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Southern Revolver Championship


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Thanks for the clarification Kyle.

I have been told that a recognized match is indeed a level 1 match....


With limitations like Revolvers will be the only division to get awards, ect.

All divisions will be allowed to shoot but only the one(s) the match officals deem "important" to be "Recognized".

We might do a recognized match one day and a REVOLVERS match the next, that is all still being tossed around by me and the Range mgmt.

We will see.... but let me get past this 3-gun match first.


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Assuming we can find a good date, I'll be happy to film the Southern Revolver Whatever for SHOOTING GALLERY!

Memphis/Nashville would be great places for the venue.

My experience has been guaranteed television coverage helps with hustling up sponsors!

Michael B

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Thanks Mike !!!

I did not want to let the cat out of the bag too soon, but since you did I will too. ;)

Back in the spring I contacted Mr. Bane about this exact subject, he told me at the time to make sure I scheduled with him and his production crew before I set an exact date....Thus the "sometime next fall"!!!

After the Mississippi 3-gun match in September (That I am the Match Director) I will be contacting Mr. Bane with some prospective dates, and then contact the Ranges that could be the place of Said Match.

When we get settled then we (I) will get the ball rolling.... :)

I don't need stages, I have match booklets from MAJOR matches for 3 years now and will be using them with some modifications if needed. (to enhance TV coverage). :blink:

So that gives about a year to get this all lined up and on the ground any volunteers to help any way possible ????? :ph34r:

SAM......The guy who I think is just about CRAZY !!!!!!! <_<

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YIKES!! :o Ain't no "just about" to it.

Well that is great support Michael!

Hop, just keep your "needs" list posted so we can all get a chance to help where we can.

Perhaps Lynn Jones has and idea where it could be held???


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He's on the short list !!!! ;)

The range at Lakeland (Memphis) is now adding more bays, when done there will be enough room to have a good match with a good variety of stage size and type.

They have hosted the Springfield steel challenge and shot 500+ shooters in 2 days !!!

It will be up to you guys/gals out there to talk it up and get the interest up for this thing.

Gonna be GOOD !!!!


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  • 2 months later...


Here is the short version of the Revolver Southern Nationals.

Looks like in the fall of 2006.

Ranges I have talked to that are interested, and have "other" things to do for the rest of the family if they decide to make the trip too.

Memphis Sport Shooting Assn: Memphis, TN.......10 bays of assorted size.

North Tennessee Practical shooters: Nashville TN........8 bays of assorted size and a Woods stage.

No other ranges or members of ranges that are of the size of Nashville and Memphis have mentioned any interest.

Slowsure did mention his and it is a nice new range but would be hard to get a match of the size and scope I hope this turns into to do. (Thanks Allen)


Friday, Any range officers and special shoot throughs on this day....6, 8 and Open shooters (we will get to that in a minute)

Saturday: 6 shooters only.....100% USPSA rules for Revolver Division.....Awards that evening.

Sunday: 8 shoooters and Open shooters.............100% USPSA rules

EXCEPT Limited revos......iron sights, no comps, major/minor up to and including 8 shooters.

Open Revos......YOU name it, anything goes, Major/minor up to and including 8 shooters.

Awards that evening.

Awards: to be distributed by match % finish closest to USPSA Classes.


Jerry M wins he gets 100%..........Jerry V has a 61.89% of Jerry M.....He is classed B and places in that class accordingly.

USPSA classes: GM----95-100%






M. Bane has said he has every intention to try and get a Crew from Shooting Gallery to the match and make a show, if possible.

With that in mind I will also be contacting Sturm Ruger, Taurus, and Smith&Wesson to see if they would be interested in Joining the party.....Patrick Sweeney, I could use your help on that one too!!!!!

The match will be advertised in the USPSA, IDPA, and ICORE magazines.

Awards will be most likely cash payback after costs to the match/range are covered, unless one of the big 3 or all 3 mentioned above decides to be major part and really make it interesting!!!!!

NOW here is the big question.......What would everyone be willing to pay for a match fee????

This will be the first of it's kind, If it is a flop(I hope not and I will do everything I can so it won't) or if it really goes off with a bang....and hopefully it turns into an annual event maybe traveling around the southern half of the US (SOUTHERN NATIONALS) going east and west.

I don't want to overprice it and run everyone off, but also want to get enough to make it a great match with great prize money.

so there it is.....am taking suggestions, and offers to help.

Stages will be chosen from the many match booklets I have kept from the last 3 years of Major matches....INCLUDING 3 USPSA Nationals, Florida OPEN and several Area matches You will not be dissapointed in the stages that is for sure!!!!!

I will also have NROI certified staff on all the stages to guarantee great Range officers!!!!! (and rules followed)

NOW send in suggestions for match fees, Nashville or Memphis and any other constructive ideas.



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Sam - What are your plans for shooters who don't have a USPSA classification?

Are six shot moon clip guns going to be grouped with real revolvers? :P

Please don't make it the first weekend - that's drill weekend for my National Guard unit (if I ever get off active duty).

Match fees have been in the $75 range, IME, but I've only shot one National match (IDPA '99) and SOed, so I didn't pay. I don't know if you could meet your goals on a fee of that size.

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Chuck: If I understand correctly, you would not need a USPSA class to shoot this match (although if you consider yourself a true competition wheelgunner and want to run with the big dogs, you will have one!) :P Prizes will be awarded pseudo-Lewis system, only using the USPSA percentages listed, in similar fashion to how the Single Stack Classic has been done the last several years. Right, Hop?

(By the way, Chuck, I suspect you're just kidding around, but if you actually buy into the IDPA silliness that speedloader guns can't compete with moonclip guns, you haven't seen Bubber in action. I have--just last weekend in fact--and man is he fast with those speedloaders. Also, don't get too terribly surprised if I show you my "real" moonclip carry gun, OK?) ;)

Hopalong: Rarely have I allowed the entry fee to dictate whether I shoot a match (although the price increase for the Florida Open this year leaves me a little bit cold). I'd happily pay $100 per match ($200 total for both days). Might want to offer a little price break for those shooting both days. And although you know I have a vested interest here--consider both price breaks and school scheduling needs for junior shooters! :)

You're describing a match that people will attend from all over the country, so travel costs will be the real issue. Put the match at a range near the cheapest airport to fly in and out of (if there is such a thing), because that will make a real difference in the attendance, I suspect. (Is Memphis a hub for any of the airlines....?)

This is exciting stuff--glad to know it's still a go!


Edited by Carmoney
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(By the way, Chuck, I suspect you're just kidding around, but if you actually buy into the IDPA silliness that speedloader guns can't compete with moonclip guns, you haven't seen Bubber in action. I have--just last weekend in fact--and man is he fast with those speedloaders. Also, don't get too terribly surprised if I show you my "real" moonclip carry gun, OK?)
Mike - Yeah, I'm just picking. I've never been whupped by a moon clip shooter who wouldn't have whupped me with my own gun. I'd love to be able to shoot this match, if only to meet the guys on this forum. :)
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(Is Memphis a hub for any of the airlines....?)

This is exciting stuff--glad to know it's still a go!


Why yes Mike, I think it's the major US hub for FEDEX. Just put on one of those purple and white jumpsuits and slip into your closest drop-box about Wednesday before the match. ;)

Just don't plan it to coincide with Elvis Week. If you haven't seen it I won't try to describe it...


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USPSA membership not mandantory but would not hurt.

It would be nice to show Sedro a big long list of USPSA revo shooters to influence more help/interest from them.


Memphis is Delta Hub, Nashville is Southwest Hub....2 1/2 hrs drive between them.

I will not say if Elvis will not be available to the public or not.

On the 6 shooters.....

Saturday would be 6 shooters only....any type thay fits into USPSA Revolver Division......(Pretty much any 6 banger)

Sunday would be Limited......anything with Iron sights, no comp up to 8 shooters....6 bangers included if you are interested( Kind of like the ICORE limited div.)

OPEN is no Limits....just keep it safe.......Even the famous belt fed Bedell custom 8 shooter would be welcome ;)

Clear as mud?


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I'm still good to film the Southern Championships.

For 2006, am presently committed to Steel Challenge (no posted date yet, but probably 3rd week September), ITRC (Aug 11-13), ICORE World Championships (June 16-18). Also looking at Texas IDPA first weekend of June. Also End of Trail in June and Winter Range (March 8-12).

Keep me in the loop!


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I'm still good to film the Southern Championships.

For 2006, am presently committed to Steel Challenge (no posted date yet, but probably 3rd week September), ITRC (Aug 11-13), ICORE World Championships (June 16-18). Also looking at Texas IDPA first weekend of June. Also End of Trail in June and Winter Range (March 8-12).

Keep me in the loop!


Hey = Steel Challenge is posted at August 17 -20th 2006 The Sportsman's Team Challenge should be the week before ICORE June 12th?

I would like to drag some of my Texas buddies to the S.C. match if the dates work out for 2006

Jamie Foote

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Sounds cool, Sam, Fall gives me plenty of time to get wheelie-certified. I look forward to it. But you gotta have a 5-shot snubbie side match... Attack of the J-Frames!!!



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Sounds cool, Sam, Fall gives me plenty of time to get wheelie-certified. I look forward to it. But you gotta have a 5-shot snubbie side match... Attack of the J-Frames!!!


Hey. I'm in on any 5 shot snubbie side match, anywhere, anytime. I started USPSA revolver classifiers with a Ruger SP101. Still got my speedloaders too.

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Wow! I don't get a chance to check out the BE forum for about a week (stupid work getting in the way) and look what comes back to light. Cool! Count me in Sam. As long as you let northerners in on the fun that is. ;) The only thing I am halfway commited to for the fall right now is ROing the Rocky MT 3-gun again. But I think that may be at the end of August. Not sure, yet.

Now if I can just round up an eight shooter for the Sunday match. <_<

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USPSA membership not mandantory but would not hurt.

Sam - I'm a member of USPSA, I just don't shoot revolver there due to a fear of being DQed for breaking the vertical 180 on my reloads. (Yeah, I'm old school. ;) ) I'll probably be the only one there shooting a K frame and speedloaders. :D
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I'm a member of USPSA, I just don't shoot revolver there due to a fear of being DQed for breaking the vertical 180 on my reloads.

I've read about this concern here on the forum, and it makes me curious.....has anybody ever actually seen this happen at a USPSA match?? Somebody getting DQed for bringing the barrel too far "up" doing a Jerry-style reload??

It seems like you'd have to do something just grotesquely weird with your left hand while you're thumbing the ejector rod to point the barrel even slightly backwards and break the vertical.....right??


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I'm a member of USPSA, I just don't shoot revolver there due to a fear of being DQed for breaking the vertical 180 on my reloads.

I've read about this concern here on the forum, and it makes me curious.....has anybody ever actually seen this happen at a USPSA match?? Somebody getting DQed for bringing the barrel too far "up" doing a Jerry-style reload??

It seems like you'd have to do something just grotesquely weird with your left hand while you're thumbing the ejector rod to point the barrel even slightly backwards and break the vertical.....right??


My understanding of this is that there is some leeway given to us during a reload. It's one of those kinda obvious things, like getting rid of the "drop hammer" command for wheelgunners in the new rulebook. I mean, the R.O. just looked a six huge empty holes, do you think a bullet is going to miracle itself into the chamber after I close it? I know that most shooters don't have a clue about how wheelguns work, but I think most of them have the sense to know that when the cylinder's open the gun isn't going to fire. I would definitely file an arb if I or anybody else got DQ'ed for that.

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I had one RO tell me I had come close the breaking the 180 on a reload. I think that most of them will give you some slack there. It is really easy to bring the barrel back passed the 180. I think that Jerry is so fast that the RO cannot see if he breaks the 180 or not....

With my new Carmoney-style reload, I no longer have to worry :D

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Hey. I'm in on any 5 shot snubbie side match, anywhere, anytime. I started USPSA revolver classifiers with a Ruger SP101. Still got my speedloaders too.

An SP101?? What a gamer!... all steel, weighs almost as much as a real gun... might as well be the 9mm. :P I'm thinking more like Airweight Centennials at 20 paces, bonus points for pocket lint and green ammo. ;)

All kidding aside, I don't care what anyone wants to come shoot, this SRC sounds like the best idea since the moonclip, I can't wait.


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With my new Carmoney-style reload, I no longer have to worry :D

Y'know, it's a funny thing.....all summer long I thought I had switched to a Dan-style reload, then he comes out to the Fall Classic and breaks it down for me.....turns out I am doing it completely different from him. Hell, Dan's pushing latches and flipping cylinders and pushing rods with various appendages that you can't even begin to imagine..... It's craziness, but man it sure is fast!!

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