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I got to work in the sun for a second day now. 90 degrees both days and sunny as hell. Normally that would be OK but I was white as a ghost. I just took my shirt off and I have a farmers tan that would win a blue ribbon. Guess what? I have to work in the sun again tomarrow with this sunburn. I hate that. :angry: At least this job is paying well. I like that. :rolleyes:

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Go down to the pharamacy, CVS or RiteAid and get yourself some aloe gel with lidocaine and pop a couple ibuprofin every so often during the day and drink lots of water.

I'm serious. It's like magic.

- Gabe

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I once got sunburned so bad on a day trip to Orlando's Wet & Wild, that I got sun poisoning. I ended up waking up in the middle of the night, and barfed all over my cousin, who was sleeping in the bed below mine... I hate sunburn :(

I'll keep Gabe's remedy in mind next time :)

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I've been keeping that Coppertone 'sport' gel stuff in the range bag and it's great. Soaks right in and disappears.

If you've got a sunburn, the aloe gel with lidocaine is just unreal. I found it coming back from a match in VT with a nasty ass sunburn. Went into a Kinney to find something, anything, and grabbed that. It's so great I can't believe you can just get it over the counter. I thought they had to keep all the really cool stuff away from people without prescriptions?

- Gabe

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By far the best match sunblock I've found is the no-rub mist-spray stuff. I think it's alcohol-based. Don't be fooled by other imitations in spray-type bottles. A few spritzes and you're done, without a ton of greasy goo on your hands and everywhere else.

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What brand is that Shred? I have been avoiding sunblock of late due to the greasy hands issue. We don't have water at the range for clean up so if I forget the sunblock before I leave home I am defenseless.

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The alcohol based gels aren't too bad about hand gunk, either, FWIW. I've been using Bullfrog. You still need to wipe off, but it's not greasy at all.

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Bannana Boat and Bullfrog make the good spray. It comes in a pump-top bottle and usually says things like 'spray and go' and 'no rub-formula'.

If you can at the store, squirt out a little bit and see-- clear mist = good. White spray goo = bad.

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Yeh, DO put something on it for the second-day go-round in the sun!!! Or all that money you're making will be sucked away in doctor bills. <_<

I got a hefty second-degree burn on the back of my legs as a teen and was in bed for a coupla-three days and didn't feel well at all. The blisters kept running and I couldn't sit down. It left scars for a long time AND a huge patch of noticeable freckling in the areas worst affectedt. :o

The sun is our friend but then so is a stove... or a gun... or a cigarette lighter. Gotta have respect and gotta know where the limits are. :blink:

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What brand is that Shred?  I have been avoiding sunblock of late due to the greasy hands issue.  We don't have water at the range for clean up so if I forget the sunblock before I leave home I am defenseless.

Get some handy wet-wipes. They come in a re-sealable travel packet. I always try to keep some opf them in the bag to clean up with in a pinch.

I try to apply a coat of sports block before I leave for the range in the morning. It soaks in, and I can clean up at home.

I will also wear a long-sleeve shirt made out of that dry-weave stuff (or, whatever it is called). People always say it looks like it would be hot. It's not at all. I use white. It keeps the sun off the arms.

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  • 3 weeks later...

all i can say after growing up with red hair freckles and fair skin is.. USE as much sunblock as you can.. apply liberally and often.. Most of the good commercial stuff works great.. i've been using Coppertone Sport stuff @ 48.. bullfrog is very good also.

I've had some very very bad sunburns.. Aloe with lidocane is great.. but.. you need to drink water till it hurts and keep the sunburn moist with any kind of lotion, except alcohol based stuff. I've found actually that more sunblock works pretty good keeping it from drying out and getting tight.

If you have to go back out into the sun wear a loose fitting white shirt long sleeve even.. The sun can do lot's of damage over time..

Bad sunburn can make you physically ill, most folks get pretty de-hydrated with sunburn.. and NO guys drinking beer does not help :) well maybe a little.. ;)

and if you really want to be cool.. get some of that Zinc Oxide put on your Nose.. comes in different colors now i hear..


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