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Buying my Dillon 650 today. Very excited!

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Well, I'm taking the plunge. I have a few friends who use a 650, and I've used their set up before and liked it. I've been shooting 6-9 matches a month lately, in addition to general range time. I shoot USPSA Limited Minor (a Glock 34).

I'm driving up to Dillon today to check it out in person to make sure it's what I want, ask last minute questions, and then I think I'll go ahead and order.

Very excited!

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The 650 is a complex machine, but it can run very well. Don't get too frustrated if yours doesn't run like your buddy's in the beginning.

My advice:

Don't assume that something not working quite right can't be fixed, just about everything can be. Don't accept the machine screwing up every 20 or 100 rounds, ask for help or adjust it until it's right. Try not to tolerate little hiccups, because they often turn into bigger damage later if not fixed.

Get the spare parts kit. The 650 spare parts kit is excellent (the same can't be said of the 1050 spare parts kit, which mostly includes things that don't break!)

Read the lubrication guide. Pay special attention to greasing anywhere that plastic rubs on metal. Don't be too stingy with the grease, but don't let big gobs accumulate anywhere either (except under station 1 locator, it's OK there to go heavy). An improperly lubed 650 will only go a few thousand cycles before something needs to be replaced.

Probably goes without saying, but don't force anything if it gets stuck. Make sure you lube cases well too, any kind of popping or jerking in your cycle will wreak havoc on everything.

I run a 650 at 2600 cycles/hour forming and trimming blackout (precuts), and the only thing that ever screws it up is brass chips on the shellplate from the vacuum not extracting them all. The machine can do very impressive things if you invest in getting it set up right.

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I run a 650 at 2600 cycles/hour forming and trimming blackout (precuts), and the only thing that ever screws it up is brass chips on the shellplate from the vacuum not extracting them all. The machine can do very impressive things if you invest in getting it set up right.

Holy cow... 2600 cycles per hour processing brass on a 650! You've got a post a video.

I'm assuming it's a chain drive with VFD three phase motor... What are using to automate the press?

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Read the lubrication guide. Pay special attention to greasing anywhere that plastic rubs on metal. Don't be too stingy with the grease, but don't let big gobs accumulate anywhere either (except under station 1 locator, it's OK there to go heavy). An improperly lubed 650 will only go a few thousand cycles before something needs to be replaced.

Any more information on this lubrication guide? Link or pictures on where to lube and any special grease requirements?

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Wow, I've got a lot to look forward to. :)
I'm hoping to have the machine set up and a test batch of 50 by the end of the long weekend. I think I already found a recipe I want to try out.
I shoot a fair amout of steel matches, and sometimes my 115gr factory bullets don't quite knock over a popper or plate rack. So I'm going to try out some 147gr to help.

Edit: i just remembered I've got a ton of brass to sort and clean too. Might buy a little clean ready to load brass to start off.

Edited by Jaycwebb
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Just took the plunge recently and couldn't be happier. My old Hornady LNL was a good machine. Much simpler but much slower. It refused to do 40's so I bought the 650. 2 rejects so far in a 2000 rounds. Not the 650's fault, just bad brass. Make sure to get the case feeder. Dillon dies too. You'll smile every time you pull the handle. Make sure the machine is level and heed what others have said about keeping things lubed. I've come to understand that the blue kool aid is good thing.

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Working on my second test load.
I'm producing the following

147gn Berrys

3.8gn Alliant Unique
1.15 OAL
I shoot a Glock 34 in Limited (9 Minor). I shoot a weekly steel match with a lot of poppers, so I went with a heavier projectile to help with knockdown.

First batch of 10 was flawless. I made 60 last night in about 15 minutes (WOW, this thing sings once I got it running smooth) to take and test again tonight to confirm the load recipe. Assuming we're good to go I'll make a few hundred to feed my next new matches.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm one month in and I LOVE this press. It's been working great!
I have found that Winnchester primers work best for me; the S&B ones sometimes have trouble seating all the way, so I'll just trade away the rest of them.

I've made about 1000 rounds so far, and everything is working pretty well. The only issue I have is powder spilling when the shellplate rotates. I have read about the fix for that; to cut a coil loop off the spring that allows roation. I'll try that this weekend before another big batch.

Thanks again to everyone for their feedback!

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650 was my first press....now I own 3x 1050s and 1x 650.

650 have seen over 150K cases and still going strong, I keep it clean and lubed.....that's the key.

Where are the key places on the press to lube? And what is your reccomended lube type?

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650 is a great press. I also have the 550 which was my first press in 1986. Hopefully you got a tour of Dillon while you were there. I did it back around 2003 when I competed in the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Championship at West World in Scottsdale. It was really neat seeing all the stuff behind the counter. I even got to meet Mike Dillon and his dog while I was touring the facility.

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