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No, seriously, that's what I do. The calories are typically around 800-1200 a day (depends on the protein -- more calories with beef, fewer calories with chicken, etc).  On the weekends, I typically add in another meal (brunch:  2 pieces of bacon, 2 eggs, a little cheese); so make it 1500 calories or so on Saturday and Sunday.  This is not out of line with what you read that people pursuing calorie restriction eat.  I've done a lot of tweaking with this; I need to eat low-carb and get in ketosis to lose the weight and keep it off.  In order to get into ketosis I need to keep total protein intake to about 80-90 g per day. Beyond this, I add calories with vegetables and fats.  I function pretty well, I feel.  I usually get up at about 4:30am, do my erg workout, do some dry fire, do some reading, and work from about 8am-6pm.  

I'm happy to discuss this further, but the main reason I mentioned this in the post above was that (whether you think this is a good diet/routine, or not) there was no way I could have established it and kept it going if I didn't build the necessary habits very, very, very slowly.  


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Gents, thanks for the encouragement & suggestions.

Knowing I'd need an extra kick in the shorts to get moving & stay committed, I splurged on a Garmin Fenix 3HR, and I bought it without telling my wife first.

Boom. Fitness watch & built-in, constant, predictable peer pressure to use it.

We just finished our first week (the whole family is in on it now) of running every other day (the girls ride bikes--they're 5), and we take walks every day.

Today we ran, and when we got back, we took a walk.

Wife is totally on board. Cooking better, avoiding going out to eat, etc.

Hopefully this takes a few seconds off of matches!

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I've never been a sugared drink / soda type of guy, but beer & wine? Love em.

I gave up school night drinks, even my beloved glass of red with supper.

Been supplanted with water, which is much less fun!

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It's been an interesting week.  Blew away the daily and weekly goals that the Fenix set for me.  

My diet has been the biggest change, however.

I'm still waiting for the LBs to start sliding off.  I guess that's what 40 does for you, eh?

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On 9/12/2016 at 8:32 PM, SlvrDragon50 said:

I don't think there is anything wrong with a glass of wine at night. I would definitely try to drop drink as much beer as you can though!


One of the reasons that I stay pretty active (running, lifting, hockey, cycling, dirtbiking, strenuous dryfire, yardwork, etc...) is that I like my food, beer and wine. At one point I tried to reduce my beer intake temporarily, and ended up deciding to just be more active. I am brewing more low-alcohol beers however.

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  • 1 month later...

Hate going to the gym and despise running. Reason I have a gun is so I don't have to run. :):)

signed up for this martial arts program known as Tri-tec ( Defens lab , KC... Basicly street fighting ) , took my 16 year old with me (6'4" 275lbs), as he needs more excersise and so far I'm hooked.  

Now , I'm trying to cut drinking and watch what I eat and so far it's working. 

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Gents, a quick update.

I've convinced myself I like running. I'm down 16 lbs and 3 inches. Unfortunately, I developed Achilles tendinitis! Sonovabitch! Thus, endless elliptical sessions and physical therapy are keeping me from losing my mind!

Of all I've done, the biggest piece is DIET.

You guys were right!

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  • 1 month later...

Wife and I did the Whole 30 back in Sept and after the first 5 days of the program I felt like I've never felt before.  So much more energy and it was so simple to follow, grill meat, make vegetables or fruit, drink water or coconut milk if you must.  Even possible out in restaurants now.

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Lots of great suggestions here so far. I'll add my two cents. I'm currently 30 pounds overweight at 38 years old. Four months ago, I was 70 pounds overweight and in serious need of getting my shit together. Like a lot of people, I hate running and going to the gym. It's just so boring to me. My wife found a Group On for Muay Thai classes for me. The first class I took, i vomited twice, but was instantly hooked. It was hard as heck for the first two or three weeks but in three and a half months, I lost 40 pounds by working out 4 days a week at Muay Thai, eating well, and also doing my own modified 20-30 minute work out on one of the two weekend days. During my own workout, I do 5 to 10 push-ups, sprint 100 yards as fast as I can, drop down and do ab work, rest for 30 seconds and repeat. I do this 7 to 10 times depending on how much energy I have. I also do push ups and ab work as much as I can at work. On a busy day I do about 100 of each in a day, and on a slow day I've done close to 500 of each song sets of 25. I don't eat late at night on a regular basis anymore. Every once in a while I'll need a snack and usually just eat some nuts. As someone else mentioned, absolutely no processed food, and no fruit for me as I've cut out ALL sugar. After about a month, this routine went from something that I had to force self to do, to something that I crave. I had to take a three week break recently and started to feel like crap. It's amazing how quickly your body starts to get out of shape from not exercising. I just resumed my workouts this week. The first two days was hard, but by the third day I felt myself getting back into workout shape. The feeling I get after a workout is addicting. Watching my body change is addicting. Feeling so much better than I used to is addicting. I plan to start Crossfit in May and look forward to getting ripped. 

Losing weight in theory is actually pretty easy. You just have to eat right, exercise right, drink plenty of water (I drink a gallon a day), and get enough sleep. I also drink 2 to 3 cups of BLACK coffee a day. A cup before a workout is amazing as long as you're dinking enough water to stay hydrated. The hardest part is starting and not quitting. If you can maintain your workout routine consistently for two or three weeks, it starts to become something you crave. For me, it's become a lifestyle change. If I can do it, ANYONE can do it.

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On September 14, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Fatso said:

I'm certainly feeling better / more fit already, Which is a pleasant surprise. I'll try to be more patient with the scale!

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Don't worry about the scale too much. Instead, focus on inches lost. Remember, if you're doing things right, you'll be building muscles. Muscle weighs more than fat. You are probably losing fat, and gaining muscles which is why the scale is not moving yet. Like someone else mentioned, with consistency and time, the scale will start moving and when it does, it'll start to move pretty quickly until you plateau.

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On November 11, 2016 at 10:09 PM, Fatso said:

Gents, a quick update.

I've convinced myself I like running. I'm down 16 lbs and 3 inches. Unfortunately, I developed Achilles tendinitis! Sonovabitch! Thus, endless elliptical sessions and physical therapy are keeping me from losing my mind!

Of all I've done, the biggest piece is DIET.

You guys were right!

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I should've read all your posts before replying. Awesome job on the wight and inches loss. Sorry you hurt yourself though. But I love that not being able to do all you want exercise wise is driving you crazy! Don't lost that desire while you heal and don't stray from your diet. Eating well and right is just as if not more important than working out.

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On 8/27/2016 at 2:56 PM, Fatso said:

That's the crux of the matter isn't it, and I know it. I'm disciplined enough to excel in my military career, sustain a great marriage, raise twin girls (lawd have mercy), and practice dry fire for hours.

It's the boredom aspect that is my big mental block here. Humping an elliptical for an hour is not fun or interesting. I need to find a way to do cardio that is lower impact than running on concrete, and isn't staring at a wall for an hour on a machine.

I'd think kayaking or open water swimming would be good, but I live in Tucson!

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Lift weights.  Muscle burns calories at a higher rate than any other tissue type in our bodies, including while at rest.  Do 2 mile runs on your off days and some pushups at the beginning of those (don't use machines).  Go to a GOOD running store and have them look at your gait while you run, walk, and do it barefoot/in shoes.  IT will make all the difference in the world.  Find some nature trails in the Tucson area and run those, you'll have plenty of cushioning in nature.

You WILL stop seeing results within a few months of doing just cardio, especially if you're on a treadmill or elliptical.  Adding muscle is a slow process, but pick up a copy of Mark Ripptoe's Starting Strength, V3 off amazon.  It'll get you going with great how-tos and injury prevention information.  I get the boredom thing - active duty squadron PT killed me with it.  But barbells make me suddenly look forward to going to the gym.  Super stoked.  Change of pace is a great thing to invigorate yourself with.

Eat clean - if you notice in the commissary the cheap foods are meats/eggs/produce.  Learn to cook with that.  Cut out anything that comes in a box or vacuum sealed - it's probably loaded with preservatives.  Using that concept I fed myself on $50 for 1.5 weeks for 7 months on potatos, boston shoulder roast, rice, beans, green beans, bananas, eggs, bacon, and coffee.  On top of that, the one-time cooker suddenly had dinner/lunch combos ready with no real effort.


Now I"m using an instant-pot and loving it.  Check it out.


But frankly it doesn't mean a thing if YOU don't want the change.  No matter what, if you don't want that change depend own inside, you will fail.  Period.  No discussion.



I lost 25 pounds and 3 inches with this in a matter of 2 months, sans cardio.  I don't look like I'm shoved into my blues anymore.


The run-pushup is to keep your body used to what it has to do every 6 months, the weights are for getting your body to the shape of doing that PT test once a year.

Edited by michael.flitcraft
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  • 4 weeks later...

While the Achilles tendinitis limits my running, I'm still eating well. We do a pretty good job of staying out of the isles at the grocery, and that makes an enormous difference. Weights are tough with a torn labrum.... I cannot squat, bench, curl, and certainly not push-up, at least until I get the surgery done.

Thus, cardio and diet have been my woobies. I was down about 25 lbs until the Achilles flare up, and I've put about ten back on. The good news is my blues still fit.

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Yikes! Hope you're going to be able to do a civi surgeon :/.

Is holding your arms out straight to the side/front a possibility to build some stamina without overdoing it? Can you do the squat machines, or is any shoulder pressure too much?

Either way, great job on the weight loss, keep it up. Don't be afraid to look into a bicycle or used recumbent bicycle if that's easier on your Achilles.

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Yikes! Hope you're going to be able to do a civi surgeon :/.

Is holding your arms out straight to the side/front a possibility to build some stamina without overdoing it? Can you do the squat machines, or is any shoulder pressure too much?

Either way, great job on the weight loss, keep it up. Don't be afraid to look into a bicycle or used recumbent bicycle if that's easier on your Achilles.

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Your suggestions are on point with the PT folks. They're all for the bike, and as far as the labrums are concerned, the total gym has been my woobie.

So long as I keep my younguns from ruining me, I might make some progress!

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This thread has been a big help in getting me eating right and working out again for the sake of shooting better. Been wanting to do it for a while now but haven't been able to make it happen until 2 weeks ago. Thanks for sharing. 

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This thread has been a big help in getting me eating right and working out again for the sake of shooting better. Been wanting to do it for a while now but haven't been able to make it happen until 2 weeks ago. Thanks for sharing. 

It's nice to hear what others do to get / stay motivated. It ebbs and flows, so getting exercise into the routine is imperative.

It needs to be as normal as showering & brushing your teeth. It doesn't need to be much either. Something every day is better than nothing!!

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