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PS4 - X-Box One: which one?

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Repeat question for the latest generation consoles. I understand that this may be a bit of a tastes great - less filling sort of thing but what would you choose. Gaming as well as on-line stuff such as movies and TV.



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I've currently got a Xbox 360 and love it.

Games and streaming movie stuff it works good.

For newest generation I'm saying "show me why I should upgrade". Of course, this will be the last holiday season that games are made for the current Ps4/xbox360; but other than that obvious factor I don't see why I'm going to shell out $400+, I've got what I need now and might ride it out for a few more years. (I don't play games as much, nowadays my time is taken up by other things).

One thing for sure, I hate that Xbox One's silly Kinect being _forced_ on me: An always-on Camera and microphone waiting for voice commands? It's a deal-breaker in my house. Add the silly "might work or might not" flailing-your-arms motion control and I say "no thanks"

So I'll wait and see.

Edited by SlowShooter
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I'd go PS4. I think Sony has a better unit overall. I played on my bro-in-law's over the holiday and the graphics were sweet. Now having said that I have a PS3 and have always had the Sony platforms, so it's kind of a Ford vs Chevy thing. Both are nice, but if you already have the previous gen set go with the same brand and avoid any confusion of change over. I wouldn't like the Kinect thing Slowshooter is talking about either.

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One thing for sure, I hate that Xbox One's silly Kinect being _forced_ on me: An always-on Camera and microphone waiting for voice commands? It's a deal-breaker in my house.

I wouldn't like the Kinect thing Slowshooter is talking about either.

Not an issue. You can turn the Kinect on or off.

And, if you are really worried about big brother...well, nearly everybody is already carrying around a camera and mic, with a built in transmission system. Smart phones are everywhere. :ph34r:

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Under the hood...for gaming...I've been trying to get the inside scoop whenever somebody interviews one of the big game developers. The interviewer always asks, and the developers (that I've seen responses from) always say they are close enough as to not matter.

Microsoft did screw up their marketing, IMO. They focused on the touting the "other stuff", then got saddled with not focusing on the gaming aspect...yet, they made over 40 improvements/changes to their gaming controller alone. (which was already good).

They also dropped the ball marketing the Kinect 2.0 (which comes included with XB1). They got caught up in the "always on" thing (so they added an on/off switch), and failed to communicate that it is a really good input device to the system.

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And, if you are really worried about big brother..

I understand that, but as a consumer I still try to push-back. I'm not ready to say "well whatever" and give-up the slippery-slope to take the curtains down off of my house and leave all my windows open for all the world to see.

failed to communicate that it is a really good input device to the system.

They haven't proven that to me.

Has anyone tried playing a game with it? Curious to hear from someone who has.

Based on my experience with other similar technologies, I expect it to feel like trying to compete in a Match when your Trigger only works 95% of the time, and has a 1/10 second lag when it does work :barf:

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Just to be clear, I am not looking for an upgrade, but first purchase. I am a late-adapter. :rolleyes:

If you just want a media device for movies, etc you can buy a Roku box, or other such device.

If you want games on the _cheap_, I _might_ even consider buying a used Xbox 360 / PS3 from someone who is upgrading, if you can live with the fact that after this Holiday season there are no new blockbuster games made for it later in 2014. The used game stores will be flooded with used Xbox 360 / PS3 games because I don't think the new units are backwards compatible with older games. Media functionality and their online marketplaces should continue to function for a while, but how long they keep the back-end infrastructure up&running is anyone's guess.

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And, if you are really worried about big brother..

I understand that, but as a consumer I still try to push-back. I'm not ready to say "well whatever" and give-up the slippery-slope to take the curtains down off of my house and leave all my windows open for all the world to see.

You can still just shut it off.

I am with you on the slippery slope and I wear a custom fitted tin foil hat. ;) If you want to go to extremes, you could wrap in is a wool blanket and stick it into a 5 gallon bucket, or whatever.

I just haven't seen anybody make big brother case against the kinect that wasn't running around with a smart phone. Camera, mic, connected...always on...and, we actually carrying it on us everywhere.

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failed to communicate that it is a really good input device to the system.
They haven't proven that to me.
Has anyone tried playing a game with it? Curious to hear from someone who has.

I have it. I didn't not have the previous version on xbox 360...so I cannot compare.

I works well enough that I had to turn down it's sensitivity/response when playing BF4. I found myself leaning around walls when I didn't need to be (I probably move around more than most when I play. :) )

It does pickup your heartbeat. It comes with quite a few (free) exercise programs (PX90, Insane, etc.)

GF took it over for an evening playing 'Just Dance' (kinect game). Loved it.

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I work in IT and have friends in the Game industry and overall, I am going to wait.

Friend of mine has a PS4 and with the current gen of games there really is no reason to upgrade, yet....

There are plusses and minuses to both systems currently IMO and I think waiting to let other people find the early bugs and kinks before buying one is the best answer right now.

Full disclosure, I have a PS3 right now and I see no compelling reason to upgrade. It works as my bluray player as well *shrug*
I have an Xbox and a Wii as well. I don't play the Xbox much and the Wii is mainly for when friends kids and my Niece come over.

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I have the Xbox One and I love it. It does everything you can play great games and if you get bored with that you can switch to watch TV with out switching inputs. Then you can go right back to playing your game or what ever right where you left off. The Xbox one is a all in one media hub

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I've got the PS4 and love it. Upgraded from a PS3 and the overall interface is much smoother. The video and audio quality is amazing and I find myself watching more netflix on it because it looks very close to blu-ray quality. Still haven't pushed the hardware too hard or tried to do anything crazy with it, but out of the box, I'm very happy. The only thing I've noticed is the controller charge only lasts a couple days, where my PS3 could go weeks without having to charge the controller. I picked up a second so I can just swap out when the battery runs low so no big deal.

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Do any of the game makers have modern shooting games to go with the newer machines.?

Anything like the older Namco light gun ones?

Those excellent shooting games work just fine with my PS2, so I've not been tempted to upgrade.

But if there were new and improved shooting games, that would be a motivation to do so.

Does anyone know?

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I've always been a playstation fan. Started with the PS2, then the PS3 and decided to get a PS4. The PS4 definitely delivers. It's fast, smooth and works like a champ. Because of the multi core processing and new graphics card and ram upgrade you are able to do so many things now. For instance I can start Battlefield 4 and any time during the game I can exit to the PS4 main menu to do whatever the heck I want without having to close the game. The game will still run perfectly and I can go right back into it flawlessly. It's got built in HD DVR. The graphics are great, especially on a 1080p LED screen. They are just slightly better then XBOX One. But to be honest, the biggest kicker that kept me with Playstation is that they didn't put all these restrictions on their consoles. Microsoft at first said that owners would only be able to use the console if it was connected to the internet. So basically that means you have a $400 block if your internet is out or better yet you don't have internet. So any of you guys who prefer single player gaming are out of luck. I mean what kind of idiot company would do that. For there pure stupidity millions of gamers switched to playstation for that very reason.

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