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Strike One


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Has anyone got their paws on one yet and put some pills down the pipe?

Wanting to know if this gun is staying as flat as they claim.

I guess they will be legal in the states end of this month.

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I got to mess around with a few at SHOT this year and have a long chat with a couple of the guys who did the R&D and the designer . The newest of the prototype guns would have been the closest to the production model.

The trigger is crisp and short and the designer said that the reset on the production model will be shorter . Also the front serrations will be moved back slightly . The design is really impressive and works on many great physics properties that should make the gun easier and flatter shooting .

Now it all will come out in the wash when people start shooting them, but i have high hopes for the gun. From all inspections the poly and alum frame model both look great . They said we should be getting them by summer time.

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I was digging the aluminum version that was announced at Shot 2014. Then I read the price.


The Strike One, already globally acclaimed as the most revolutionary and performing hammerless pistol of all times, becomes industrially available with the integral (machined from solid) Ergal 7075 aircracft aluminum alloy frame. This already announced product has finally come to industrial readiness after 2 years or research in the field of high performing aerospace materials: the choice was to establish industrial production our of Ergal 7075, a lightweight aerospace aluminum alloy which can only be machined from forged billets. The result of combining an already extremely accurate and tight tolerance upper with a clockwork, swiss watch lower mechanism and frame is truly shocking: the Ergal Strike One is capable of 3 inch groups at 100 yards (machine rest with laser device pointer) out of the standard 5 inch barrel. This value outperforms by far any other hammerless pistol accuracy standard, turning the Ergal Strike One the most accurate service and competition hammerless pistol of all times. The gun will be available in different anodized Electro Colours (aesthetic finishes, such as Cobalt Blue, Burgundy or Silver) or high tech Hard Anodized finishes, impervious to rough use and extreme environmental conditions (such as Black, Gray or Bronze). The latter versions are also ideal for Special Forces uses, where extreme weather conditions will not affect a continuing maximum accuracy and reliability of the gun. The Ergal Strike One will be available to the world markets from fall 2014 in limited quantities, for the very selective competition shooter and collector alike, at a street price in the 3.000 € class (4.000 USD).

Edited by ftjandra
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