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Computer software to help practise draw?


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Is there any computer software around that will help practise the draw? I've got recordings of an RO saying "Are you ready?", "Standby" and then a timer beep and I'd like to be able to have my PC play the first two, followed by the beep at a random delay.

That way I can practise my draw over and over by myself without having to keep messing around pressing the review/start button on my CED6000. I think it'd be a very very handy practise tool.

Does such a thing exist?



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I actually got on the forum today looking for the same (or similar thing). I just bought Steve Anderson's Dry Fire Book, but I don't have a timer. The club I shoot with has timers, but I don't have access to them away from the range. I am currently saving my pennies for a Dillon reloading press, so a timer purchase is out of the question right now.

I am sure somebody, somewhere, has written, or can write, a basic PC based timer. A virtual timer so to speak. It would only need a delay, beep, par time, beep. That should be enought for dry fire practice at home.


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I could probably crank something out that would do what you want, but it would be a for-profit deal.

Are there really that many people who dryfire next to their computers?

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Are there really that many people who dryfire next to their computers?

I don't necessary dry fire next to my computer, but I do dryfire in my basement. That heppens to be where my computer is...so it is handy.

A timer is a necessary must to practice with. I'd save up and just buy one, much handier than lugging your computer to the range!

No doubt a timer is necessary. I have a timer available at the range, just not at home yet.

I guess I just figured, like Feek, that someone might have come up with something, although sub-standard to an actual timer, that might be used in the home to practice with.

I have Barnhart's Burner Series, and have been dry-firing along with him on the DVD as he sets his par times, and that is what gave me the idea.

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If you can find somebody capable, it's about 20 minutes work, including multiple takes of the 'shooter ready... standby' recording.

What would be really cool (and I keep thinking of doing it if I ever get any spare time) would be a tie-in to a PC-mounted video camera.

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If you can find somebody capable, it's about 20 minutes work, including multiple takes of the 'shooter ready... standby' recording.

What would be really cool (and I keep thinking of doing it if I ever get any spare time) would be a tie-in to a PC-mounted video camera.

Yeah, writing code to play the sound is 20 minutes or less. It's just the window dressing that would take some time, i.e. random start delay ranges, remembering user preferences, etc.

What do you guys want? Do you want programmable random delays? Par time beeps? Etc. ? I'm willing to take on the job if people will give me some clear working criteria for what they expect the software to do.

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Programmable random start time, par time, ---- and maybe an option for a loop, where five or so seconds after the second tone, it starts over with Are you Ready, Standby, Beep ---- Beep, five second pause, Are you ready.... I'm thinking that could be good for early in the session, while you're still awake.

Of course if all times were programmable that would be cool....

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I have such software installed in my Palm. I only wish I can make the beep (start and stop) sound louder. :(

Now, if anybody can point me in the direction on how I can program my windows-powered cellphone (pocket VB or something?) then it'll really be cool.

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Well, you could write code, I suppose.. my first thought was you record a couple dozen takes of 'Shooter Ready... standby..... beep...', then throw them all into a music player playlist and hit 'shuffle play'.

If you're going to program it, allow for several programmable beeps.

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Well, you could write code, I suppose.. my first thought was you record a couple dozen takes of 'Shooter Ready... standby..... beep...', then throw them all into a music player playlist and hit 'shuffle play'.

If you're going to program it, allow for several programmable beeps.

Yah...if you wanted to go that simple, you could actually set a [real] timer for a specific par time, then record the initial start beep (including delay) and par time beep (including any additional time you think you need for a loop) and then save it as a .wav file. You can then play it in a media player on loop, and you will get:

pause (delay)

beep (start)

beep (par time)

pause (allow time to reholster or whatever)

then the whole process replays over and over.

Actually not a bad idea. You could do that for different par times and then just name them appropriately....so if you wanted to work on a 1.5 second time...just play that file.

I would have still like to have seen a programmable timer, though. I have VB6, and I am sure it could be done in that platform...but to be honest, I haven't messed with VB in years...and pretty much forgot what little I learned when I took the 1/2 the college class!

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I have such software installed in my Palm. I only wish I can make the beep (start and stop) sound louder. :(


Where did you get it? That's exactly what I need so I can dry-fire in the morning without waking up the wife and kids....

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Now, if anybody can point me in the direction on how I can program my windows-powered cellphone (pocket VB or something?) then it'll really be cool.

mcoliver, I think starting with VS.Net, the mobile development tools are all in the package. I've installed so may add on packs, I'm not sure, but if you have VS.Net you have the basics, and any other added tools would be added to that.


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Where did you get it? That's exactly what I need so I can dry-fire in the morning without waking up the wife and kids....

I got it off from another forum when I asked. I can email it to you if you want, just PM me your emaill add. I'm using it on my Palm M100, not sure what OS I have though (but it should be pretty old).

mcoliver, I think starting with VS.Net, the mobile development tools are all in the package. I've installed so may add on packs, I'm not sure, but if you have VS.Net you have the basics, and any other added tools would be added to that.

BerKim, thanks for the link. I've actually been browsing the mobile developers support area of microsoft and managed to download some software. The wife's currently taking VS.net training so hopefully the road won't be too dark for me. :)

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Hi guys! Seems here are some other nerdies with me :D:D:D

I got The Book last week and as I don't have acceptable timer I wrote a short java program to do exactly what you've described. It's a commandline tool, so it's not too complicated. Creating the buzz and standby wavs took longest :wacko:

Depending on configuration file settings and command line options you get repeats and delays for reholstering and par times. I found that it's lot easier to operate than regular three button timer, plus I can listen my nice standby-announcement before each beep :P

I'll share it when I get it packed and a bit smoother. I'll port it to J2ME (so it can be run on cellphone) when it rains (if I can't get to range) and I'm aching from dry firing a bit too much.

- Kössi the Kangaroo

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I'll port it to J2ME (so it can be run on cellphone) when it rains (if I can't get to range) and I'm aching from dry firing a bit too much.

- Kössi the Kangaroo

Kossi, my prayers from the Phils to wherever you are for lots of rain to come until you get that port done. :D Hopefully you'll make it work for the smartphone with windows 2002. Thanks. ;)

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Umm, did I raise too much hope? Sorry for that :blink: It only rains when I'm at range :P

Well, seriously it should not be too complicated but I need to wait a bit to get a new phone to test it, so it might take some months. But the computer version needs one free night for polishing.

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I created a Windows program that is pretty basic, but works. You input the delay and par time. It beeps once after the delay expires that again after the par time.

I have it packaged in a zip and ready to go, i just need someone who can host the file.

Should work good on any Windows machine (Windoes 95 forward), byt I've only run it on my one Windows XP machine.

If someone can host the file, let me know where to put it and I'll post the link.

The program is free for anyone to use for personal non-commercial use.

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[Where did you get it?  That's exactly what I need so I can dry-fire in the morning without waking up the wife and kids....

Bill, if you are willing to say "Standby" and push the button the CED8000 timer comes with earphones for early morning practice sessions. Set a par time and shoot an El Prez.



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