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US revolver shooting team


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How are the members of the shooting team going to be salected??? the top shooter from each class? tryouts? having a postal match? or just the good old boy system?

I've never shoot with Rudy W, but I have shoot with Rich and he's is a good canadit. Their are a bunch of other shooters out there who also are very good wheel gun shooters and a system to choose the best needs to be come up with. Some names to think about are Pat Hogue ( he would have won Area 2 by a big margin if would not have DQ'd last year), Jason Pettitt (the guy who will probably beat Jerry with a stock gun no doubt) Michael Ruesch, John Bagakis, and many others to name a few.

just wondering how it's going to be done, also is USPSA going to offer the same type of help to the revo shooters as they do the other divisions???

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The deal is this: the USPSA gives the official nod/approval that the "US Revolver Team" can call themselves the US Revolver team, and not just "Four Wheelies from the States." No money, no assistance.

Since the USPSA isn't providing monetary assistance, and isn't selecting the team by Area or Nationals performance, it is up to the team members themselves to select the team. Call it the "good old boys network" if you want, but there isn't a whole lot of track record to go on here.

The team selection is a pretty simple process: Jerry, obviously. Me, since it's my idea, I'm doing the work, and my perfromance at the last three Nationals is pretty solid. the next three candidates are Cliff Walsh, a solid shooter and 3rd at this years Nationals, Rudy, and Rich. I've seen all three shoot, and they all shoot IPSC Revolver very well.

I can't comment on the names you've mentioned as I have not seen them shoot IPSC. ICORE is great, I shoot it, but it isn't IPSC.

We're going to Ecuador out of our own pockets, with no assist from the USPSA, so we have to do it ourselves.

Before you grumble that we haven't followed USPSA procedure in selecting a team, consider that if we went by Area results we probably couldn't get four people to fill a team. Perhaps not even Jerry makes a team so selected.

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Thanks. I suspect that in the event (high likelihood, certainty, whatever) we come back with Team trophies, things will get interesting.

As in, revolver attendance at the next couple of Nationals picks up, as shooters go for a slot on the World Shoot in 2008. Works for me. Better yet, the USPSA gets involved with some support and sets up a process, be it shootoff, Nats performance, head-to-head matchups, whatever.

Right now, we've got the situation we've got. As in, we get our own slots, pay our own way and wear what we decide to wear.

I would have said something sooner, but it wasn't until just before the Nationals that I got word we could call ourselves the US team instead of "four guys from the States." Had I known in time, I'd have passed the word that the next best two revolver shooters at the Nationals would be offered team membership. That might have gotten a few more wheelgunners to Barry.

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Not that my opinion means squat, but I am all for your selection method. The guys you mention are all mature, experienced, solid wheelgunners. "Woulda, coulda, shoulda", needs to take a back seat to "been there, done that". Maybe in the future a more formal process can be implemented, for now go with your gut. Good luck and go get them.

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"The Deal is this,: USPSA gives the Nod/approval that the US revolver team can call themselvs the US Revolver Team, and not Just Four Wheelies from the States, No Money, No assistance."  

Yeah, Thanks for the "Priveledge"

Just another example of USPSA not caring for any other Divisions besides Limited and Open!

Patrick, good Luck with your endeaver, maybe you can get some corporate sponsorship to help out....

Hopalong / SAM KEEN

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I have every intention of learning how to shoot a pistol before I take up revolver. It may be awhile before I figure out how to divide by six. (Rabbits can only count to five you know).

However, if a fellow wanted to make a small donation to the US Revolver team where might I send a check? I would also like to purchase the team logo golf shirt.

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  • 1 month later...
We're going to Ecuador out of our own pockets, with no assist from the USPSA, so we have to do it ourselves.


Sorry that I only just stumbled across this thread, hence my late reply.

It's absolutely essential that you get slots from the USPSA, otherwise there's no way your or your revolver team can shoot the match. Of course a slot is merely a "right to pay the registration fees" (not yet announced, but typically US$350 per head plus another US$200 for the team).

The USPSA (and every other Region) will not know how many slots they have for Ecuador until January 2005 but, based on past experience, I suspect the USPSA will have enough to field their official teams and then some.

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  • 3 months later...


Did you get your "Revolver Team" assembled ?

Who are the members ?

ya'll going to shoot as a team at the USPSA Nationals too ? (to see how that works)

Hope ya'll do good, Shoot straight, fast, and make quick reloads :D


Watch out for SPOOK !!!!! :ph34r:

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Yes, Jerry, me, Rich Bitow and Rudy Waldinger are going to Ecuador to kick butts, take names, and leave a trail of scorched earth and stages. Well, jerry will do the kicking and scorching and the rest of us will be taking names and marking the trail with safety tape.

I don't think we'll all be at the Nationals. After the last Barry-in-July episode, Rich says he isn't ever coming to the Midwest between April and September, ever again.

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Hey Patrick,

Tell him Smitty will be there with booze and see if he changes his mind.

Seriously if you have his number pm it to me and I'll try and talk him into it. He's the guy that pretty much taught me this game, and got me into wheel guns.

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  • 4 months later...

Lisa is a killer ICORE shooter on the west coast, and Bruce Gray is in the process of bringing her up to speed on things IPSC. Rich Bitow just couldn't get past his arthritis. Apparently Vioxx was a godsend to him, and when the maker took it off the market he hasn't been able to find anything that works nearly as well. Rudy was going to be our 4th, but he e-mailed me he couldn't make it.

I've shot with Cliff in the last two Nationals, and he has always kept me looking over my shoulder whilst vainly trying to close the gap to Jerry.

I can't promise we'll leave a swath of destruction in our path, but we are looking forward to the match.

As for future teams, I don't know. If the USPSA leaves it up to me I'll have to figure a plan. If they take over, they'll tell us what the plan is.

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