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Infinity California Stock Gun Championship

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Great shooting with ya! Let's keep in touch! I agree with most of what you said. The prize table thing (I am assuming it was run by overall standing) was typical for larger matches that I have been to in Ca. There C shooters like us would get (maybe) some bullets of a wrong cal and some trinkets from some of the sponsors. I hear ya!

Last year at Area 2, it was different. There were prize tables for each division(!) and the top 3 folks from each class walked their tables before the masses. I was not in the top 3 and still got about 33% payback after I sold the stuff! And that was as a L-10C. The payoff probably won't be as good in C Open! I suggest we get together next year and shoot that match!

Take care,


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Great shooting with ya! Let's keep in touch! I agree with most of what you said. The prize table thing (I am assuming it was run by overall standing) was typical for larger matches that I have been to in Ca. There C shooters like us would get (maybe) some bullets of a wrong cal and some trinkets from some of the sponsors. I hear ya!

Last year at Area 2, it was different. There were prize tables for each division(!) and the top 3 folks from each class walked their tables before the masses. I was not in the top 3 and still got about 33% payback after I sold the stuff! And that was as a L-10C. The payoff probably won't be as good in C Open! I suggest we get together next year and shoot that match!

Take care,



I am definately in for Area 2 next year. I was gonna go this year but didn't get registered in time, won't make that mistake again.

If you have no plans end of april, Space City is one hell of a match. It is in Houston and a lot of fun. Let me know if you want to come out, you can ship your ammo to me.


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Damn and double damn.

Hey rhino, J-Go remembered who you were... I told her you said "Hi!" ;) That should lift your spirits. :D

I've got a photo to post of the two of us (the Gorilla and J-Go), but I'm gonna wait until short round gets back... he's got some photos worth posting, methinks.

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Had a good time at the match:

Critical thoughts: Already mentioned.

Nice & Pleasant Thoughts: Shot with a great squad (R/O included). Met some forum members and shot with 300 lb Gorilla (cool dude by the way). As usual in our sport I met some wonderful people.

Lunch at the range was a nice thought. The stage designs were simple, but that also made it a very smoothly run match.

As an older shooter I truly understand what a member said about prize distribution. I hope the match gurus understand this next year.

Being this was the first match for this combo SV/club I know they both will learn from this match and the next match will be better in terms of efficiency and other "stuff" (like being married).

Range Design (not course design) tested your legs and stamina. Its a good type of pain (once again like being married).

I will shoot this match again next year. I will admit I'm kinda spoiled from the "Infinity Open" matches. The match director was very nice as well as the SV people and associates (unlike being married).

As far as the weather being cold.....I was wearing shorts both days so I didn't get much in the way of sympathy. If the SBT did show up in their "work" attire I would have thought they were under the influence of controlled substances.

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It was a fun match wasn't it? Just about every stage had a prop and some had several :D Not to mention the Skeet tower on Stage 4.

I got to shoot with Ivan as well as some other Vegas guys. Lots of fun!

I'll agree that the prize table was a little unorganized. Is there a "standard order" for this type of thing? It seemed odd.

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Ok since 300lbGorilla and Oddjob gave their words of wisdom I will chime in.

I shot with these two clowns. Had a damn good time. Cullen it was great to meet you. Your a guy I could hang out with. Ron pissed me off because he slept most of the way home while I had my window down trying to stay awake. Finally got home at 10:30 after 6 and a half hours of a 4 and a half drive. Damn Thanksgiving crowd.

Anyway. My hats off to the "people" that ran the match. With a bit of tweaking I think it will go good next year.

1. Lunch.... Day one GOOD Day two just ok. Needed a bag of chips with the sausage sandwich.

2. Prize table

3. Prize table

Order of finish of class. If I had know that the prize table would have been done like this I would have shot C Production and actually got to walk the table before some who shot say 6-15th overall. Good for me but bad for everyone else. I did come out ok but I was grumbling before I got my number called towards the end.

But Oddjob and I will probably be there next year. I am gonna bring a quad though I think or rent a billy goat to carry my bag !!!!

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I'll go ahead and add my comments, too... was gonna save it for a separate post, but what the hey, eh? ;)

Great time shooting with our squad... had a blast. I was shocked at how many BEers were at the match. Chime in when you get the chance! From the forum, I shot with oddjob and little oddjob (fast young bugger... sad part is I've probably only got 8 years on him), SVI4ME, and Indiana James, as well as a lurker. Also met ChuckS, BigLucky, BBQ and wife, and short round. IIRC, gobabygo won C Limited w/ Indiana James coming in 3rd.

Fun match, not particularly difficult shots like head shots, tons of no-shoots, etc. (not put together for Open shooters). I shot a clean match, no mikes, no no-shoots, under 10 Ds... I just shot too damn slow.

I agree w/ SVI4ME on the food... Saturday was a good meal, Sunday was lacking. I guess they skimped on the food so they could get the Tecate.

Definite stage design issues. By my calculation, 6 of the 10 stages probably should have been thrown out (instead of the one that was). 6 was tossed, but there were bigger issues with 1, 4, 5, 7, and 10. Stage ROs could have resolved some of the issues with these stages, but that was a consistency thing, not that any ROs were bad (ours was particularly good). I think that had some bearing on the outcome of all divisions (and classes).

I think for an unsanctioned match of this size the prize table should have been run by raffle aside from the division winners... so I agree with others here.

Also, I think the final results should have been posted for review prior to the announcement of finish/prize table order. Might have been because it was an unsanctioned match.

Aside from the BEers that I met, also met Julie G. and Dave S. from Team Glock. Both very cool people... they're on my "root for" list. :)

As far as results go, the MD told me that they'd be up as soon as he got 'em to the A2 webmaster and he got 'em up... again, they should have been put up AT THE MATCH!

BTW, oddjob and SVI4ME... ditto, guys!!! :D If you'll be at Richmond this upcoming weekend, I'll see you there.

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Ya Gorrilla, it was great meeting all you guys and putting faces to pseudonyms.....

What probably kept them from getting the results posted prior to ceremony was likely the guys from Vegas who showed up at 0930 Sunday and needed to shoot all 10 stages.

I look forward to shooting with y'all again when I get to matches out in your part of the world.

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<snivel> Concur on the LV guys. </snivel>

On prize tables: I have been told that it is difficult to attract sponsors here in Ca due to the legal issues and the political climate. This has been mentioned as a major factor in the elimination of the West Coast Championship at Norco and the LDF sectional at Pala. I do not know how true this is personally but I have heard this more than once from different people.

That being said, I must add that I have no idea about the cost of using the range for a larger match and the ancillary expenses. I would suspect there could be a reasonable amount of $ for place prizes. Hell, the best haul I had in a match that was a raffle match that SWPL did a couple of years ago where I got back more than the match fee in stuff.

Now, let's look at the other point of view. If you want the top prize, ALL you have to do is shoot faster and more accurately than anybody else. The only thing stopping you from doing that is you. Part of me would really hate to see this sport turned into one of those annoying politically correct things like kids soccer games where they do not keep score, T ball and the like. It’s competition so compete! Am I going to beat JoJo? Well, as we used to say in the Navy, “Maybe, but I kinda f&*kin doubt it!”. Does that stop me from paying the larger fees for the larger matches? Nope. First of all, if you don’t have at least some disposable income, this sport ain’t for you. You should be taking care of family and more important things.

Secondly, I like the big matches. There are more stages and more shooting than club matches. The stages are more interesting and challenging than club matches. There is good food (sometimes). There can be bikinis (although you want to be very selective in who wears them. :huh: ). Everybody is taking their shooting skills to the edge so you get to see new stuff and what works and what doesn't. These matches really show you where you are at, as frustrating as that may be.

In all I think the Gopher Guys did a very good job (<more_snivel>we can discuss food further</more_snivel>) at this match considering all the weather issues. I had a great time and look forward to the next match. It was fun to meet Mr. Gorilla and Mr. Lucky. Congrats to JoJo, Taran, and John (even if it just like a typical day at Norco!).



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Easy on the "Vegas Guys" comment. There were two shooters from Vegas that showed up Sunday to shoot the match. Due to getting lost, they ended up at the range two hours later than they were planning.

I agree with Chuck on the prize table issue. This is competition! Order of finish is the way to go. This should motivate shooters to improve their skills and get them up near the top. If that's not the case, enjoy the shooting and try to win your class. I wasn't their for the prize table so I'm not sure exactly how it went, but I did hear about unclassified shooters going to the table before someone that finished top 5?

The match was alright, the stages were fun. The negatives were already mentioned on previous posts. Sounds like this match will be bigger and better organized next year. I'll be there! :wacko:

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My LV snivel was based on second hand info. My bad for repeating it! Sorry.

And as long as I'm confessing, the food was really OK.


Now here is a more general snivel. Around 100 people were able to shoot the match in the planned format. If someone can not meet the format, arrangements should be made to support them, but NOT at the inconvinence of the folks that can meet the schedule. I mean making 100 people stand around because you have schedule issues is just plain wrong. :angry:


On scores: I just heard from Dave. He had sent out the scores yesterday morning and again this morning for posting. It is in the hands of the webmasters of sites I put links to in this post

Take care all and have some happy holidays!


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Forgot about the results not being up.........The results for stage 1 was never up with our squad's names....... Oh well.............still had a good time.......I'll be back next year......If its during a decent time of the year I may drive my Harley to the match!!!

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Hi All,

Been reading all the comments and can relate to all of them. Sorry we picked the worst weekend for weather in California this year....that explains some sbt's not showing...........Bummer HUH???

The only other option would have been during holloween or the bay bridge charity classic....also sponsered by Infinity. Now that we showed this new club what USPSA is all about....we can start a yearly match with them........they took alot of money from us to build the stages........lots of dirt work and hay and pipes and things like that.........all was VERY expensive........but the good news is that its all done and will not be a factor again. The club was very excited about the way you all handeled yourselves, ie: not like paintball guy's.....they have never seen USPSA before this.....Good job all of you !!

:D ........ We lost some sponsers due to being a new match in california on a holiday weekend at a new range..........Basically they wanted to see what kind of a turn out would happen.........the ones we lost were pleased with the overall succes and will be on board next year.........All the explainations above explain the prize table....not the Infinity prize table you are used to........SVI spread out "the huge table" over many matches this year and I applaude them for it.......It went coast to coast.......Next years table will bigger and better gaurenteed :D .........We will have on stage RO's next year for sure......Roving RO's dont work at big matches.......sorry for that :( .........Lets talk food!!........Yes Taran and I agree that the food was a "BOX OFFICE FLOP".........Not that we didnt spend good money on it..........WE DID!......just didnt get what we paid for and enough sandwiches left over to build another hay bale stage.....next time, I'll be in charge of food personally and I promise I will get it right....those of you who know me know my passion for good food.........Due to Mother nature and a loosley written course description, stage 6 was thrown out.........the high winds and rain saturday night loosened a wall which allowed a no-shoot to sway back and forth. a shooter complained that the wall moved faster than the triple swinger on stage 7 :lol: .....also due to lack of good course detail on the course description, the stage got gamed every which way and loose!!.........at least it was the smallest point stage of the match and we heard that most didnt fair well on it anyway...........I heard that most liked all the stages and as far as shooting goes we hope that you liked the challenges they presented, not to mention the work-out you got getting to all of them :P ........I didnt get to shoot on sunday.........went home with a shattered equalibrium due a nasty ear infection on friday.........saturday I couldnt do anything right........no balance no rythem.......brutal.... In closing thanks to all who helped us get the match off and running and thanks to all the shooters who made it worth while.........Hey SVI4ME.......How did you do on bullets? good I hope

Robb Woods

Team Infinity

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Not so good Robb.

I think weather on Saturday had something to do with it. I think everyone expected it to be a Infinity match not a SV sponsored match. Just got used to it. Not that this match was bad but not the amounts of people as expected or lack of vendors. Wish Rene at Speed Shooters was there.

Maybe next year. We will be there I am sure.

Good Job Robb, See ya next year

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Fun Match! The rain wasn't even too bad all things considered. I thought the food was OK. I think we will be back next year. Thanks to everyone who put in the time and effort. Having done several large matches I know what kind of rat race it can be. Teran and Robb were running around like men on a mission. Once again Thanks!



P.S Not all shooters from Las Vegas are inconsiderate! ;)

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Hey guys,

Scores are up at Area 2 website :) but there are 28 missing score sheets :(

Edit: Just talked to Dave again. 5 of the missing sheets were Robb's from Sunday, 5 were from the "guy from Chicago "(If you are reading this guy from Chicago, PM me please) and some others who did not get to finish.

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