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NRA Action Pistol: 2004 Results & Progress


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Rhino - one thing I've noticed is that you fire almost immediatly after your trigger resets. Perhaps you might try resetting the trigger immediately after firing and using a slow take up and then brake. I understand you're pinning the trigger and the benefits some proclaim. Maybe mixing it up might refine your focus? Your gun shoots and so can you, we just need to get them to meet up on this match.

I've noticed with my last two matches and this match especially that my scores are better and more consistent when I place more emphasis on my sight picture. Trigger control seems to naturally follow that, meaning, the more I focus on maintaing a clean sight picture, the more my trigger engagement goes to support that. Not sure if that makes sense.

I believe I had a new personal best today, overall. 1656/81. I'm gaining ground in my own personal war with the Barricade. I shot a 418, but that came after taking back 1x for an overtime shot. Would have been a 428. My groups on the 25/35 targets are improving. Still letting too many 5's fly, but all of my hits are there.

I had a new high on the Mover, a 440, which included a nice 4 shot barrage after a jam on the first pass at 15. It is AMAZING how the mind and body can focus effort into such a small place and time.

I'm still working on my prone technique on the Practical. I'm scoring higher and more consistently.

Another jam on the Plate cost my no less than 2 plates, perhaps 4. Light springs do have their drawbacks.

Need to get geared up for the Regional now.

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BD ... I was only pinning the trigger while I was shooting those plates in practice afterward. When I shot them during the match, I didn't do that.

I think it's a coincidence that I press again right after reset. I'm actually waiting for the front sight to get back on target, then I go!

I did do it on the Practical at 50 yards, but I had plenty of time! Apparently it did not help much.

I still don't understand why I can shoot six-inch plates during a USPSA match, but I can't hit regularly spaced eight-inch plates when they are on a nice rack.

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Because it's NRA AP. You expect yourself to be doing better. Just focus on the front sight, and let it go. One shot at a time, no rythym or cadence.

As far as the weak hand is concerned, try shooting that part of the match using an open ended timer (ie set up for IPSC). Take as much time as is needed to fire six shots into the X-ring. If you miss the X-ring by a small amount it is a ten.

Make sure that the bullets are landing where the sights are being aimed. Spend some time and shoot a group weakhanded. I find I have to aim slightly right of the X-ring weakhanded for them to hit centre. I have to be pushing the pistol that way. When I shoot weakhand with the open gun I have no problems, but with Iron Sights they wander right.

Take some time to check your point of aims at each distance regularly. Note down any changes and sight adjustments required.


What set up are you shooting for NRA AP Metallic sight. 38Super or 40S&W???

I run a 125gr Lead at 128pf or 115gr JHP at ? and I use a 13lb spring in 38Super. No feeding or jamming issues. (Colt Combat Elite and the STI Edge copy)

My most recent efforts at AP.

Sat Match.

Open: 1862 - 142. 4 Plates and a few dopey errors on the mover. 3rd (142), 4th (me 134) and 5th (133) only seperated by X's.

Stock: 1558. Lots of missed plates and a shjt Barricade. Tired and sun in eyes (thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Mover my best and only match to go over 400????

Sun Match.

Open: 1884 - 146X. Two less misses on the plates. One less 8 on the mover. 2nd Place this time. It's all in the plates.

Ran out of time for Stock and I was beat after shooting 600 rounds in two days.

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gm_iprod ... thanks for the advice.

I don't know what happened on the weak hand because I saw my front sight and pressed the trigger and it should have been there. What I didn't mention is that I have shoulder injuries, and the left side can bother me quite a bit on some days. Yesterday I had trouble raising my arm for surrender starts, so I probably should have expected trouble on the weak hand string. There's no way I was holding it steady enough to shoot properly. I've been rehabbing the shoulder and it is steadily improving, but when I'm tired all bets are off.

Still, that is no excuse! I think I will follow your advice and I'll probably try it without a timer and just do it until I can get the hits without worrying over the time.

Running out of time on the barricades is unusual for me. On all of the events, I tend to be finished too quickly! Again, I think fatigue played a role. It hurt my pride because the barricade is my best event and the one I know I can shoot over 400 points.

It seems like it's easier for small errors to snowball in NRA AP than it is in USPSA.

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well you guys have me hooked! this is a fun game i really wanted to get a 1600 overall this time and i shot 1599!! what really makes it so bad was i lost count of my shoots on the 10 yard barricade and only fired 5 shoots and still got a 110 8x on it. new high scores on the plates and the mover and the practcal. i gained over a 130 points this match and i'm going for 1700 next time.

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Steve, did I remember to mention that I hate you? I hate Dave P. more, of course, but I'm not leaving you out.


After the match on Sunday, I was pi**ed and tired and grouchy. I told BigDave I was done with it. No more NRA Action Pistol.


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I shot our Inaugural Metallic Sight Nationals today and I failed to follow my own advise. Poor score but placed well, very very wet, very very windy and I was not focussed, bad mix. Actually very few good scores for anyone. I managed a 6th overall, but nobody happy.


As far as not using the timer the following occured.

Practical weakhand, the pistol came out of the holster like lightning, everything on line. Rattled off the shots so fast that I had unloaded and started to put in a new mag when the targets turned away. Not a flash score, but who knows how good it could have been if I had aimed??????????????????

Have fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Today ...

NRA ACTION PISTOL - Indiana Regional Match

Wildcat Valley R&P Club - Brookston, IN

Me: Marksman; Metallic Sight - Auto

Barricade: 384; 8X

Falling Plates: 360; 36X

Moving Target: 365; 5X

Practical: 329; 5X

TOTAL: 1438 (54X)

This was a new personal record for me! My previous best was 1410, the day I shot over 400 on the Barricade and got 29 plates. It was also my best performance on the plates ever, with 36. I got 23 of the first 24 at 10 and 15 yards, which made me giddy with excitement! I think I might have hit a couple more at 20 and 25 if I'd been able to contain my self (I think I was still excited from Friday ... ;) ).

Oh, I was first in the Marksman Class. My score also would have been second in the Sharpshooter Class. Not many shooters, but I'm still happy with my performance overall. If I can put together my best on all four events, I can get pretty close to 1600!

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Yep! Jason won overall and Kevin was second. Jason had a 1900 and I think Kevin was 1890-something ... only a couple of point behind. I think he missed a couple of plates and dropped a shot in the eight ring on the barricade ... I think! Kevin let me dry fire his gun ... that's a very light trigger!

KimberKid was high Expert!

Jason, Kevin and maybe one or two other guys who finished at the top showed a lot of class when it came time for the prize table. They went first, but they obviously picked lesser prizes on purpose, allowing those of us in the lower ranks to choose the better prizes. I've never seen that before, but it was very cool on their part. Thanks to them, I got a spiffy new Leatherman PST! They obviously care about the sport and encouraging the newer shooters! Way to go, guys!

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yea rhino, i thought that was pretty sweet of them too, Lord knows Kevin probably has a spare bedroom overflowing with custom guns and gear he has won, thus choosing something shitty here that you and I might grab something usuable. Thanks Kevin and Jason. Now i shall dream of which gun to have slathered in NP3.

yea rhino, your my hero man, congrats on a new personal best.

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yea rhino, i thought that was pretty sweet of them too, Lord knows Kevin probably has a spare bedroom overflowing with custom guns and gear he has won, thus choosing something shitty here that you and I might grab something usuable. Thanks Kevin and Jason. Now i shall dream of which gun to have slathered in NP3.

yea rhino, your my hero man, congrats on a new personal best.

Thanks, Mike! Good going on your shooting too! It's good to have another buddy from da region, too!

While you dreamNP3 dreams, I shall dwell on the prospects of pinching people with my new Leatherman. That's what it's for, isn't it? :lol:

The most important thing is that I've found a kindred spirit ... who else will crack wise with me in between strings at the 50 yard line in the Practical event? I'm guessing Doug Koenig probably wouldn't be as much fun in that situation. ;)

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Congrads Jason and Kevin..

Hats off here also on the prize table men.. You are makin us ole va boys look good....

Kevin I wont be at the Hinton match on the 11th..I have to have my hand operated on AGAIN:( But it will be fine for the regional and state matches...

Rhino..I know what you mean about Kevins gun I liked it so much I am having one exactly like it built as we speak.. Now if i can just shoot it that good.... that is the big question..

See you guys in Hinton at teh regionals..


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Rhino..I know what you mean about Kevins gun I liked it so much I am having one exactly like it built as we speak.. Now if i can just shoot it that good.... that is the big question..

That trigger would be excellent for NRA AP! Probably not so good for USPSA or Steel Challenge, though ... not enough spring to reset the trigger fast enough!

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That gun shoots only A/P and alot of it. If I want to shoot IPSC, Steel or IDPA I have a different set up for each.

I think everyone could say something positive about their performance. I cleaned the Barricade and the Practical. Shot a 5 and an 8 on the mover at 25 yards and then missed those 2 plates on the first run at 25. I can remember getting a little exited like Rhino did and blew it. I finished up with an 1893- 150X. I'm tickled with the x count as that is the highest that I've shot in a while. As for the plates, well, you know. They bit everone. Out of 14 shooters no one cleaned them. They had one 470 and two 460's and the rest slid from there.

When it comes to prize tables I always start with the lowest place finisher and work up at my matches like Alan said. I believe to get shooters coming back they need to get something for their money besides the shooting. Thanks for all the compliments. My wife says she wants to meet the guy you are talking about.

For those of you that weren't there you missed a good match. It gave me a chance to catch up with some old friends and meet some new one's. After all, that's what A/P is all about. You never meet a stranger.

Rhino, I've thought alot about your pinky problem and I think it would be your best bet if you just had it removed. :D


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Rhino~ When I first started shooting it was AP with Phil (the plate range RO) and Bob (the mover RO) and my uncle, there hasnt been a dull moment since in the last 4 years. If I dont joke around or start BSing with someone I start paying too much attention to the shooting and get overfocused and screw up. It bothers some people but they always have the option to shoot before or after me and I try to group up with people of the same mentality as I. Your welcome to visit the region any time you like. Did I mention I'll be practicing the next 2 days for the Nats as they are the last days off of work before the Nats? ohh yea, and I'll be live firing in the backyard. Wanna join me??

It was also nice to see some new faces shooting stock, and shooting it quite well. Perhaps I'll have to drag out the stock gun and see where the chips fall.

Rhino, a shoot off for our lady's affections??

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That gun shoots only A/P and alot of it. If I want to shoot IPSC, Steel or IDPA I have a different set up for each.

Yeah, I pretty much figured that. It's just that in my narrow mind, it's almost incomprehensible to own a centerfire pistol that isn't a carry gun, so the idea of an open gun is so foreign to my mindset that I can't conceive that it wouldn't be a "one gun, do all" sort of deal! I'm weak! ;)

Heck, if I ever do get an open gun, it'll be a "house gun" in 9x23 with a dedicated white light mounted and a set of electronic earmuffs with it, wherever I choose to stage it in the house. That I might then choose to shoot matches in USPSA, Steel Challenge, and NRA AP with it would be gravy. :lol:

Rhino, I've thought alot about your pinky problem and I think it would be your best bet if you just had it removed.  :D

I'm glad you agree ... I used a shingling hatchet on both of them when I got home from the match. It's a good thing I only use three fingers (counting my thumbs) to type! :lol:

Rhino~ When I first started shooting it was AP with Phil (the plate range RO) and Bob (the mover RO) and my uncle, there hasnt been a dull moment since in the last 4 years. If I dont joke around or start BSing with someone I start paying too much attention to the shooting and get overfocused and screw up. It bothers some people but they always have the option to shoot before or after me and I try to group up with people of the same mentality as I. Your welcome to visit the region any time you like. Did I mention I'll be practicing the next 2 days for the Nats as they are the last days off of work before the Nats? ohh yea, and I'll be live firing in the backyard. Wanna join me??

I'd join you if I could, but my ride is going into the shop for a couple of days later today!

If you're not there next time, I'll try to shoot with Bob and see what kind of mischief I can cause with him. I know exactly what BigDave will say to me if he's there, "You A**!"

It was also nice to see some new faces shooting stock, and shooting it quite well. Perhaps I'll have to drag out the stock gun and see where the chips fall.  Rhino, a shoot off for our lady's affections??

No way, Jose! You'll wax me and kick me aside without any effort! How about a bench press contest instead? Gimme a year to continue in my rehabilitation and we can go for it. ;)

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Benchpress?? u gots to be crazy, I hear your some big pimpin mack bench press daddy. the most excersise i get is running...... from the couch to the fridge

I was okay "back in the day," but I'm still trying to make a comeback after ten years of not being able to go the gym (much of which was in bed, sometimes for more than a year at a time). I'm still pretty much a veal calf, but I'm making progress since I started in November.

I believe good form would be to fence for the honour.

That would be the gentlemanly thing to do, but the one who is challenged gets to pick the weapon. I'm leaning toward Chinese Checkers or maybe sandwich making.

But has anyone considered that it may all be in vain?

Bite your tongue! :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The last time I tried fencing, it involved large amounts of posts and wire.

Anyway back to the dismal scores things.

Lastest shooting from down here was not too flash. I currently have a damaged tendin sheath in the left wrist which is the root cause of my flinch. But with help from a couple of guys here I am trying to overcome the flinch.

Open and Metallic sights on the same day :wacko:

Open Barricade shall not be discussed. All other matches not bad. But you must remember to reload!!!!!!! Five shots not fired :angry:

Final Score 1842-128X.

Metallic Sights starting to show promise again,

Bar Prac Mover Plate Total

419-17 410-10 433-14 410-41 1672-82

Again with a bit of help from those around me. Thanks to all.

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