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Best M2 Build? Taran Tactical? Redneck Tactical? Other Options?

bobby hated

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so i have decided im done with my SLP and i want to buy a fancy schmancy custom 3 gun built Benelli M2. i'm in LA and taran is starting this new custom shop Taran Tactical Innovations, and he's gonna sell me one the new builds he's doing. my friend jamie franks had one at our last match and that thing ran like a champ and hit every slug dead on balls. its a M2 with a nordic clamp, follower, extended tube, a trigger job, stippling, bent barrel, custom lift gate, ion bonded bolt, etc. he hasnt got the triji front sights in yet but when he does he'll throw that on for me too. i won't state the price he's selling it to me for out of consideration for him and his competitors. but another plus is that he's local so if i have any problems i can easily get ahold of him and get it fixed. he lives like 5 miles from me so thats pretty convenient.

now some people i know told me dont do business with taran and blah blah blah and told me i should get one from kurt miller's Redneck Tactical instead. now i take anything anyone says about taran with a grain os salt because that man has more haters than that rapper 50cents, but i have also not seen a Redneck build yet so i have no idea what they consist of. and they dont have a website that i can find on google. anyone have one or know what they consist of and what they run for MSRP?

are there also other options i should consider? i dont know what other options there are.

i'm looking for opinions, but please educated opinions backed by experience and rational thought. i think this forum is the right place for that.

thanks guys and gals! much appreciated.

Edited by bobby hated
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I have one built by Mike Cyrwus at Accurate Iron

It is awesome. I think it comes down to personal preference. I can certainly vouch for Mike and his work. I think there are a lot of guys here who have either his or one of Benny Hill's M2.

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I had my shotgun worked over by Mike Cyrus @ Accurate Arms. His work is top notch just as I assume Tarans work would be. I have shot with Taran( actually we shot the same match at the same time and he kicked my A## but them I am not alone in that regard. I have had a few business dealings withe him (buying and selling stuff)

and have always found him to be honest and up front with me. If I did not already have my M2 I would definetly give him a shot. He knows what it takes to make a shotgun run.

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The first two that you should consider is either Benny Hill or Accurate Iron. They both have been putting out the finest M2 shotguns for a long time. I am sure Taran would have a nice setup along with Kurt but I would go with the guys who have been doing this the longest and with excellent track records. Besides that, Benny and Mike help out a lot here on the forum with gun problems so my business goes there or my local gunsmith.

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thanks guys. just heard from my coach and he says he just got one from mike a few days before ironman and his has been running like a champ then and since. i havent had a chance to see it yet but ill definately contact mike and ask about his package.

Edited by bobby hated
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Mike at Accurate Iron would be and was my first choice and I couldn't be happier with my M2. I think I've run 1,400 rounds through mine, the only ammo that didn't work was a box of 980 fps I bought to simulate FTE's in training. Everything has been perfect in windy, dusty Texas weather...one day I might even worry about cleaning it too!


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All the guns from the builders mentioned feature lightened bolt carriers,opened up loading ports and modified shell stops, those are the mods that really turn a M1 or M2 Benelli into a 3 gun shotgun. All thoes mods have been standard on Triangle Shooting Sports shotguns for a dozen years or so. When Benelli wanted to have a 3 gun shotgun they went to Triangle Shooting Sports to have them built. If I wanted a 3 gun shotgun I would go to the place with the experience, the p;ace the mods came from in the first place and thats Triangle Shooting Sports. And by the way a big shout out to J K Rowzee, J K just won the Highplains Shotgun Challenge, he was shooting, what else, a Triangle Benelli.-----------Larry

Edited by Larry White
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Accurate Iron is the best bang for th ebuck in the industry, PERIOD!!! Just finished High Plains shotgun Challenege. I loaned out my 2 Accurate Iron Benelli M2's and 4 Accurate Iron Benelli M1's to a new shooters and one shooter that had a broken gun. All 6 of them made it through the 12 stages without a hiccup. :cheers:

My Red Neck Tactical Benelli Nova ran like a champ too...


Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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Accurate Iron is the best bang for th ebuck in the industry, PERIOD!!! Just finished High Plains shotgun Challenege. I loaned out my 2 Accurate Iron Benelli M2's and 4 Accurate Iron Benelli M1's to a new shooters and one shooter that had a broken gun. All 6 of them made it through the 12 stages without a hiccup. :cheers:

My Red Neck Tactical Benelli Nova ran like a champ too...


Well done mister! Pump Gun???? You going to run one next week at the Rock?

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Well Kurt Miller has only been moding Benellis since 1995 so as the upstart in the bunch, I guess I would go to these guys who have been doing them for a dozen years or so. Besides I don't really work on guns for a living so the very few that have a true Recheck Tactical gun are in a very small yet exclusive club, but you have got to be drinking beer in my shop for me to consider itl

Edited by kurtm
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Accurate Iron is the best bang for th ebuck in the industry, PERIOD!!! Just finished High Plains shotgun Challenege. I loaned out my 2 Accurate Iron Benelli M2's and 4 Accurate Iron Benelli M1's to a new shooters and one shooter that had a broken gun. All 6 of them made it through the 12 stages without a hiccup. :cheers:

My Red Neck Tactical Benelli Nova ran like a champ too...


Well done mister! Pump Gun???? You going to run one next week at the Rock?

Negative. I'm bringing the Accurate Iron Xrail Open gun.

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The man that will be running the shop for Taran built my Benelli for me three years ago and since then I've put well over 4K rds. thru it without a hicup. It just keep running and running;takes very little care, and continues to preform. Since you are local that is to your advantage. If for some reason you have a problem,which I doubt you will have,you can be a real PITA,and thats not something a new startup organization wants. Good luck with whomever you choose, but I know Taran and his group won't let you down.

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i do drink beer. matter fact ill drink damn near anything i can once i get a couple in me.

looks like you all can expect a call and or email from me monday. and looks like i gotta order a M2 so i have the gun to get built.

i should order a M2 Field 21" right?

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You can't really choose, because all these guys have and still do compare notes and build ideas....see we are all friends! If any of them build you a gun it is going to be outstanding! ...me? I like Jack and home brew, but I like old milwalky light as well..( reference to what I have drank with some of these builders)

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What Kurt said is really true. I am the the Forest Gump of Benelli shotguns because i bought a gun from a guy on this forum who was well known at the time, who no longer posts about Benelli's because I sent him a PM to shut it down, because that shotgun never worked right. Looked great, just would not run. I took it apart 200 times and changed springs, etc., etc., etc, some really good smiths looked at the gun and it doesn't run today. It was a Frankenstein gun knowing what I know in retrospect. I have two of Taran's TTI shotguns, there is nothing better. If I lived 5 miles from Taran there is really no other choice. I shot the Larue Match with Mike and his shotguns are totally awesome as well. The guys that like his stuff live near him. Same with Benny -guys are going to go to those they know. I know the Benelli 3 Gun Shotguns do not have lightened bolts. I know Taran is the Benelli Team Captain-whatever that means and got a lot of people shotguns. I love Benny Hill and his shooting knowledge is awesome. Kurt Miller's reputation is beyond reproach. There is a lot of misinformation about stuff out there, but Taran is well known, worldwide, as the best shotgunner in 3 gun. He came up with lightened bolts, lightened triggers, and perfecting the art of shooting slugs. All of this will be disputed. But when you get a gun form Taran it will have a lightened bolt, trigger work, and will feel like the best shotgun you ever shot. It will also be black, and look cool. If I lived in Ventura County, I would say you are crazy to buy a 3 gun shotgun from anybody else. And despite what Larry White says about Benelli going to Benny, there is lot more to that story, it was not the first choice. Check with me at a match sometime and I will tell you about it. I love all these guys and their work and they are all friends of mine. This forum is not the place to start bashing this person or that person. Or promoting anyone.

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its so hard to make decisions about things like this because everyones opinions are based mostly on who they know or live by or are sponsored by or whatever. nobody ever references objective functional differences (if there even are any) between different shops' builds.

i can drink jack all day, but i prefer tequila. gets me drunker faster.

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