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Stargate Atlantis

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I think her name is Tayla.

Atlantis is pretty cool. The writers and staff seem to be putting much more creative energy into it than the original SG-1. It is tough to stay fresh with an 8 or 9 year story line.

What about Galactica? Some major eye candy there. The tall blonde cylon whispering into the DS9 (Bashear) doctor's head is hot, hot, hot.

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I'm gonna have to disagree with the entire Friday line-up being good. Andromeda sucks ass. You have to be a mind-reader to follow what's going on from week to week. Continuity is just about non-existent. The worst part is that Lexa Doig has barely any role in the show anymore.

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A much as I've followed the Stargate series I just can't seem to warm up to Atlantis. On the other hand, Battlestar Galactica certainly rules for a number of reasons... not the least of which is a nice big twisted plot, realistic characters of both genders and a hefty evolution from their ghastly (and I do mean ghastly) very early series which was little more than a cheap Hallowe'en costume party or something. BG now has SUBSTANCE!

I'll also agree that Friday nights on TV now provide a non-stop array of unearthly entertainment. But I do follow Andromeda... and you don't have to be a mind-reader to do so. The evolution and transfiguration of Trance Gemini is the current deal. Andromeda's A.I.'s slightly emotional evolution was LAST season's deal. The introduction of Doyle, however, is questionable.

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The evolution and transfiguration of Trance Gemini is the current deal. Andromeda's A.I.'s slightly emotional evolution was LAST season's deal. The introduction of Doyle, however, is questionable.

Yeah, I get that. We're in some sorta solar system that was constructed by some ancient race (Vedrans) that Dylan might be a member of, but he's also a member of something akin to Stargate's Ancients, which may or may not be the same ancient race that created the solar system, and we may or may not be in the future, past, an alternate timeline, or a combination of all three. And 'Beca is the mother of all Nietzcheans as a result.

OK, so celestial bodies (other than planets) have Avatars, which are embodied protectors of those CBs. Trance is the Avatar of the non-artificial sun in the solar system that we're in. Her sun (son?) is moving or coming to be or some other thing (I forget particulars) and she's a bit of an amnesiac about her existence. And her powers go in and out.

So, I gotta ask: what the F@#K was the point of bringing the Avatar of the blackhole that the Andromeda was trapped in and subsequently rescued from by 'Beca and her crew, thus resulting in the premise behind the series, into an episode?

Also, are we ever going to get the Federation (or whatever they're calling it in the series) back together? Or was all that lost when we went after whatever it was that Tir Anasazi (or however you spell his name) was going after (some sort of Abyss creature)? BTW, why did he have his bone spurs removed and shave his head? Did he quit caring about having Drago Musevi's bones (the dude that 'Beca either banged or was the mother of or both) and avenging his pride (the Kodiak pride, I believe)?

It's not like I don't try, but you gotta provide SOME f@#king common thread, ya know?

And I guess Doyle is Romy reconfigured because Harper likes to bang white chicks better. But then Doyle became more than just a bouncer/sex slave (at least this is implied), whenever it was that Dylan showed up in this timeline ('cause he was missing for awhile judging from him having to get everyone back together again).

[Fight Club]I am Cullen's raging bile duct.[/FC] :wacko:

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Of course, it's pretty obvious neither Rommy nor Doyle would let Harper touch them, even if that's part of why he created them. He foolishly gave them a free will! HAHA!

I agree that the last couple of season have been nearly incomprehensible. I love the show and the characters, but it's just too hard to understand what's happening. It reminds of the way "Babylon 5" confused me (before it went to cable and I could no longer see it).

But I can forgive because so much of it so cool. And it's hot babe central, albeit with far too little of my homegirl, Lexa Doig.

I think this will be the last season for "Andromeda." It's also the last season for "Enterprise." Ironically, the shows they are doing now are much, much better than the crap they served us last year. If they'd done as well earlier as they do now, they might not have been cancelled so soon.

Oh ... Stargate Atlantis is excellent, but the dialog and "cleverness" of the SG1 is still far, far ahead of it. The way they chose to work fan commentary into the show this past week (with the baber from Indiana and his friends critiquing his stories) was a very original move.

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I think Andromeda needs more seasons to weave the multiple threads together that they have going at the moment. Hard to tell if they'll get to do that.

Many past sci-fi series have started off stiff and evolved into something far more interesting and natural in tone--Star Trek/The Next Generation being no exception. Babylon 5 had its 'mystery female' go thru evolutionary changes much like Trance Gemini has.

PS--I really miss Babylon 5........ especially the Psi Corps.... I'm reminded of them every time I wear gloves. :ph34r:

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While the new Galactica is definately interesting, I find that for me it has the same problem that Enterprise had..... stop the sociopolitical commentary and get back to the action! Star Trek was a hit because Kirk always beat up the bad guys and got the girl, simple direct and effective TV! I don't mind a meaningful show every now and then, but Galactica hasn't blown anything up in two episodes (Starbuck lost on the planet and Number 6 doing the PR number) now. One thing you could always count on Stargate SG-1 for was action on a regular basis.

Atlantis has its moments. They have the storyline for some great action, but often seem too busy trying to fill in the backstory to get on with it. Hey, I can suspend belief enough to buy the story, so quit trying to make me believe and lets it busy defending the Pegasus Galaxy from the Wraith! I mean the last person to blow up any Wraith was the hot babe on the visited planet who turned out to be an Accended Ancient who has the hots for Major Shepard.

Okay, maybe I'm juvenile. But many people must have similiar opinions since Law & Order and CSI are hits and they all start out with violence!

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While the new Galactica is definately interesting, I find that for me it has the same problem that Enterprise had..... stop the sociopolitical commentary and get back to the action! Star Trek was a hit because Kirk always beat up the bad guys and got the girl, simple direct and effective TV! I don't mind a meaningful show every now and then, but Galactica hasn't blown anything up in two episodes (Starbuck lost on the planet and Number 6 doing the PR number) now. One thing you could always count on Stargate SG-1 for was action on a regular basis.

Atlantis has its moments. They have the storyline for some great action, but often seem too busy trying to fill in the backstory to get on with it. Hey, I can suspend belief enough to buy the story, so quit trying to make me believe and lets it busy defending the Pegasus Galaxy from the Wraith! I mean the last person to blow up any Wraith was the hot babe on the visited planet who turned out to be an Accended Ancient who has the hots for Major Shepard.

Okay, maybe I'm juvenile. But many people must have similiar opinions since Law & Order and CSI are hits and they all start out with violence!

I mean the last person to blow up any Wraith was the hot babe on the visited planet who turned out to be an Accended Ancient who has the hots for Major Shepard.

A Capt. Kirk moment! Actually, Rodney even called him that.

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Battlestar Galactica certainly rules for a number of reasons... not the least of which is a nice big twisted plot, realistic characters of both genders and a hefty evolution from their ghastly (and I do mean ghastly) very early series which was little more than a cheap Hallowe'en costume party or something.  BG now has SUBSTANCE! 


......that Starbuck morphed from a geek (Dirk Benedict in the original) into a major hottie (Katee Sackhoff in the current version) doesn't exactly hurt either...... :ph34r::ph34r:

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While the new Galactica is definately interesting, I find that for me it has the same problem that Enterprise had..... stop the sociopolitical commentary and get back to the action! Star Trek was a hit because Kirk always beat up the bad guys and got the girl, simple direct and effective TV! ...

Well, there was usually that, but don't forget the original Star Trek did its share of (then) groundbreaking and risky sociopolitical commentary, exploring in episodes such things as the Vietnam War, race relations (really risky back then with the first inter-racial kiss on TV), birth control or the lack thereof, East-West relations, nuclear arms proliferation and control, and probably other stuff that doesn't come to mind right now.

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Well, there was usually that, but don't forget the original Star Trek did its share of (then) groundbreaking and risky sociopolitical commentary, exploring in episodes such things as the Vietnam War, race relations (really risky back then with the first inter-racial kiss on TV), birth control or the lack thereof, East-West relations, nuclear arms proliferation and control, and probably other stuff that doesn't come to mind right now.

Sure, but along with that, Kirk always got the girl, kicked some a**, and blew stuff up.

See, you can do all of those things as long as you cover the basics in every episode. Once they start to replace the basics, you start having some problems.

I also maintain that James West from "Wild, Wild West" and Captain James T. Kirk are essentially the same character.

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I also maintain that James West from "Wild, Wild West" and Captain James T. Kirk are essentially the same character.

They are not the same character. James West wouldn't get kicked out of bed for eating crackers. Kirk wouldn't make it through the front gate.

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I also maintain that James West from "Wild, Wild West" and Captain James T. Kirk are essentially the same character.

They are not the same character. James West wouldn't get kicked out of bed for eating crackers. Kirk wouldn't make it through the front gate.

I believe you are basing your opinion on the actors who played the roles.

The characters themselves are the same!

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Battlestar Galactica is so... so... visceral!! I love it. :wub:B)

I really like the "retro" look of all of their technology. Almost everything is analog!

It's a very clever touch, fits in well with Earth people being the lost tribe of humans, and is a nice homage to the original Star Trek!

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Anyone notice that Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica all use the same firearms? Everyone is carrying an FN P90 SMG. Wonder if SciFi's production company got a volume discount from Steinbridge Rentals?

Battlestar Galactica is now at three episodes with no dogfights.

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