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2005 Open/lim-10 Nationals

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My hat is off to the RO crews at the 2005 Open/Lim-10 Nationals. It wasn't any fun sitting under the vendor tent in the shade. I can't imagine what the ROs were going through out in the sun every day. The temps ranged from 98 to 101 with a heat index that ranged from 102 to 108. I understand a couple of ROs, and at least one shooter, suffered from heat stroke like symptoms. We should commend the Nationals ROs for their commitment and dedication to our sport.

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"We should commend the Nationals ROs for their commitment and dedication to our sport."

Could not agree more! Many from the BE.com community dedicated their time including BDH, who I have thanked already; to the remaining NROI staff, a sincere thanks for the Nationals as well as everything else you do for the sport.


D.C. Johnson



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This years Nationals was my 3rd trip to Barry in the same amount of time, I have always been impressed with the QUALITY of RO's at the Nationals.

BUT.....This year seems like just a little better than the last two !!!!

I must say Deb Hawkins and crew did a Jam up JOB !!!!!!! way to go LUV......

We ran through her stage(14) in less than 1 hour from the start of the reading of the "walk through".

Aside from it being in "Barry in July" something that should not happen any more IMHO.... This years Nationals (The actual match) was the best of the 3 yet due to the great staff and ogranization at the match.


See you next year! Hopefully not "BARRY IN JULY"


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The RO'S ROCKED! I only saw one "head scratcher" through the whole 18 stages and it wasn't even that bad - just a call that I thought wasn't right.

I tried to remember to thank each of them individually for standing out in that crap and for volunteering their time. (I say tried, cause heat makes your brain go - as BDH mentioned!)

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Sam, I'll make sure Luv reads this thread.

To all the RO's that run squad 5 (LPR). Thank ya'll very much.

To all the competitors (open/L-10). You are very welcome. Heck I told one squad to slow down on the pasteing.

Yup stage 14 squad 5 run in one hour. It may not have been a record breaker for that stage, but the ENTIRE squad reset the stage to help keep it running.

I know I didn't want to be up there any longer than I had to. I asked Luv how she made it up there all week. Her reply was "stubern".

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I also want to point out that one of our ladies squad regulars, Barb Sumrall, took her Range Master exam and passed during the 05 Nationals. I am personally looking forward to the day when she acts as Range Master at a major. I have huge amounts of respect for what she does either on or off the range. Congrats and well done!

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ditto, thanks to all of the hard working R.O.'s working both Nationals in the hot, humid weather. Had one "not too good" experience with an R.O. on stage 14 in the Open Nationals but overall the rest made up for it.


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Ditto from me,

Without the RO's, we would not be doing what we love to do, or at least as easily and organized. I commend you guys and wanted you to know I sincerely meant it every time I said "Thank you" after our squad was finished shooting the stage and shook your hands.

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Thanks to the Range Officers, Setup Crew, Stats, Prize Table Coordinators and anyone else who had a hand in putting on a fabulous match under horrendously nasty conditions. IMO, we cannot thank them enough. Awesome Job!

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