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2006 Area-1 Championship

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Fresh off the finish of the 2005 match, I'm pleased to announce that the 2006 Area-1 match will be in Albany, Oregon, hosted by the Columbia Cascade Section.

Dates: June 8-10

Format: 12 stages plus chrono

MDs: Mike McCarter, Everett Mastrich

More details as they become available...


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I really liked the 1/2 day schedule at Missoula. Even with the added hotel expense I think it was worth it. I enjoyed watching people shoot while I worked and watching people work while my squadmates and I shot. :)

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So the dates are Thu-Sat I see, does that include staff match?


Yeah...I'm curious as to how the Thur-Sat schedule was accepted overall by the shooters for Missoula. Personally I think Fri-Sun works better. I realize that the Thur-Sat schedule was adopted to give more sightseeing time...but are the matches being put on for tourism...or for shooters?

I'd like to see it go back to Fri-Sun!

BTW...nice avatar Tom! :)

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The feedback I got last weekend was that the Thu-Sat schedule was "OK", but not great. The intent was to allow people to hang out for awards (and obligatory post-match adult beverages) after the match, and still have all day Sunday to drive home. A Fri-Sun schedule means more people have to leave as soon as last shot is fired and beat-feet for home, rather than enjoy the after-match.

I think it worked well enough, but I'm not married to it. If you'd prefer Fri-Sun, let the match director (Mike McCarter) or me know, it is still plenty early enough to tweak the schedule if it looks like that is what the majority would prefer...


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The feedback I got last weekend was that the Thu-Sat schedule was "OK", but not great.  The intent was to allow people to hang out for awards (and obligatory post-match adult beverages) after the match, and still have all day Sunday to drive home.  A Fri-Sun schedule means more people have to leave as soon as last shot is fired and beat-feet for home, rather than enjoy the after-match.

I think it worked well enough, but I'm not married to it.  If you'd prefer Fri-Sun, let the match director (Mike McCarter) or me know, it is still plenty early enough to tweak the schedule if it looks like that is what the majority would prefer...


I can think of one significant advantage to the Thu-Sat schema... the folks who toiled all week putting up the match have Sunday to tear it down without having to take yet another day off work…

('Course, that's just my inner match worker jabbering…)

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I think it worked well enough, but I'm not married to it.  If you'd prefer Fri-Sun, let the match director (Mike McCarter) or me know, it is still plenty early enough to tweak the schedule if it looks like that is what the majority would prefer...


OK...I'll put my vote in for the Fri-Sun format with the awards ceremony IMMEDIATELY following the match (especially considering you've got the latency time down to 2 minutes from last shot fired to final stats!) Reno did it last year in 2003....other Area matches seem to do OK with the Fri-Sun format.

Regarding the addition time off from work .... 265 > 20 :huh:

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The only problem with scheduling the awards to fall right after the shooting comes from using a separate awards venue. If it is just an informal ceremony at the range then the finish time is not a big deal. If you're trying to coordinate something a little nicer, like at a hotel or convention center, you can't just say we'll be there between 1-5 PM. This match ran extremely well, but it was also modeled on 300 shooters. My guess is if it had sold to capacity we'd have been a little later. So basically, if you want the awards immediately after the match, it means no nice awards ceremony.

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Unless "nice" means food, drink and entertainment I have zero problem with awards at the range. By that time everyone is pretty much aimed at getting home anyway.

I didn't attend the Missoula ceremony (I think only one person from my squad did) so don't know what all they did.

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  • 3 months later...
Tentatively it will be Fri-Sun Jun 16-18.  The match director is just waiting for the final OK from the club before changing the dates on the USPSA site.  Hopefully it should be firmed up in the next week or two.

Thanks Chuck....when you get official confirmation.....could you please post the dates here?

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A bit off topic, but I was wondering what all one needed to do to "qualify" for the area 1. I just started shooting USPSA this spring and would really like to shoot the match next year. I've asked a few people that I shoot with, some have said that I need to be registered for the points series while others say all I need to do is sign up, pay the money, and show up. I'm ready to sign up right now, if thats all I need to do.

As far as starting Thursday or Friday, I like Thursday a little better, but I'll need to take three days off anyhow.

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To shoot a Level III match (like Area 1) all you need to do is be a member of the USPSA (you don't technically need to be classified....but I'd recommend that you do). You don't need to be registered for the point series....just join the USPSA (if you haven't already) and submit your match application with fees. Pretty simple.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The decision on the location has not been finalized yet. We're still meeting with the board at Tri-County to see if they are willing to host the match there. As soon as anything is final I will make sure that it is posted to this forum as well as let USPSA know to change the website.

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