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A lot of fun when I wasn't shooting. Broken extractor at the beginning of the standards turned my blaster into a single shot. Some ammo feeding issues as well. My match was done on day one. I went to the carry rig for the second day and suffered some more serious feed issues. Hey! Where else would they happen but at the nationals right?

The match was fun though. Very well run. Our squad experienced no serious backups or problems. The Casa folks and IDPA staff did a great job.

Here's some pics that I took. 2004 Nationals Photos

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I went to the carry rig for the second day and suffered some more serious feed issues. Hey! Where else would they happen but at the nationals right?


On the bright side, it's much better to find out you have a problem with your carry gun in a match (regardless of its size) than during a "tense social encounter."

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Not sure about better...at the Nat's....for your carry piece.....you should test it till there is NEVER a malf before you carry it...but for those who can rip the sliding door off a van...might not be too many tense social encounters...lol :P

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Not sure about better...at the Nat's....for your carry piece.....you should test it till there is NEVER a malf before you carry it...but for those who can rip the sliding door off a van...might not be too many tense social encounters...lol :P

Agreed ...

re: the sliding door ... I was a lot younger and a lot stronger then. Plus it was in Boulder, CO ... being at that altitude, the gravity was weaker, so I was much stronger. :rolleyes:

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The ammo issues I had were my reloads. I went back to Rainier 230gr RN's and with the profile change I think I loaded them a tad short. They created problems with my game gun and carry gun after the game gun extractor broke. The carry gun runs my carry ammo 100% and these were the first malfunctions I've ever had w/ the carry gun. And since it was the same problem with both guns it definitely was my ammo. Live and learn. I got a lot of clearance practice and managed keep my guns "in the fight" for the duration. I'll chalk it up to experience.

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I have it from 3 shooters who were there that the stage where you had to strike the dummy with your hand was the place for some punitive penalties.. too bad...

That stage was tricky but not a trap by any means. It was very well administered and explained. If you took a ding there, it was earned.

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On the stage where you had to strike the dummy down with your left hand you had to pull out the "atm card" at the same time to activate a mover on the right and left while retreating to cover of the car rear bumper.

They distinctly and repeatedly told everyone in advance that you had to engage the right mover and the right target first before the one down the car, etc. or anywhere else. They also told everyone that if you move back to far you would be exposed to another target (the one down the left side of the car) and would be given a procedural....

Everyone should know that yelling "cover" is a courtesy to the shooter and that when you are exposed you deserve a procedural but I watched shooter after shooter back up and leave their entire left side exposed...then I watched them argue (at length :angry: ) that they either didn't shoot or moved back, etc and didn't deserve the penalty <_< . Unfortunately, if you move out too far you are exposed. It is really no different than if a guy is exposed and they yell "cover" and he stands there because he didn't hear the SO during the stage....cover is cover and exposed is exposed....IMHO.

Mayo is absolutely correct.

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Everyone should know that yelling "cover" is a courtesy to the shooter and that when you are exposed you deserve a procedural

... snip ...

Sound like it was a good match. On your courtesy comment, I copied this from the IDPA web page copy of the rule book:

" If in the opinion of the SO adequate cover is not being used (if the shooter does not have to move between target engagements, this is a strong indicator that adequate cover is NOT being used), the SO will yell COVER. If the competitor immediately moves to adequate cover, NO penalty will be assessed."

No mention of courtesy.



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I understand what it says in the LGB but coming from HQ - it is a courtesy.

Also, if you shoot (or the SO believes you shot) while from the "exposed" position you will be assesed the penalty. Ask TGO....he got dinged a couple of years back for the same thing and that was the answer given at the time by people "in the know" at HQ. If you are fast enough to shoot before they can yell you will get nailed every time.

ROTD101 (Rule of the day) = Do what they tell you when they are giving the walk-through.

Might not be what is written in the LGB but it will save you time and irritation later.

I also watched another well known guy get nailed for shooting out of order after a walk through...then get a FTDR for either arguing the penalty or for being accused of dumping rounds....I didn't get the full picture from the events as they happened.

It also says that you can move after seating a mag in the gun but you must store the mag before firing.....HOWEVER, on the Standards you had to store the mag before you could kneel down and continue the CoF...I didn't agree with that either but if you didn't do it (and many began to move too early) you got a penalty...ROTD :huh:

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The inconsistencies are what make many shooters want to yell BS....it will be that way till they adhere to the LGB and stop making up things as they go along...and they need to understand that if it isn't in the LGB, its fair game...if they over look it, then they should have to live with it till the next revision....

Just the rules, nothing more and nothing less..

My .02...

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