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World Shoot Dinner Dress Code

Charles Bond

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Folks I am posting this statement from Vince Pinto as a service to those who are attending the World Shoot perhaps for the first time and who might like to be reminded that the dinner attire for the match is a bit more dressy than what is required of matches in the US. I am not making a statement here as to whether or not this is appropriate and urge members to decline any impulse to do so as well. The way I look at it is that IPSC is hosting the party and they have the option of stating what attire is appropriate and guests should follow these guidelines in the same manner that if your moma tells you to come dressed for Sunday dinner you have the option of staying at home or doing as she asks. Please keep in mind that your compliance with this request reflects not only upon you but upon the United States as well.


Hi folks,

I have been asked to post information about the Dress Code that will apply to the World Shoot Awards Dinner.

The Dress Code was approved by the 2013 IPSC General Assembly. It is included in the Minutes of that meeting, which are available for download from the IPSC website but, for your convenience, the decision was:

With effect from 1 January 2014, that a minimum standard dress code be established for Awards Dinners of Level IV (Continental) and Level V (World) competitions. For men, no sleeveless or collarless shirts, no shorts, no jeans, no sandals, no flip-flops. Women are expected to dress commensurately.
Unlike other events like the Bianchi Cup, there is no requirement for a jacket and tie, nor is there is a prohibition against cargo pants or team shirts (provided they have sleeves and collars, as they invariably do).
This is a world championship, and it is the premier event on IPSC's triennial-cycle match calendar. It is not a club match.
This is why the World Shoot Awards Dinner is a more upscale event held in an indoor, air-conditioned venue, not at a hot and dusty range. This year, we will have 1,600 people attending the Awards Dinner, and everyone will be served a 3 course, table-service dinner. There will also be entertainment.
Also remember that when you attend a World Shoot, you're representing your country. That alone should be reason enough to dress appropriately!
Nonetheless, participants have every right to boycott the Awards Dinner if they cannot accept the Dress Code, but that does not diminish IPSC's right to have one. In fact, if you want to withdraw from the match altogether, we still have 300 people on our Waiting List desperately hoping for a slot, even at this late stage.
However, if you want to attend the Awards Dinner, you're obliged to comply with the Dress Code. Off-duty Polk County Sheriff's Deputies will be checking tickets at the door, and they will also deny entry to anyone not in compliance with the dress code.
I think that covers everything.
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I am not going so I don't have a horse in this race, BUT I feel it is a shame that a world championship awards ceremony has such a SLOPPY dress requirement. We don't need to require White Tie and Tails, but a jacket and tie with long pants and shoes with similar for the women, i.e., dress or pantsuit is not asking too much.

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I am not going so I don't have a horse in this race, BUT I feel it is a shame that a world championship awards ceremony has such a SLOPPY dress requirement. We don't need to require White Tie and Tails, but a jacket and tie with long pants and shoes with similar for the women, i.e., dress or pantsuit is not asking too much.

I agree.

Basically, they just want business casual. If someone doesn't even want to meet that standard, they're just deliberately trying to be difficult.

Edited by wgnoyes
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May be set up that way as they realize the U.S. doesn't have the same dress codes as a lot of the European Countries.

I can remember over here when the majority of airline travelers wore suits and dresses, now it wouldn't surprise me to see a few nude ones in the flight lines.

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There was a fairly long and robust debate (argument) on the IPSC Global Village about this and it was mainly a US shooter complaining about the proposed higher dress standard being enforced at the awards dinner.

"Also remember that when you attend a World Shoot, you're representing your country. That alone should be reason enough to dress appropriately!"

That line sums it up nicely I would think.

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"Also remember that when you attend a World Shoot, you're representing your country. That alone should be reason enough to dress appropriately!"

Then folks should be wear sweat pants with the word Juicy on the ass, flip flops, and a ill fitting top. Both men and women. Otherwise people would mis-represent the country.

I have no horse in this race, but I'm amused by the notion that USPSA/IPSC shooters really represent their countries. I don't see the US government or Olympic committee paying anyone's travel expenses, I didn't see them paying for training ammo, etc. In reality everyone represents themselves, and most are the despite their countries who would rather civilians not have firearms anyway.

Edited by Vlad
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Somehow I believe if the Blonde showed up, Vince would certainly make an exception for her.

I know I definitely wood!, err would!

Vince would not approve - too many external modifications. She's a perfect example of something that was purpose built, and not readily available to the general public. Definitely not a Production model.

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