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Things you'll never hear a southern boy say


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A true southern boy would not say Civil War. We usually call it the War for Southern Independence, or the War of Northern Aggression.

Here's anotehr couple:

I was so drunk I could'na seen through a ladder.

He looked like he been shot at and missed, and sh-- at and hit

Some of us also add "part 1"

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A true southern boy would not say Civil War. We usually call it the War for Southern Independence, or the War of Northern Aggression

Didn't Preston Brooks strike the first blow?

Damned Yankee.....devil.gif

Ain't that supposed to be one word? :surprise:

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Here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, any body living north of I-10 is a yankee (little y). Any body north of Tennessee is a Yankee, and anybody north of teh "Manson-Nixon" line is a Damnyankee. For those that are too serious, a pun was intended.

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you will not believe where I learned to think like a Southerner...

Go north into maine... keep going until the road turns to gravel

buy a farm..... grow up there...

I have yet to meet any one from The South what don't do the very same things.

dogs, guns, and hold my beer...

up there one has to go back to the

1700's to get into growls about rebellions...

the sad part is that I have been in Maryland

almost all my life and I have been called a

durnedYankee AND an ignorant Southerner.

oh the pain.

I knew I was a man without a country

when I was sitting in a the dinning hall of the school

translating between an old man from Alabama

and an old woman from from NE Pa.

He was taard and she henna-ed him.

they could not understand a word the other said.

all I did was repeat what each said....

one line I could not straight up repeat was:

youun southen heres talk funny.

( yall south of here do talk funny)

fear not!

the South leads the way!

If you are lost deep in yankeeland,

head to the northern Maine woods

you have friends there.

the South is bigger than you know.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Southernisms are fun and yes its commonly referred to by our southern brethern as "The War Of Northern Aggression"

" He looked like a man who'd seen a lot of combat...or been married for a very long time."

"Every snake is a rattler. Just when you git up and holler about one while on a stalk? Some idjit will try and tell you its just a garter snake. BullS---. It was a rattler...... or maybe a cobra."

Brian S. :"Don't be scared of the gators John....its safe brother."

Me: "Brian? THats not a gator...thats a dinosaur...put it down and stop making the dinosaur angry."

Brain S.: "I can't believe y'all is gitting all upset over a lil ol gator. Hell they ain't worth being worked up about til they git to over 4 or 5 feet long."

Me: "Brian? One step closer and I swear to God I'm shooting that freaking thing fuggedaboudit !"

AND if you ever hear "Hey y'all? Watch this!" Run away...fast.

Something life threatening is about to occur and its best to have plausibility deniability .

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"Every snake is a rattler. Just when you git up and holler about one while on a stalk? Some idjit will try and tell you its just a garter snake. BullS---. It was a rattler...... or maybe a cobra."

In almost every instance where antivenom has been administered in the South, at some point the following words have been heard:

"It just looks like a (insert name of venomous snake), that's nature's way of protectin' itself."

- or -

"He'll run -- he's more scared of you than you are of him."

edited to add :)

"I forget -- is it yellow on black, or yellow on red?"

Side note - neighbor's dog (70 poundish pit) got bit on the lip by a coral snake last month. Gone in 15 minutes.

Edited by Punkin Chunker
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I didn't know they sold small bags of pork rinds.

Only for those sad individuals who don't have the level of manliness - or Southerness, which is of course a synonym - to handle the large bags.

I seen them small bags once at the state fair.... figured them was fer the yankee tourists.. couldn't think of anyone else that would want a 2lb bag when the 4lb'r was settin right there!

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