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Nats slots are coming out

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So - through what ever godforsaken luck I receive a slot to the lim-10 nationals this year.

Wasn't planning on going but damn! Now that the slot is in hand I guess I'm actually going to have to decide.

If anyone is going and plans on shooting lim-10 let me know - if I decide to go (still up in the air - I've got to be in LA the same week) I'd like to squad with some of you (assuming you are willing of course ;) )


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Jack, so far my wife is planning for me to attend. We have family in Missouri where she can visit and have, "a vacation that doesn't directly involve a match", as she likes to say. Now, all I have to do is win a slot at Area 1. :o So, the PR work is all done, now I just have to close the deal.

I would really like to be on a BE.com squad with you and as many others as possible. Please include me in your squadding request if you decide to attend. (Sam Johnson, A-19603)

Yeah, with work and all, it's very easy to get in the mindset that "I'd like to, but I just don't have time". I've been using that one way too much lately.

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I ended up in the EXACT same situation. I wasn't planning on going, but they called and said i had earned a slot for L-10 A. Since it is a shorter format this year (fewer days away from home) and since I can drive there in 5 hours, I decided what the hell. I will be there shooting L-10. Made the hotel reservations just the other day. Let me know what you decide, and maybe we can work something out.

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Hey Troy, I have a question on slotting that I did not consider until I got one in the other day. I shot Production all last year, and got a slot for the Production Nats. What do I need to do to get one for Lim10? I should have won a slot from A4 Production, along with the one from Prod Nats. Do I get 2 and get to use them for either match? Or do I have to come up with another one somehow? TIA.

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I believe the policy is that if you won a slot to the Production match by shooting Production, then you have to use that slot in Production. If you want to shoot another division, you'd have to get on the waiting list for that division. If you won two slots, I'm not sure how you'd proceed. Your best bet is to call Kim Williams at USPSA and ask. She's the one who's handling slot distribution, and knows all the official policy and procedures--I'd hate to tell you the wrong thing.

USPSA's number: 360 855 2245



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I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to get a slot to the Limited 10 match. I'd hate to be there for one, and not be able to shoot the other!

Wait a minute. The match is in Barry, right? I'm sure there will be space available. :lol:

I'll shoot with you, JB...if I get a slot, that is!

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Good stuff - once online squadding becomes available we can all start working on it.

Phil - it would be a profound honor to shoot with you however I suspect you will be squadded a little different than me. They'll have to have a super squad (you know - guys that CAN win the match) and I can't imagine them not putting you in it.

If they don't though - sign me up!


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I believe the policy is that if you won a slot to the Production match by shooting Production, then you have to use that slot in Production.  If you want to shoot another division, you'd have to get on the waiting list for that division.  If you won two slots, I'm not sure how you'd proceed.  Your best bet is to call Kim Williams at USPSA and ask.  She's the one who's handling slot distribution, and knows all the official policy and procedures--I'd hate to tell you the wrong thing.

USPSA's number:  360 855 2245



McMeanus...causing trouble *again* <_<

Actually, the way it works is this: If you won an L/P/R slot you may shoot Limited, you may shoot Production, or you may shoot Revolver --- your choice.

What you may not do is trade that slot for a Limited 10/Open slot. And vice versa.

If you'd like a slot to the opposite match, there are several options available:

1) Ask your SC or Club President if he/she has one to spare.

2) Sign up on the waiting list which opens April 10th.

3) Show up at Registration for the appropriate match as a walk on. We always have a number of no-shows and dropouts and would be happy to squeeze you in if we can.

Hope that helps!


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I thought that causing trouble was Troy's job? :lol:

Thanks for the clarification Kimberly.

Option #3 may be alright if you live within a couple hours drive of the match but I can't imagine forking over a kilobuck in airfare and lodging to "hope I can get squeezed in".

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Actually, I just talked with Kim, and she basically just posted what she told me. Therefore, I'll probably just sign up as a walk-on, and shoot where there's room in Limited 10. It would be a nice change of pace to shoot with some different people at the Nationals...although I would miss the usual suspects!

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While I certainly can't make any promises...because, you know, that would just be stupid-- I can tell you that we've never turned anyone away from a match.

However, having said that, the best way to insure that you actually have a slot in hand when you arrive is to get on the waiting list *early* when it opens.

Option three is the best way to go for those who have an L/P/R slot and wish to shoot the O/L10 match. Those folks will already be there anyway, so it just makes sense for them to stick around as a walk on.

Of course, there's always option four. But that involves midnight, sacrificing goats, and fishnet stockings...so I'd probably stick with options 1-3 if I were you.

:D Kim

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Wow - ya'll won't believe this - but I'm going to nationals this year.

I've been on this forum for a couple of years always saying "next year"

Been talking it over with my incredible wife, been figuring it all out, got a work schedule figured out, and it looks like I'm going.

Sending the slot in this week.

I gotta be honest - even I'm a little shocked. I'll be the guy in the Springfield uniform who doesn't shoot good :D


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