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Couple Match Vids


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Okay, gonna open myself up to some criticism here. Only got two of the five stages from Saturday recorded but I think my faults are the same between. Most obvious thing when watching myself is seeing my reloads slowing me down. They were "good enough" before I did a lot of movement practice, but now I'm in the next position but not yet ready to go. Which sucks.

Shooting Production if you're wondering.

PS: I did not name the videos nor upload them to youtube, there was no smoking going on. :mellow:

Thanks, guys. I'm really going to amp up the reload practice during the offseason here.

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Well I don't know how anybody could reload with those Auburn socks on! :goof:

Seriously, you are double tapping.

Those socks take at least a full second off my stage times!

I swear I'm getting a second sight picture before breaking the second shot, but I will watch for it. You are right there is no cadence though, it is definitely 2...2...2...2 instead of Did not notice that before though, thanks.

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in both videos you are charging into positions. The 1st video you lost a huge amount of time on the beams, you need to come in a lot softer and controlled. It doesn't matter how quickly you get there if you lose all that time getting set up or fall off the beam.

Shooting on one leg leaning way out is fine, if that is your last position, but if you have to leave, you lose a lot getting your weight shifted back. Come in lower and softer. You seem to be off balance and are moving your feet a lot but not going anywhere

All your shooting is at the same speed, let your front sight control the speed, not trigger finger or cadence

on the 2nd video, why take the far target before running up. you have to go up there anyways, you have enough rounds. it just delayed you from leaving as hard from the last array

Edited by Supermoto
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on the 2nd video, why take the far target before running up. you have to go up there anyways, you have enough rounds. it just delayed you from leaving as hard from the last array

I also Agree with that. And couple other things. Your center of gravity seems to be way high, it makes you look very unbalance when you shoot. When going onto to planks for shooting postion, you want to enter the plank with your movement parallel to moving surface. look on how you enter on the plank the second time you came at it at a steep angle and your momentum carried you over past the plank which forced you to come off it and lose a lot of time by getting back on it.

I'd also say to come in lower with your body then you would normally when you enter your next "shooting Position", this helps up eat up extra speed by forcing the momentum downwards instead of across, which allow your feet to have more control over your stance as your coming back up in a shooting position.

You also seem to take a lot of small choppy steps to get in and out of position, this is something i'm guilty of, specially from a hard sprint. The more time your spending to get in position is less time shooting. This is when you need to practice in getting low fast in your final position.

One the first video, you're very flat footed after engaging the last target of each array while on the ground. The targets seem close enough were you can start developing a little movement towards the direction of your next target array, that way you don't need to waste the time for the "spring up" portion of moving.

Edited by DocMedic
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Gotta agree with everyone else, you need a stronger base/lower COG. For much of the shooting, it looked like you were struggling to stay on your feet. Being able to shoot from unstable positions is a good skill to have but make it an exception instead of a rule. Make an effort to keep your weight in balance and your feet underneath you and you'll not only create a more stable platform to shoot from, you'll be able to accelerate and decelerate quicker and smoother.

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All your shooting is at the same speed, let your front sight control the speed, not trigger finger or cadence

on the 2nd video, why take the far target before running up. you have to go up there anyways, you have enough rounds. it just delayed you from leaving as hard from the last array

Again, I feel like I'm shooting when my front sight says to, but I will quadruple-check that I'm doing so.

I took the far target early because it made an even 10 rounds, but you're right I should've taken it with the next set (and a lot of other shooters did just that). I plain didn't think of it.

Gotta agree with everyone else, you need a stronger base/lower COG. For much of the shooting, it looked like you were struggling to stay on your feet. Being able to shoot from unstable positions is a good skill to have but make it an exception instead of a rule. Make an effort to keep your weight in balance and your feet underneath you and you'll not only create a more stable platform to shoot from, you'll be able to accelerate and decelerate quicker and smoother.

Noted. I will work on being lower and staying balanced, and doing a better job of entering and exiting positions. Thanks, guys.

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Maybe maybe not but it appears that you drop the mag but are not looking to reload, you are looking to your next position.

Seems most apparent on 1st stage coming off the beam you seem to be looking at the next target.

Take a tiny bit of time to look at the mag well and load the gun while leaning to the next position.

You may loose a 10th leaving but you will gain full seconds by not standing flat footed with an empty gun.(plus now at the new position

you have to look at the mag well instead of the target you want to shoot.

in simple terms I think if you take out about 10% of the TRYING you will gain 5-6 seconds a run.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How were your points for the match?

Stage results are here = http://www.uspsa.org/uspsa-display-match-results-detail.php?action=summary&indx=3256&compid=7

edit: durr, stage names = first video is Walk the Planks (obviously), second one is Down the Tee

I agree with what everyone else is saying regarding your COG but I would say I have to disagree with you on "seeing your front sight". I hope I don't offend you but on the first video you had a Mike and a NS...then on the second video you had 2 Mikes. That should tell you that you aren't seeing your front sight as you think you are seeing it, unless you're calling those shots and are just not making up the shots. Slow down just a tad, especially on the hard targets and don't worry about pure speed on your shots.

I have a friend that started shooting with me this past year and he is only concerned about speed and not really his points. It doesn't hurt you if all the targets are pretty close up and are easy targets but he learned you can't shoot every stage like that. Although he was beating a lot of people on "time" he was still losing stages because of points down. Just something to think about...

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