30 'Walk-On' shooters for late registrations.

2) and this brings us to the second item on my list: An inordinate amount of time is spent in looking up the shooters to enter them in EZ. Bill yes we have had this discussion before. Populating a match in EZ is timeconsuming. We should have a program that runs along the lines of the program that World Class Steel developed for Steel Challenge. Start typing a name and the field starts to fill.

Many of the glitches we discuss should go away with a better written program. I am not a programmer. I barely know where the on-off switch is, but I USE computers. Too many computer programs seem to be written by people that don't USE them. Yes they are brilliant people. But that is part of the problem. We mere mortals just use computers as tools. We don't want or need to know how DeWalt makes a drill to use it. We don't need to know how a hammer is made to use it. We need a program that is USER FRIENDLY.


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I am still looking for two things in EZ.


2) and this brings us to the second item on my list: An inordinate amount of time is spent in looking up the shooters to enter them in EZ. Bill yes we have had this discussion before. Populating a match in EZ is timeconsuming....

And I still say, we're just now getting multigun online and I've no doubt the next big yippie-do after that will be steel challenge. I'm not against enhancements like this (they DO have to be thought through completely - you're trying to avoid at all costs ever using the hated mouse for some reason, but how do you propose selecting between the 6 classifications without going to the onerous device?), and I've already shown that a typical selection of someone off masternames.db takes (animated timed example I have shown) around 10 seconds, and let's say at the most twice that? I don't think that's a big deal. Assume 20 seconds for a shooter off masternames. 3 a minute. You can populate a 90-man show in a half hour. (I'm more careful than that and thus slower, since I'm making sure I haven't skipped anyone on the paper signup sheet, as I enter scores by competitor number.) "Timeconsuming"? "Painstaking"? Come on, now. :)

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"Timeconsuming"? "Painstaking"? Come on, now. :)

Keep in mind that one of the things Jim's looking to do is to register folks on match morning -- for palm scoring -- while the match is being built.....

He's no longer doing traditional post-match scoring or pre-match registration in the weeks/months leading up to a major....

Perhaps that should be a new thread: How clubs are using EZW in the real world, especially in the age of palm scoring, and how EZW could best be adapted to serve its evolving purpose.....

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and I've already shown that a typical selection of someone off masternames.db takes (animated timed example I have shown) around 10 seconds, and let's say at the most twice that? I don't think that's a big deal. Assume 20 seconds for a shooter off masternames. 3 a minute. You can populate a 90-man show in a half hour. (I'm more careful than that and thus slower, since I'm making sure I haven't skipped anyone on the paper signup sheet, as I enter scores by competitor number.) "Timeconsuming"? "Painstaking"? Come on, now. :)

Entering people into a match is horrifically time consuming and annoying. Yeah, your animated timed examples may take 10-20 seconds. That's when you are effectively "racing" through the UI to time it and portray it in a positive light. you yourself close off with the fact it takes you longer per shooter.

I mean seriously, why do I have to leave the screen where you type in new people. Autocomplete with a pull down menu right on that screen would mean I can cruise. It would also mean clicking save would make sense. Alternately, allowing me to control click to select multiple people on the masternames screen, even with it oddly separated by letter, would speed things up considerably for the regular attendees of monthly matches. Also, even when picking them off of the masternames list, just assume I want to save the person. I'm not selecting them and clicking add for my health.

If you are signing up people to an ad hoc monthly match of reasonable size where everyone is a walk on, the UI is pretty slow and tedious.

Also, being able to shift click or control click to move more than one person on the squadding screen would make squadding a WHOLE lot faster. That is ESPECIALLY painful on a laptop with a track pad. With control click, squadding our smaller indoor match would go form taking a few minutes to taking probably 15-20 seconds.

Jim's not embellishing. I was doing the scoring for our twice a month indoor match. EZ-winscore was slow and tedious enough it constantly had people bitching at me for how long it takes to get things going, and consequently I quit attending and doing anything for the match.

EZ-winscore is obviously set up for a match where you register ahead of time, have multiple people scoring, and will likely be entering part of a shooters match results rather than all at once. It's not a particularly good fit for the one man show doing scoring for a whole match at once at the end of the match, and where signups are all walking on at the beginning of the match day.

drat meant that for the other thread, had this open to catch up on the conversation.

Edited by raz-0
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  • 9 months later...

This is all older than dirt, now, but I couldn't resist answering.

Entering people into a match is horrifically time consuming and annoying. Yeah, your animated timed examples may take 10-20 seconds. That's when you are effectively "racing" through the UI to time it and portray it in a positive light. you yourself close off with the fact it takes you longer per shooter. 

I wasn't "racing". I registered a returning competitor in the timeframe shown, that is, 10 seconds. If I have to hunt for him, double that time to 20 seconds. Big deal. 3 a minute, 50 people in a match, throw in 10 minutes just on principle and to key in brand new people you've seen before, it's a 30 minute exercise.

Also, being able to shift click or control click to move more than one person on the squadding screen would make squadding a WHOLE lot faster.  That is ESPECIALLY painful on a laptop with a track pad.  With control click, squadding our smaller indoor match would go form taking a few minutes to taking probably 15-20 seconds.

Well, doing ANTHING on a laptop with a trackpad and no external mouse is "ESPECIALLY painful". Solution: get a mouse. But seriously, why are you squadding ANYBODY in a club match on ezws where people register on the day of the match? Are you printing out squad sheets for the stages? If so, why? Squadding is a major match feature. For a local club match, just get out a target and a marker, draw some lines, and let people squad themselves on that. 

Jim's not embellishing.  I was doing the scoring for our twice a month indoor match.  EZ-winscore was slow and tedious enough it constantly had people bitching at me for how long it takes to get things going, and consequently I quit attending and doing anything for the match. 

You all are making this more difficult than it needs to be. At our indoor matches, we don't even have a computer there; it gets scored after the fact and still match results are emailed out by the next morning.

EZ-winscore is obviously set up for a match where you register ahead of time, have multiple people scoring, and will likely be entering part of a shooters match results rather than all at once.  It's not a particularly good fit for the one man show doing scoring for a whole match at once at the end of the match, and where signups are all walking on at the beginning of the match day. 

Well, it serves THIS one-man show quite well at South River every month (6-7 stages, 40-60 people) where I register people on a paper registration form, they squad themselves on a cardboard target, and I still have all scores entered and the match uploaded to uspsa.org as the last competitor is leaving the range.

But please understand, and I've said this before, I'M >>>NOT<<< AGAINST THE CHANGES YOU PROPOSE! But I'm also not one of the 2 people who do the actual coding, either.

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