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South East Revolver Championships ???


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On the way to the range today a friend of mine and I were going over a bunch of subjects and the "no Competition" thing came up again.

I came up with the Idea of a 2 day match for revolvers only, 1 day would go to the IDPA rules and 1 day to the USPSA rules.

Match fees maybe 50 bucks for each or both for 75 and have decent prize table? or prize money back for USPSA, IDPA will not go for that.

Our Range is in North Mississippi in the north east corner 20 mile from Al and 6 mile from TN.

we can do 6 stages each day maybe 7 or 8 for the idpa part due to the 18 round limit per stage.

Mr. Jerry M. you know the guy who shoots the round gun like its a bottom feeder

is only 6-7 hours away from us and I'm sure he'd come if we make sure he knew about it in plenty of time :)

If there is enough feedback and we can get at least 30 shooters each day we might give this a run :lol:

If we decide to try this we would need all your help in getting the word out further than just this forum.


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I mentioned it to a couple of fellow wheelgunners and they sound interested in the USPSA part but none of us are IDPA members and aren't looking to join. I know membership is required for regionals and such, would that be the case here. And if IDPA membership is required, could we just shoot the USPSA side of the match? Keep me informed if it comes together and when possible dates might be.

Thanks, Chris

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It would be a match where if you wanted to shoot ONLY USPSA or ONLY IDPA that would be possible, or if you wanted to shoot both that would be possible too.

IDPA will not sanction a match that does not recognize all 4 divisions so the IDPA part would be run by those rules but not count towards the Nationals.

there would be a IDPA Champion, a USPSA champion and A Combined Champion.

the easyest way to do the combined would be add the number where place in each match and come up with a total, the lowest number is combined Champion.


Bill Nesbit is 3rd IDPA and 8th USPSA his number would be 11 and then just compare numbers for the Combined.

This would be a good way for all revolver shooters to get together and not only compete but watch the others and maybe get some of the other "crowd" to swap over .

At the time this is just a glimmer in the eye, without much feedback it will die on the stem.

SAM KEEN AKA: Hopalong

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I would for sure be interested and probably have 5 or so folks down here that would come also barring conflict with other matches. They would need to be seperate matches though, as I understand it 5 inch revo's aren't allowed in IDPA. I'm not sure as I haven't shot an IDPA match in years and am not up on the current rules.

Not that you asked for my vote but I would vote for a USPSA only match, or maybe an ICORE affiliated match. I don't know much about ICORE but I know there championship seems to be popular.

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Alright, I can tell from all the hits of poeple looking at this thread that there is some interest out there.

Come on and give your "two cents" worth It doesn't have to be IDPA/USPSA

ya'll jump in here and give me some opinions and ideas and we'll we if we can come up with a workable solution.

We don't have to hold it at our range but I was volunteering it.


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I also like the USPSA/ICORE route. This way the people that shoot 8 shot limited or open revos could compete with the same gun both days (and get to shoot 8 shots!). Six shooters could also have their own division or special recognition category as at the IRC.


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What is the closest town to your range? I'm just wondering how far it is from Southeast Oklahoma. I like the USPSA/ICORE Idea. As USPSA is more Speed driven and ICORE is weighted more on Accuaracy. If it was possible I would like to attend depending on distance for me. Thanx rdd

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These 2 clubs have been switching each year for a Revolver only non-sactioned IDPA match. They draw 30 some shooters I think.

The only problem I see is that there are so few of us. :( And we are from all over the country. Most shooters won't drive for more than 8 hours for a big match.

The idea to draw from USPSA, IDPA and ICORE is good. A lot of people shoot only one of these. What about PPC and Bianchi? Have a stage or 2 of each disipline. B) I used to have a formula that they used at the Masters to figure out scores for differing scoring methods. Score as normal for each stage whether it be USPSA, IDPA or whatever. Then each shooter is ranked first, second place etc. for each stage. First place for a stage is 100%. Each shooter has a percentage depending on how many people they beat. Add up all the percentages and the highest is the winner.

I haven't figured how to seperate the gun types. :wacko: Maybe Limited: 6 shot open sighted revolvers and Open: 7 & 8 shot revolvers with optics and comps. :rolleyes:

Good luck,

Bill Nesbitt

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The reason I sugested USPSA and IDPA is here in South Tennessee, North Mississippi, we don't see any ICORE at all, the club in Anniston AL was shooting it but no longer do. There for just because of familiarity I sugested them.


There would be 2 divisions in USPSA limited and Open

limited would go down as the revolver rules are written now.

Open would be Shoot what you Bring as long as it has a Cylinder.

I can not tell you about ICORE because all I know about it is Jerry has won all the IRC.

The IDPA part if we have it would be speed loaders in one division and moon clips in the other.


Corinth, Mississippi is 12 miles from our range. I might could talk our buddies in Memphis to let us shoot there instead(about 2 hours for us to their range) but that would cost us Range Fees where there would be none at our own range :D


As for PPC and Bianchi, we have no experiance with any of that so we would be "shooting in the dark".

If anyone is Familiar with the other disiplines and if we do this thing they might be the Match Director for that disipline :huh:

Spring time would be a good time for as the summer gets longer more matches are avaliable to us. and it would give all those who are cooped up and are ready to shoot a good excuse. :lol:

More Comments and suggestions PLEASE.


Oh yeah, one quick shot in the arm. The Mississippi 3 gun is not full www.crssa.com

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I've shot the two "IDPA-type" Revo-only matches jointly hosted by Steel City in B'ham and Middle TN Shooter's in Manchester...had a GREAT time both times...I LOVE The idea of a multi-discipline Revo-only match...sign me up!!! One idea...you might want to make it a "non-sanctioned" match that follows the various sanctioning bodies' formats/rules so the IDPA'ers can shoot the IPSC part and IPSC'ers can shoot the IDPA part...Bill N's ideas on overall scoring sound good....FWIW....mikey357

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Corinth is only 460 Miles away. I am traveling about 1600 miles for the IRC this year. I will try to get there if possible. Are we looking at spring of 2005? FWIW Mike Palexco (sp) won the first IRC. :rolleyes:

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O. FISH AL Redneck

Yes Spring 2005 so we can be on the "first match of the year" list? what ya'll think

and If he's the guy who shot with my boss, Stan Wigginton years back his name is Mike Plaxico.

different disciplines of shooting will go by their rules but will be open to non members who would like to give it a try. example:

Sharpshooter in IDPA can shoot in the USPSA match but unless he is a member and is classified he Could shoot the USPSA match as Unclassified and vise/versa ect.

Back to Spring of 2005 if we decide to do this thing that will give us time to advertise the match and maybe get a good turnout.

Anybody Know how many make it to the IRC each year?


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Here's a link to the ICORE sight. If you click on the IRC link you can find stages that are representative of an ICORE match. They have a combination of steel challenge, Bianchi, and USPSA stages all in one match! The way the paper targets are scored are way more accuracy based than USPSA, meaning you need to be much more focused on accuracy than with USPSA or even IDPA. So it really requires a shifting of gears to go from a USPSA match to an ICORE one. This could be a good thing or a bad thing!



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just a thought. If you shoot IDPA you have an eighteen round limit per stage. The limits on rounds/stage are far more liberal in USPSA. If I drive a goodly distance I would like to shoot a bunch of rounds. Maybe mix it up some. But shoot alot :D:D:D



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If we do this and have an IDPA portion of the match yes we will shoot more stages,I myself and everyone else I know do not like going to a match and not getting their "Monies worth" of bullets down range.

Keep the input coming, I mentioned it to several of the guys in the club today and they were interested, one of them shoots only OPEN BLASTERS but said if it was revo. only he would get in on it.

I am shooting at A-4 in 5 weeks during some of the down time I will get with Jerry and get his input on this :)

Thanks guys


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I like the USPSA/ICORE idea. Lets in more guns, more equipment, and more shooting. I shoot down here in FLA with Smitty. We have about 5 guys I can think of who would be interested and a whole year to convert more. Clint McCall ran the ICORE match in Anniston. If you could get in touch with him, he might want to lend a hand. Another guy to talk with is Barry Summerlin out of Jacksonville.


He runs an ICORE match at the gateway range and has a whole pile of stages he has designed.


Cliff Walsh

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Thanks Cliff,

I am the match director for the Mississippi 3gun held next weekend so ya'll will likely not hear from me too soon, After that is A-4 where I plan to have my B$#T

cleaned and handed back to me in a bag by Jerry M. but it will be fun, I shot it limited last year and had a ball, this year will be the REVO.

Keep the suggestions Coming, I would like to get this thing into a good anual match that even the bottom feeder shooters would like to lay their guns down and come shoot with us.(high hopes?) :huh:

Cliff you going to A-4? I did not get to meet you at AL last March.

See ya'll somewhere, shoot straight, and reload FAST :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry guys, have not checked the thread lately. I'm not going to a-4 but am trying to make 3 and 5 and then the nationals. If there is any money left. I'll try for the a-2 match again. That was a fun match and 11 revo shooters at the same match is great.

See you guys at the range,


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