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How would you define the Italian IPSC "Championship"?


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Hi one and all,
I know that this forum is for matches that will be held Stateside but there’s something I’d like to bring to the attention of shooters from other Regions in order to gather opinions to show my colleagues in Italy.
Until 2011 the Italian Championship was identical to any other Championship,i.e. consisting in matches which anybody (Ds,Cs,Bs,As,Ms and GMs) could register to and which ended up with the Handgun Nationals,which thing wasn’t accepted anymore at a certain point before the 2012 Championship by many of the so called “Top Shooters” in that they couldn’t take anymore the fact that a quick “D” could register first,”stealing” the place in this or that group at the match that would be held at their (the “Top shooters’ “ that is) local range!!!!
Now Italy’s got TWO Championships; The “B series”,for all the As,Bs,Cs and Ds and the so called “National Championship of Excellence” for Masters and Grand Masters to which As,Bs,Cs and Ds can register AFTER all the Masters and Grandmasters.The only As,Bs,Cs. And Ds who can register and are on the same league as the Ms and GMs are the ones who have reached a certain % in the Winter Championship,the others must wait for the very last day.Confused?Don’t tell me!
Until 2011 you could pay thru bank transfer or on the range if you were well known...now you must pay thru Pay Pal and have ONE hour to do that,after one hour your name will be deleted from the list and another shooter will have the chance to register
Further…Masters and GMs can register to the “B Series” AFTER the As,B,Cs and Ds but don’t get any award.
There are two scores…one “overall” with Ms and GMs and another without the latter.To mudden the waters even further from the final scoring of the As,Bs,Cs and Ds a 16% will be detracted,so that none of them will “run the risk” to become a Master. Two matches ago I hit a 87% from one of the “Tops”,which will be lessened to a 71%...what do you guys think about that?
Your opinions will be GREATLY and IMMENSELY appreciated!

Edited by Canuck63
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I think this is Grandbagging at the highest level.

The most exciting thing is seeing a B or an A shooter have the match of their lives and place in the Top10 and beating GMs. If I were a GM or an M going to that match I would be ashamed that I will not be facing all of the competition and the win (potentially) would be tainted since they may not have faced the best of the best even if the best was not a GM or M.

Matches to me are about the overall scores. I know some GM class shooters that are no longer members of USPSA/IPSC and as such are not classified but I know that to be the best I would have to beat them too.

The 16% is complete BS if you ask me ...

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Wow. The idea of two separate matches does not bug me as much as the dillydally with the scores. I understand there would be few Ms and GMs at the "B" match, however, there are rules in place for getting a match bump. If there are enough GMs, then a bump is warranted, if not, then no match bump.


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WOW, What a bunch of whiners!

Luckily we do things different here. Everyone competes in the same match. Sure, some get automatically entered, some get invites, some earn their slots locally, then it is open to everyone.

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thank you very much for chimin' in!Some may consider posting my thread here like a pointless thing but if you only knew how IMPORTANT are your feedbacks and replies you'd understand the reason why I've chosen this forum to ask for opinions from shooters of a Region that consider this sport the way it should!
Thank you so very much shooters!

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What do the IPSC governing bodies say about this? Is this sanctioned by the region? is this kosher with the international body?

(spelling edit)

Edited by kevin c
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What do the IPSC governing bodies say about this? Is this sactioned by the region? is this kosher with the international body?

Pretty sure Darth Pinto would flip out.

Hope so matey,

just linked this thread to him and we (the "plebs" trying to bag a %) are eagerly waiting for his opinion!

This forum's has had at least several hundreds new followers from Italy...not that it needed them but it goes to show how we consider the USA as THE Region!

We thank y'all guys!


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I thought that the IPSC "Classification" system was just barely used and largely ignored?

Totally ignored!To add to the farce you cannot register after a certain date and even if there's a good % of vacant places (30 to 40% usually) you are not allowed to register after that date,and this is what a "Statt" Officer postred on our FB page today; "If somebody would tell me on Thursday that I have to print a dozen more equipment sheets and patches that would p#ss me off big time!If you don't like our rules just don't shoot!"

I cannot afford training the way I should and would because of my job (I do all my training in matches actually!),yet I've managed somehow to get close to a 81% ave.but they will detract 16% from my total score because I reached this goal shooting in the "B" Championship.The Masters and Grand Masters won't be considered,hence even if I finished my last match at 77% from a Grand Master in the Classic Division I'll be granted a 61% for that match...that sux!Aren't my scores as good as his?I mean...his Alphas are worth 5 points...aren't my As supposed to be worth the same?

Hope Vince will chime in and add his voice to yours.

You may not know it but we,as a bunch of poor As,Bs,Cs and Ds are looking at you,US shooters,as our "last resort"...your comments are VITAL and DO have started to move something!

Thanks a lot for your time and camaraderie!



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Does your region have a set of written bylaws?

Hi Kyle,

I don't think so but in any case they'd write them to suit their needs!



Find out, to be sure.

If there are none, write them yourself. Get support and get them implemented or use them to get elected to office.


For what it is worth, I belive what you describe (for the top shooters) is what we might call an Invitational event. Meaning, you must get an invite to attend. We don't see much of that in the shooting sports in the USA, but it's common enough in other venues.

I don't know if your region has any kind of point system, where you might earn/win at other matches and qualify for the Invitational style of match?

The 16% thing sound like BS, but I can see where they got there. The idea must be that the top 15% won't be in the match, so you won't be competing against them...therefore your percentages would onl;y be against 85% (ranked) shooters. I don't agree with that, but I see where it came from.


All of this sounds like a by-product of some goofy rules and regulations. Plus, limited match size/capacity?

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