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Hi guys....I shot this weekend an Action Steel Challenge hosted by a local IDPA gun club in Puerto Rico.

I finished 5th in ESP and 29th overall ( 60+ shooters )

I believe I need to slow down the moves and speed up the firing...

What you guys think ???




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ummm i wouldnt slow down the moves... why would you do that? Also you should only speed up the shooting if you are never missing... if you try to shoot faster YOU WILL miss more. You have to figure out how fast you can go with acceptable hits. Dont ever slow down your moving though....

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Good shooting I thought! I'd probably work more on shooting the stages efficiently...that crouched reload in the first video seemed a little uncomfortable. You could have probably avoided that by shooting the targets in a different order (unless they require you to shoot them in a certain order).

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Good shooting I thought! I'd probably work more on shooting the stages efficiently...that crouched reload in the first video seemed a little uncomfortable. You could have probably avoided that by shooting the targets in a different order (unless they require you to shoot them in a certain order).

Agree......I completly forgot to reload before I got there ( I didnt repeat it enough in my head ) ....

Targets had to be shot in any order....not breaking the 180 offcourse

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Thank guys....Today I bought an MP 22 which I'm planning to use to practice draw and first shot placement ....also target to target movement . I spend at least a second making sure the front sight is on target on which I know I should trust myself.

I know It won't have the same recoil but shooting 22 with dry fire at home I can better use 9mm since it is hard to find and $$$.

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In the first video a couple of times you came into position and then brought the gun out to engage the target. You should be presenting the gun and engaging the targets as you enter the position and then as soon as you stop you can fire.(unless you feel comfortable shooting on the move, then don't wait to stop to shoot.)

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In the first video a couple of times you came into position and then brought the gun out to engage the target. You should be presenting the gun and engaging the targets as you enter the position and then as soon as you stop you can fire.(unless you feel comfortable shooting on the move, then don't wait to stop to shoot.)

Damn....I never noticed that....I must present the gun sooner...way sooner and while moving

Another drill I need to practice now with my .22 and then 9mm

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  • 2 weeks later...
In the first video a couple of times you came into position and then brought the gun out to engage the target. You should be presenting the gun and engaging the targets as you enter the position and then as soon as you stop you can fire.(unless you feel comfortable shooting on the move, then don't wait to stop to shoot.)

Damn....I never noticed that....I must present the gun sooner...way sooner and while moving

Another drill I need to practice now with my .22 and then 9mm

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Bingo. This is one of the largest time saving techniques in any action shooting game. Shoot sooner coming into a shooting position. It is huge.

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  • 2 months later...

I think you did a great job! Practice reloads during dry fire and keeping the gun in your line of sight as much as possible, especially when reloading. Stage planning helps too, I stink at it but alas..... In the first video, it looked like at the very end you could have engaged all targets on the right and through the port from the position just by setting up back from the port a bit. Taking the closest position all the time will slow you down, so practice distance shots.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know this thread is a bit zombie now (nov 2013), but I had some thoughts. some in line with what the other mentioned.

especially in the first vid it was stage planning that let you down.

I'm guessing you are using 10 round mags?

in the first stage. you fired 4 shots, ran to the second position, 6 shots, ran to third position (should have done a reload here), first 1 shot and then had to do a standing reload. you then fired 3 more at position 3, then transitioned to position 4 and fired 4 shots, now as you were moving to the low port you should have reloaded again. instead you fired 3 shots and then had to do yet another stationary reload this time whilst crouched which is even harder. after the reload you had 3 more shots.

So stage planning and being aware of how many shots you've fired would help a lot. some reload practice in dry fire will help too as they weren't super smooth (though part of that could have been you were flustered from the un-expected stationary reloads).

In the second vid you planned your reloads better. except the last one which was stationary and also fairly slow (about 4, maybe even 5 seconds by my count between your last shot of the previous mag and first shot of the new mag). again, that's a reload practice thing and planning thing. That final standing reload was costly. nearly 5 seconds. and it looks to me (hard to tell for sure from the vid) that you fired 2 more shots after it for only 1 hit. You would have been better to stop shooting when you ran dry. 1 miss and 1 FTE (though it looks like actually you may have engaged it with the previous mag?) vs 5 seconds on a medium stage. if you do the math it's likely the 5 seconds is worth more than the points.

as far as moving fast vs shooting fast it's an interesting question.

there are 2 good shooters in my club. If both are having a good day they are pretty close. both shoot quite differently.

One is a smaller guy (shorter and slight build). he explodes in and out of positions, covers ground really fast and bounces around like a monkey on speed. great times, drops a few points here and there.

The other is a taller guy and what I'd call a "generous" build. he is by no means slow, but being a bigger guy if he runs too fast he has to take more space to slow himself down into a position, he moves very deliberately. no wasted steps (he can't afford them), no wasted changes of direction, and he shoots very fast.

Both end up with a similar HF. the small guy typically may be a little faster with less points. big guy is a little slower with more points. but there is not as much between them in time as you'd think.

I would say you are closer to the second guy. so you need to economise on movement. plan out stages right down to where you are going to stand. how many steps to get there. how deep you want to go (or more importantly NOT go) into ports. shoot the stage with the least number of steps you can. small quick guys can afford to run all over the place. bigger guys need to be smarter about it. :)

so it's not so much slowing down the moves, but economising on movement.

the other advice was good too. about presenting the gun early coming into positions. think about as you approach a position or port which will be the first target that becomes visible. often guys go into a port and wait until they can see the whole array before shooting. generally targets will be shootable before all are visible. shooting that one as you're coming in and shooting the last one as you're backing out can minimise your time in ports.

but otherwise there was lots of good stuff. stance looked good. grip looked good and no doubt 5th was a great result. :) with a bit of work you'll do even better. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to informed that my scores are waaaay better now placing 8th at a IPSC National Match in Puerto Rico in Production Div

My goal is to stay away from mental errors and give the fundamentals the attention they deserve

Ps. I also shoot with a Cz SPO1 now :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

well done. :) the cz make a great production gun. :)

I'm guessing you've probably by now improved most of the stuff I mentioned like planning reloads better, thinking about stage plan more etc.

well done on the top 10 finish in your nationals. :)

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  • 4 months later...

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