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Ron Ankeny

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My doctor wants me to quit shooting for a year or so, or at the very least cut way back. I told him quitting ISPC wasn't an option. The arrogant bastard told me he won't treat a patient that refuses to follow his recommended protocol. He babbled some analogy about smokers that won't quit smoking and obese people that won't diet. On the bright side, I have a new doctor. :D

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Right after I damn near killed myself in a climbing accident, both the ER doctor and my MD used the phrase, "the next time you go climbing."

There was no mention of the word "if."

Those are the docs you like. :)

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"arrogant bastard"... Oh, I've heard TONS of stories from patients who've endured arrogance and rudeness from doctors, only to run screaming (as it were) to different doctors in order to be treated 1.) properly, and 2.) with a modicum of respect. Oh, they're definitely out there, they are. :angry:

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A doctor is another hired hand, working for you, the BOSS who writes the check. Just like any other expert you employee you should carefully consider their advise to make YOUR informed decision. If you have one with the God Syndrome - Fire em and get another.

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In defense of doctors, especially General Practitioners, those guys are *scrambling* these days and I think a lot of "rudeness" or what we feel arrogance or inattentiveness to our needs is due to the very demanding patient workloads they're required to handle these days. It ain't like the old days.

The other thing I'd say, is that when I used to go to the doctor's office, what I generally saw was a room full of people who obvious drank, smoked, and ate to gross excess and were there for a magic pill to negate their lazy, self-indulgent lifestyles. It made me pretty cynical after about six minutes. I could hardly imagine doing it as a profession.

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A doctor is another hired hand, working for you, the BOSS who writes the check. Just like any other expert you employee you should carefully consider their advise to make YOUR informed decision. If you have one with the God Syndrome - Fire em and get another.

Actually most people who go to the doctor do not pay the bill when they leave, their insurance does, which is often paid by someonelse as well (at least partially), therefore the patient often returns again and again even if the doctor is a total jerk because he doesn't have (or at even realize he could have) a choice.

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I told him quitting ISPC wasn't an option.

Gee, I've heard that shooting IPSC will get you killed.

Now it seems that it ruins your health as well? :lol:

Hey, wait a minute..... I think I may know this guy..... was the good Doctor wearing a photographers vest, by chance? Did you happen to notice any copies of "Tactical Journal" in the waiting room? <_<

"Dr. Tactibilly...... paging Dr. Tactibilly.......

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Here is my 2 pennies, My wife is an office manager for a GP. I know this dude and I will tell you this, those guys don't make 1/2 the money their fathers did. There are some insurance companys that only pay $3.00 for an office visit. Can you believe that C#@!. But! that doesn't give the doctor license to tell you that he won't see or treat you ( of course unless you are Doctor shopping for pain Meds.). They take an oath to provide medical attention to all those in need! Find a Shooter MD.

Ivan SCS Vegas :D

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it's nice when I run into my doc at the local gunshows...

last time I tore up my shoulder..many many years ago..I was getting set up for nationals in a month..

he just said take anti-inflamatories, ice when done, let pain dictate the speed and instensity and good luck..

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It just rubbed me the wrong way when the guy wanted me to follow his regime to the letter without examining alternatives. OK, the guy is right, shooting aggravates the problems (trashed out elbow and arthritis in my hands) and I would be better off if I quit, but I don't think he really understood what he is asking. Quitting is the last alternative, not the first. Just had to vent.

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If you are less mentally healthy as a result of following doctors orders to make you more physically healthy, are you really healthy? Then there's the question of how much the mental aspect will improve the physical aspect.

It relates to the quality vs. quantity debate of life... most doctors side with the latter.

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Yes..would be nice to have doc that would work with you...

my same doc..when I was having pretty good tendinitous problems..worked with me to help strengthen the muscles and stretch the tendons to minimize the problems.basically he got me hooked up with the right supports, exercises and meds to minimize the effects of my hobby...

Ron..good luck in your search for doc that will work with you..

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This is your rant, Ron, so I'll say just this:

Docs SHOULD be aware that they give advice, not orders, and most do. Some, however, get easily frustrated when what they see as a straightforward solution to a problem is turned down by the patient. Of course, he should have taken the time to try and understand your perspective on the issue. He needn't agree with it - if it is his considered opinion that shooting contributes to your musculoskeletal problems, then that won't change, but acting high and mighty accomplishes nothing. He should have politely sent you on to someone who is willing to deal with the medical issues with your priorities in mind.

BTW, his examples stink: smoking is hard to quit (in those who want to) because it is a physical addiction, and there is increasing evidence that obesity is a complex physiologic problem also highly resistant to easy remedies. A doctor who recommends weight control or smoking cessation and expects results just because he ordered it, and then dismisses patients who aren't successful, only shows that he doesn't understand the issues.

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arrogant bastard

Hmmmm.....that doesn't sound like a doctor to me. :o

Actually what we ALL need is for the Good Dr. Dunn to travel around the country treating all the shooters!

He has been more help to me than anyone can possibly imagine. BECAUSE, he does this stuff too! He understands not only the physical, but the mental!

It's a very good thing to have an Ortho Surgeon in your circle of friends :wub:

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My ortho surgeon (and extremely GOOD surgeon of high reputation)--(and high good looks, too, by the way) was recommended by his hospital chief of staff who's one of my shooting friends. Leave it to a shooting friend to hand you a great lead. :D

Mental outlook is everything. He said I was one of his best cases (hip replacement for those of you coming late into this game) and wants me to participate on a patient advisory kind of group.....

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