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My Landlord


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I been renting this crappy house for 8 years. The heater sucks, I freeze my nuts off all winter long and the gas bill is between $300 and $400 every month.

I finally bought a house and go to settlement on the 30th. My lease is up on this crap shack in May. This rat bastard won't let me out two months early. He's going to steal my almost 2k$ security deposit and probably demand an extra half months rent.

I told him two months ago I found a house and to get somone else in here. He hardly ever shows the place. It looks freaking abandonded from the outside. He told me when I moved in he was going to put siding and a new roof on this place. That was eight years ago and it never happened. Hes probably never going to get anyone else in here. People see the for rent sign out front and stop to look then they usually drive away laughing.

I'm so tired of getting ripped off man, I was going to use that money to get enough ammo for the summer.

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Get a keg or two. Get some raffle prizes. Put up flyers and have a party. Charge admission and sell raffle tickets and booze. We used to have rent parties to get the rent money. Done right, you can make some nice cash. The best part is that if this d!ck is going to keep the security deposit anyway, you don't have to clean. Just leave.

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I wish, last May he insisted I just sign the year lease again and if I found a house before the year was up he said "It shouldn't be a problem."

I'm way too much of a nice guy, I always trust that everyone is sincere and I always end up getting screwed.

I wish this country wasn't full of these pansy ass sue happy bitches that want to lock up the working class just for a fist fight. I would love to perform some free dental work on this two faced coward but he would definitely call the cops on me.

What happened to the old days when men were men and if you had a problem you could settle it and that would be that?

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Get a keg or two. Get some raffle prizes. Put up flyers and have a party. Charge admission and sell raffle tickets and booze. We used used to have rent parties to get the rent money. Done right, you can make some nice cash. The best part is that if this d!ck is going to keep the security deposit anyway, you don't have to clean. Just leave.

Now thats a great idea!
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What exactly are you mad about? You signed a lease. Honor it. That's what we did in the good old days.

There was a verbal agreement and he is not a man of his word.
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Realtor here..... In anything real estate, words are as good as the ink they're written with. If it's not on paper and signed by both parties involved, it simply doesn't exist. Sounds to me like your guy knows he's going to have a challenge renting the property and is banking on that. Literally. If you ever enter into a lease that is not month to month, you can always negotiate an exit strategy that is fair to both parties involved. Put it in writing. Now, see if you have a local motorcycle club that needs a place to hang and party for a couple months and move on.

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What exactly are you mad about? You signed a lease. Honor it. That's what we did in the good old days.

There was a verbal agreement and he is not a man of his word.

If he's breaking a verbal contract confront him with it, if you can't come to an agreement, leave and don't pay him. Have you done any research on renters' rights in your state? Most times the law stacks the deck heavily against the landlord.

Men don't get in fist fights to settle disputes, they don't destroy the property of others, they have the courage to speak their mind, empathize and come to an agreement.

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Again, there's no such thing as a verbal contract in real estate. It doesn't exist and you will lose in court. I don't even accept verbal offers over the phone from other agents. Put it on a contract and send it to me. My counter offer will be the same. Sure, it's a lot of back and forth with the paperwork but nothing else is legally binding.

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Again, there's no such thing as a verbal contract in real estate. It doesn't exist and you will lose in court. I don't even accept verbal offers over the phone from other agents. Put it on a contract and send it to me. My counter offer will be the same. Sure, it's a lot of back and forth with the paperwork but nothing else is legally binding.

That depends on the state. In my state if there is a proponderence of the evidence that a verbal contract exists that would negate the written than the new contract verbal or written would overrule the previous.

To the OP have a conversation, not an argument discussing what he previously said and record it. Again dependent on your state law as long as one party knows the conversation is being recorded it should be sufficient in court, especially civil court where a proponderence of the evidence is all that is needed.

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