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And I should pick on our own Duane Thomas a little, for the 9mm vs. .45, and "Why YOU should Choose 9mm".

Actually, looking back into dim memory, MY title was "Why I Choose the 9mm." My editor Jan Libourel - and God knows I love him - has a long history of "punching up" my titles.

(I know he'll find this thread in about 2 seconds flat, so before he does, I am only kidding Duane.)

Oh, I know that. I thought it was pretty funny, actually.

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Face it, from one bar stool to another it is a whole lot more fun to cut a man to bits than to just shoot him. Of course, nothing beats using your bare hands so you can really feel the bones break, but why risk injuring your shooting finger?

Ah, now THAT'S funny. :D

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Well an article that has stuck in my mind for a lot of years was from Jeff Cooper.

Jeff used to write a regular column for Combat Handguns on practical shooting competition, and at the time of the article "pin guns" and maybe single port comps were starting to show up at matches.

Jeff assured all of us that these "rooney guns" would disappear soon, they obviously would be found to be no good for practical competition.

He summed up with something like,"unless a gun is practical, it will never make a good competion pistol."

A few weeks ago Robbie Leatham was doing a demo at a local gun shop, and we got into a conversation on the evolution of guns in USPSA/IPSC. Robbie said, "I honestly believe the people in charge thought we'd all be firing singlestack .45s forever. But they seriously underestimated just how much some of us want to win."

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The uncredited side bar "Myth of the 5 second El Prez" was almost as good. he redefines the El Prez to suit the article, and claims no one has ever broken 5 seconds.

I did think it was a bit lame in that article that he puts forth as part of his "proof" that the best time at the recently conducted IDPA Nationals was 7 and some change. Of course, he somehow forgot to mention that in that particular "El Presidente" you had to fire the first six shots while moving to cover, and the last six from low cover, while kneeling, around the side of an automobile. And suddenly, 7 and change becomes impressive. Why, I'll bet a person who could do that could probably do it in sub-5 if you just let him stand in one place in the open and shoot. :P

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I did think it was a bit lame in that article that he puts forth as part of his "proof" that the best time at the recently conducted IDPA Nationals was 7 and some change. Of course, he somehow forgot to mention that in that particular "El Presidente" you had to fire the first six shots while moving to cover, and the last six from low cover, while kneeling, around the side of an automobile. And suddenly, 7 and change becomes impressive. Why, I'll bet a person who could do that could probably do it in sub-5 if you just let him stand in one place in the open and shoot. :P

You hit the nail on the head Duane. I bet I can design a stage that GM's take 20 seconds to do, and if I call it "EL PREZ" have I proved that there's no way "EL PREZ" can be done in sub 5?

I wrote Roy Huntington a letter (or five) asking about all the IPSC bashing and asked him to pass along the challenge to the "CARTEL"; come on out to ANY local match and a local level "M" classer will shoot you a 5.xx El Prez, and very well might stick a 4.xx up your keister for good measure.

Personally I am nobody they ever heard of and I can string about ten sub five runs in a row if they're willing.

My offer was politely declined and the letter never published.

HANDGUNNER has gone from the journal of proto-IPSC, to being the gun porn of all those crazy high cap blasters in the early 90's, to being the lap dog of the Tacti-Krishnas. They had to work at it, but they still quoted Koenig and even Voigt in ways that sound VERY anti-IPSC.

Shame on them.

HEY!!! Duane, btw, I found an old 1996 Handguns that credits you with starting the photo vest craze. In the letters to the editor section. I think we have a case against IDPA if you want to pursue it.

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10-12 years ago when I got interested in handguns and shooting I read everything the mags put out like it was gospel. Now I look back as I keep reading, not with the same devotion, and remember how Mr. Ayoob always wrote about his favorite gun (of the week I guess :huh: ). But that doesn't make him a bad writer.

In the last issue of Handguns I read, Mr. Rauch and Leroy Thompson had holster articles that I can swear I read back in 1993. I don't enjoy anymore the spook, been-there-done-that-covert-ops in some 3rd world country tone of Mr Thompson's writing.


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NEMO!!! You just reminded me of it.

I almost left out THE most tactical tough guy extant.....CHUCK TAYLOR. This guy is so tough the CTCS (Chuck Talyor Combat Special) doesn't even have a beavertail.

Back in the day, before I knew any better I would read his "Handguns in Combat" articles and just shake my head. They were a good read...when I was 14.

Anyway, This guy is soooo tough (crowd chanting "HOW TOUGH IS HE??") he claims IN PRINT to be able to make two hits centered on a chest sized target in under a second FROM CONCEALEMENT. That's about an .85 draw and a 14 split.

Not only that but he goes on to boast he is one of the only shooters out there who can consistently make a "SUB 1 seceond reload into a single stack, without any magwell or modifications to the gun".


EDITED: :huh: Actually I am now informed he IS a forum member and might just be on here to show me up. :unsure: I do still want to see those kind of skills, or if I have mis-read his articles, I will post a correction / retraction. Ostentatious challenge downgraded to respectful request for proof, in defference to BENOS member.

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I'd like to nominate Dirtypool40 for the award of "Having the Biggest Set of Cajones in the Enosvere". Id like to see it all too, but I'd never put up a comment like that. Thanks for doing the dirty work for me.

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I guess that you did a search to see if Chuck is a member of the forum, and he is...Bugs Bunny...shot with him in the late 70's and even took a class from him B4 he turned into a Mall Ninja...the man could really shoot back then...don;t know about some of the super speed stuff you are talking about, but he could and did shoot really well as part of the IPSC Silver team at one of the World shoots.

And until you do some recon on his personal performance currently, better keep your cash in your pocket.... ;)

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DOH!!! :o

My foot needs some hot sauce. :mellow:

Well, I figure to run all those classes and write all those articles, he has to know his way around a pistole'. But some of the claims he makes, seem "unlikely".

Like Rauch, Ayoob, and the rest, I figure they can shoot. But I still feel, in their rush to impress a sometimes uneducated audience, they get out on a limb.

Again in fairness, I am sure some of these guys have interesting, shady backgrounds, and can (or could at one time) do some things in line with top shooters. I know a lot of them took an interest in shooting competition from a martial standpoint. Again, maybe it was "at that time" but a centered one second double tap from conealment? A one second reload into an unmodded skinny gun? I honestly want to see them.

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That Layne Simpson article got me through a lot of my initial IPSC development. We didn't have the internet and books, except Brian's and Mike's, later. A lot of Master's would keep you down by not giving out info.

I have some first hand knowledge of a certain combat Master. Good shooter, yes, great shooter? No. You already know who the "great" ones are.

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I am a big enough horse's patute, that if he does deliver the goods, I'll be back on here crowing about how he really is that good.  Fair's fair.

Check out the "toughest of them all poll".  He got my vote. :P

LMAO, reminded me of last week, 1st round of The Masters, I told an audience of 3-5 million listeners that Tiger was playing like crap and had no chance of winning!!! :(

I told them two days later that I was "having a hard time commentating due to the egg still on my face"! :ph34r:

I still think he was swingly like crap, but I call them the way I see them! He choked like a dog the last 3 holes, but won anyway! :wacko:

Edited by Flexmoney
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I'd like to nominate Dirtypool40 for the award of "Having the Biggest Set of Cajones in the Enosvere". Id like to see it all too, but I'd never put up a comment like that. Thanks for doing the dirty work for me.

'Course it helps that Eric's in a different country. :P

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HEY!!! Duane, btw, I found an old 1996 Handguns that credits you with starting the photo vest craze. In the letters to the editor section.

Hah! Years ago I read I read a thread in another shooting message board where they were talking about how you shouldn't wear a photojournalist's vest to conceal a gun, "Everyone knows what they are, it's tantamount to open carry," yada-yada-yada. And one guy chipped in with, "I have to admit though, Duane Thomas does look awfully cool in all those photos in Handguns." I have to admit I got a grin out of that one.

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Any articile with the adjective "proper" applied to 'grip', 'stance', or any combination thereof.

YES! Specially when it's something like "the author found that Gun X shot 2 inch groups with brand Y ammo at 25 yards from a bench rested 2 hand hold; and 5 foot 9 inches group shooting rapid-fire at 7 yards from a proper Weaver stance"

And then there's a picture of the guy flinching in recoil, limp wristing, eyes closed, in a "stance" that's not even a Weaver... :(

You may have noticed in my sample sentence I also included other hated "expressions", like "2 hand hold" and "rapid-fire", whatever that may be. It always caught my attention how they never quote split times to help the reader illustrate their interpretation of "rapid-fire", or AT LEAST put a picture with more than one casing in the air... and the gun not pointing 80 degrees into the sky...

Live and let live, I guess, but I think it's important to realize that some authors aren't really "good shots"; that is, some of them really don't know what they're talking about.

My opinion, of course.

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Anyway, This guy is soooo tough (crowd chanting "HOW TOUGH IS HE??") he claims IN PRINT to be able to make two hits centered on a chest sized target in under a second FROM CONCEALEMENT.  That's about an .85 draw and a 15 split. I'll post up the cash to see that one.

Not only that but he goes on to boast he is one of the only shooters out there who can consistently make a "SUB 1 seceond reload into a single stack, without any magwell or modifications to the gun". RRRrrright.  Again at the risk of sounding disrespectful I say;

Well, Chuck, My money's on the table, come and get it. 

Shooter Ready?

Stand By.....

Where's Chuck?

EDITED: Actually I am now informed he IS a forum member and might just be on here to show me up.  I do still want to see those kind of skills, or if I have mis-read his articles, I will post a correction / retraction. Ostentatious challenge downgraded to respectful request for proof, in defference to BENOS member.

Hey dirtypool, be sure to establish the rules of that bet clearly... Perhaps if it is a contact range target shot using some sort of "retention" position or "speed rock" or whatever, it MAY be possible to make the 2 shots in that time...

And also, I can hit reloads with my singlestack (my only gun for now :( ) at 1.3, occasionaly 1.1, never broke the 1 second barrier though, but then again I am fairly certain I'm in the lower 1/3 in the skill chart of this forum...

Someone, here and elsewhere must be able to reload those singlestacks (unmodified) in less than a second, I'm sure.

Don't know about Mr. Taylor though...

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