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I just DQ'd at my first match...


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I went to the Norco USPSA match this morning and DQ'd on the fourth stage of the day...

Stage 1 - Qualifier (?) - One shot on each target, reload, one shot on each target strong hand. I used two hands on shot 7/8. First USPSA stage EVER, I can live with that. Got 2 penalties. One of the old-timers got DQ'd, had a ND during the reload going over the berm

Stage 2 - Mix of paper and steel, nothing too complicated. Hit all the targets, no no-shoots, no mikes (spelling?) - Feeling pretty good and doing decently for my first time out.

Stage 3 - 32 steel targets, 3 mag reloads. Still feeling good, middle of the pack. Not the slowest, definitely not the fastest but getting a hang of everything

Stage 4 - Drew from the holster, ND about a foot and a half in front of me... Almost literally shot myself in the foot... I was too caught up with opening the door and trying to hit one of the spinning bonus targets. Should have slowed down and skipped the bonus!

Everybody was nice about it and told me not to get discouraged, told me to come back next week and that it happens to everyone like the regular on stage 1, etc. etc.It was a good/tough learning experience. Gotta keep that trigger finger off the trigger until I'm ready to engage the targets and to take my time!!!!! I'm still kicking myself. This was my first ND in my short 26 years of life and was a huge eye opener. Could have ended much worse.

Anyways, tell me about the time you DQ'd at your first USPSA match...

Edited by garbanzo
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There's only three things to remember your first (or second) time out:

1. Safety

2. Safey

3. Safety

Oh, yeah, the fourth thing is to keep you finger OUT of the Trigger Guard

until you're ready to shoot. (Not off the trigger, but out of the TG).

Fifth is accuracy.

SPEED does NOT exist your first few times out.

You got lucky - better luck next time - it's a great sport if we keep it safe. :cheers:

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Sounds like you have a good attitude about it. Welcome to the sport.

Six years in the sport and no DQ's. Hope to make it another 6 years but I know the odds are against me. I just hope that when the day comes it doesn't involve putting somebody else in danger. I don't live in fear over it but my biggest concern is doing something that somehow causes my muzzle to point at another person.

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Thanks everyone. I'm just glad no one got hurt, it's been running through my mind all day. I'll be back out there in two weeks to redeem myself (at least safety wise). Next week is Rimfire Steel in Piru

I was shooting a Springfield XD9 4" today. Waiting on a holster for the CZ SP-01 tactical

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Worry about getting your hits. Let the speed take care of itself. After a few matches people will be asking you how you got so much faster. The friend that taught me how to shoot practical pistol taught me something I didn't understand for a couple of years. He said " You can miss as fast as you can or you can take your time and get your hits. [Tom Grigsby].

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My only DQ was at an IDPA match.

The stage started out with you in snow gloves holding a snow shovel. You had to drop the shovel and gloves, draw, and fire at 4 targets as you back up to a barrel behind you with a mag on the ground behind the barrel. Reload behind the barrel, and shoot the 4 targets again from cover.

Instead of backing up behind the barrel, I spun 180 degrees, sweeping everyone watching...

Not that it matters in the slightest, but I take solace in the fact that my gun was empty with the slide locked back :)

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My DQ was just before the last four shots of the match - on a reshoot.

Our whole squad had to reshoot a stage at the end of the day because our RO gave us the wrong start position. Near the end of the stage, i had to run into an "alleyway" lined with tyres, shoot a target and then run back out to another location. In backing out, my foot clipped a tyre and the gun (slightly) broke the 180 as i stumbled. It swung down, pointed at the floor and then swung a few degrees past straight down because of the momentum. Luckily i managed not to fall, or point anywhere actually dangerous (the squad were well away out of the line of trouble).

Bummer, but i guess i should have been looking at my feet.

Sent by Jedi mind control

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Use it as a learning experience, and be glad no one got hurt. DQ's because of a ND are a tough one, because you failed to be as safe as you should, and the gun went off. But don't let it discourage you, and just simply slow things down a bit. It's when we start pushing ourselves beyond out ability that things happen.

My first dq was during a .22 match 2 years ago. I was on fire for the whole match, and knew I was winning it easily. Then on the 2nd to last stage, I had a ND after shooting through a port. I was moving so fast, I was moving away before the gun cleared the port. The gun hit the edge of the right port, went off, and the shot hit the left edge of the port. And to this day, the bullet hole is still there.

Just accept it, resolve yourself to be more careful, and move on.

Edited by Postal Bob
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My first and only DQ was at a carbine match (and my first competitive shoot ever). As I was moving across the stage from right to left I broke the 180 on a reload. I had a similar experience to you where everyone was very supportive and reassured me it happens to everyone. I stuck around to help score, tape, and break down the stages. What really bummed me out was it was the last stage of the match and I was doing well for my first time out.

Since then I haven't had another DQ (knock on wood) but that one has made me very very aware of the 180 every time I shoot a stage.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I am just getting started in the sport of competitive shooting, and it's nice to see all the support you are receiving here. I am going to heed Hi Power Jack's advice and just be safe over speed and let the rest come with time.

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Tell you about my first DQ? I can't. I haven't had one....yet...

Shhh, you're tempting Fate. (I learned long ago not to do that, never turns out well) :cheers:
Hence the "yet" at the end of that post. You can DQ'ed for something totally not your fault...saw a GM get DQ'ed in a local last year...shooting a G 21, had a case head separation and it blew the gun out of his hand. He wasn't hurt except for some powder burns, but it scared the daylights out of him. Factory ammo I believe.
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