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The VA/MD Sectional application is available at www.mpsa.net/04matchapp.html

Unfortunately, this will be the ONLY state match that won't be a State/Sectional Point Series match. Oh well, there goes any chance of a Point Series Championship.

Feel free to try to change the match director's mind with multiple emails and calls!


Edited by Flexmoney
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Well, I just got an email from Tony C. It looks like there's going to be some effort made to make this a State/Sectional Point Series match. That's good news.

Hopefully it goes through, because the VA/MD Sectional is usually one of the better matches (and better run matches) of the year.

Fingers crossed.


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I'm with you there Skipper. I need the match too and won't have a chance if it doesn't go through as a point series match.

Warning: Thread Drift-

:wacko: -me after getting my wisdom teeth out yesterday...man, I hate it when that happens!

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Talked about the match sunday over dinner.

One of the gentleman involved was not sure what it takes to be a point series match. He made assurances that every attempt would be made to get it into the point series. Not that it matters to me anyhow but to alot it does. Apparently they have been hearing about it, so they are going to attempt to make the shooters happy.

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One of the gentleman involved was not sure what it takes to be a point series match.

It's not very difficult to find out what's involved. All you have to do is look on the USPSA website if you are interested.

Not being a Point Series match is a good way to send shooters away. Many will look for that last match of the year and spend the extra money for travel.

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Unfortunately, due to the match director's unwillingness to apply for Point Series consideration, Team Shooters Paradise won't be attending the VA/MD Sectional (Me, Ron, Megan, Todd, Mike Seeklander). I really wish we could come, but everyone on the team is contending for a Point Series Championship, and most of us need another State/Sectional match.

Hope everyone has a good match. We hate to miss it.


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Phil - That last message of yours is horribly misleading, and a man of your prestige in this sport should make a greater effort to get his facts straight before making careless accusations.

The match director was not "unwilling" to apply for Points Series consideration.

The backstory to this whole thing is that we are really just the host club trying to do our best and hold our first major match. This is the Section Championship, and as such, takes its primary direction from the section coordinator. When Bill (MPSA) was first approached about this match, it was to be a "sanctioned match" but no instruction was given to make it a Points match.

Some time passes, and the section coordinator is very difficult to reach being out of the country on business.

We recently hear your interest in making this a Points match and we set about trying to make that happen. Difficulty #2 (not of our making) now arises. The Area director wants any Points Match to be under official "Tournament" rules to keep the standards of a points match to a high caliber standard. Now its not just a simple application for Points Match, but a far greater set of criteria. The instant disqualifier for us being that you have to make such an application to USPSA some 90 days in advance of the match.

So by the time you announced your great disappointment, and heaped all the blame on us, it was already impossible due to the 90 day rule for us to make the change to accommodate you.

At the first 'What-can-you-do-to-help' we made every effort to comply.

Bear with us. Its our first big match and we are trying to make it a great one for everyone in our shooting area to enjoy. Its unfortunate that we cannot fulfill your personal needs and championship aspirations at this, our first ever major match. With everyone's support we can make this match a success and provide an even greater experience next year. Its a beautiful facility and needs to be embraced by the IPSC community to provide greater potential in the future.

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Sounds like the Area Director is imposing "extra" criteria over and above the USPSA requirement. USPSA doesn't ask that State or Sectional matches be tournaments. They do, however, need approval from the Area Director.

Therein lies the (apparent) hurdle.

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I'm chasing points this year also and it bums me out that the MD, SC, and AD did not consider this for the entire point series followers' in A8 and surrounding Area's...maybe they did, dunno, but nothing was communicated to the shooters. What happened to tournament level status?

I'm not blaming you guys Bam, Gooch, or other helpers....politics suck but there are some tournament basic needs and this happens to be one that's important. Management oversight should have been a little deeper and broader on the initial planning efforts and talking with USPSA ahead of time.

This is the Section Coordinators match.....que pasa? Any deligation to the ASC? I understand that everyone has jobs and lives outside of shooting but also understand that USPSA is willing to help meet the needs of shooters.

Did a little more internet research on this and it looks like the the A8 web-page does not indicate the requirements for point series approval by the AD. According to the point serie policy, all state and section matches to be point series matches need approval by the AD, however Area matches and Nationals are automatic point series. So what does this mean...are communications (let me be more specific by saying quality conversations) occuring between the MD, SC, and AD? All this match needs is the AD approval for point series!

This is a very competitive Section with skills spread across many classes and divisions so I'm not buying into the idea that this match would not have enough shooters to keep the point series honest....bogus!

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Sterling -

We want our local pals to do great in the point series race, but with the criteria imposed upon us, and the timeframe remaining, what can we (as host club) really do??

Instead of an internet search, just contact the AD directly. Start with him, and then talk with the section coordinator. They are both above us in the decision making process. After you have quality conversations with both, let us know if you hear something different.

There have been lenghty and substantive communications between Bill (MPSA) and the AD. Its not that there are not enough good shooters in the area... but rather that the AD would like to see all points series matches across the country run as the same quality standard, and he is doing his part by making any points series matches in his jurisdiction operate under "tournament" criteria.


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Bam Bam

In a nutshell you have hit the nail on the head as to what I feel is a major problem in A8 which is the lack of information available from the AD. The only requirement from USPSA is that state or sectinal matches get approval. So the AD apparently places his own requirements and does not put that information out for the MD's to know in advance. I have seen this the last few years in A8.

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I don't really fault the AD. In this case it was an unfortunate chain of events that compounded the error. For us at the home club, its our very first major match so we are not well versed on every possible option. It happened that the section coordinator is/was out of the country for most of the preparation time so we missed out on that guidance. And our AD is trying to do a decent thing with making all points series matches of a high caliber. All combined it caused us to blow the chance for a Points Series match at our sectional.

Next year we'll get it right though.

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Regardless of who takes the responsibility or blame, I'll reiterate my last statement. "We hate to miss it." I have NO doubt that this will be a good match at a first rate facility. In no way should our decisions not to attend affect such controversy. I'm sure George...or whoever, would consider making some exceptions or working something out. If not, then no big deal. Lesson learned for next year.

Of course, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that some last minute miracles will happen. I'd REALLY rather shoot here instead of having to fly elsewhere.


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Phil - I prefer this version without the accusatory tone. We are honestly trying our best. We'd love to have you and your team, but it has to be the match we can put on rather than simply the match you want. Have a little consideration for the effort without damning the final result.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Less than a month to go before we host the Virginia/Maryland sectional match. Let me know with a post here if there are any questions about the match, host club, local town, or other information you might need in these last few weeks. We want to make it a great experience for everyone who comes by!

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