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40 minor accuracy in a Stock 2


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I originally presented this topic in the 40/10mm reloading forum but got no response so I'm going to try it here.

I currently shoot a Stock 2 9mm that will produce 1.5" groups at 25yds and put everything in the A zone at 50 yds if I do my part using 147gr Bayou Bullets at a PF of 135. Can one achieve the same accuracy shooting 40 minor with a Stock 2 40SW or will that type of accuracy be compromised when down loading the 40 caliber? I see most using the 180gr projectile in 40 minor but could you not use the 155 gr say a 850- 900fps to get the accuracy or would that be too snappy? That's only a PF of 131-139. I know there is a fair amount of data in the forums concerning 40 minor but my concern is more related to the degree of accuracy one can achieve or is giving up.

Experiences and load data would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Edited by doc88
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I've shot my Stock III in .40 in both major and minor PF using 180 and 155 grain bayous. I prefer the 180 especially in minor as the recoil is very soft. The sights almost seem to stay stationary. The 155 were bit snappier and after shooting about 100 rds each I've stuck with 180's. I have got to find some of my load data but I do know I chronoed 180's at a 1.140 OAL using 2.8 grains TG and this was the results belowpost-47835-141259448247_thumb.jpg

Also here is some load data from a friend that may helppost-47835-141259454894_thumb.jpg

For major I'm loading 3.9 grains of TG but I can't find chrono results but I know makes major. The 180's were the most accurate of the 2. Hope this helps. If I find my other load data I'll get it to you.


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Don't know why you would want to shoot 40 minor. but honestly accuracy won't suffer much, in a stock 2 i'd run 140 PF atleast just to feel the slide cycle. and try to get the bullet to the swinger before it moves lol.. sounds crazy but too slow and stupid things start happening.

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our local production GM uses a limited pro 40 on occasion and has found it to be his most accurate gun, including his Stock 2 9mm. i think he uses 147 xtremes and tightgroup. We both have found that our stock 2 and limited pro 9mm guns to be equally accurate, so i think you can assume a stock 2 40 minor to b e good to go.

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Cool, I thoroughly enjoy both my 9mm Stock II but when I chronoed my .40 Stock III last weekend I had forgotten how soft it shoots in minor. I want to add a Limited to the herd one day

Edited by bayougump
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It was my buddy's pistol. Something like 3.0 of Solo 1000 with a 180gr plated. I can find out the exact load, but it shot soft , accurate and cycled surprisingly fast. This was with an 8lb recoil spring

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our local production GM uses a limited pro 40 on occasion and has found it to be his most accurate gun, including his Stock 2 9mm. i think he uses 147 xtremes and tightgroup. We both have found that our stock 2 and limited pro 9mm guns to be equally accurate, so i think you can assume a stock 2 40 minor to b e good to go.

sorry, i meant 180 xtremes in the 40

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