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Well this certainly sounds interesting. Just got it in an E-mail from a friend today...

The Survival Trial is a recreational shooting event that combines practical and precision shooting on all firearm platforms with outdoor survival obstacles and real world engagements.

This is an extremely physical event coupled with highly technical shooting engagements and obstacle negotiation. The faint of heart need not apply.

Covering over 25 miles of mountainous backcountry, the Survival Trial will push all competitors to physical and mental limits.

A packing list will be emailed upon registration. Participants only need to provide a sidearm chambered in 9mm and AR Carbine chambered in 5.56mm NATO. Ammunition and Precision Rifles will be provided.

September 10 - 11, 2011

Open to the Public:


Open to Military/LE


Sounds like the open to the public one will be similar, but with more time to complete the course.

Edited by SinistralRifleman
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  • 2 weeks later...

I sent them an email:


I'd like a little more information about the survival trial before my partner and I sign up for it.

1) Will land navigation be part of the course, or will the course be marked out?

2) Will there be resupply, or do we have to carry all the water we need for the entire 24 hours?

3) With the event being from 4PM-4PM are we intending to camp out over night, or will be active that entire time?

4) If we are going to be moving at night is night vision allowed or recommended?

5) With regards to physical challenges: what can we expect walls to climb? heavy stuff to carry or drag? We've done the Tiger Valley team match before and the American Heroes challenge, should we expect similar physical challenges?

6) Will the course mostly be hiking, or will we be climbing the hills/mountains at the whittington center?

Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure we're not getting in over our heads.

Their response:

Thank you for your inquiry into the 2011 Survival Trial. Below are answers to your questions:

1. There will be no land navigation during the course.

2. There will be resupply water points throughout the course only. You will be individually responsible for a carrying a minimum of 100oz. of water.

3. This is a 24 hour event, so movement, shooting, and obstacle negotiation will continue throughout the night. The course is 25 miles but the movement may be longer.

4. Night vision will not be allowed during the event. There is a packing list layout prior to the event start time.

5. We will not comment on the types of obstacles, physical events, or shooting events that you will encounter during the course. We do offer a physical train-up on the Survival Trial Facebook Page that will adequately prepare you both physically and mentally for the course. We will also offer shooting train-ups throughout the year there, along with survival information that will be helpful to you or your team. The intent is to provide an environment where you must rely on wit and skill to successfully negotiate – just like the real world.

6. Please refer to question 5. Again, we will not release specifics on the route although if you are familiar with the NRAWC, mountains could be a very real possibility.

Thank you again for your inquiry into the 2011 Survival Trial. You mentioned that you did not want to get in over your heads and this is a very truthful and realistic question. However, we believe in a training standard that keeps us in peak performance both technically and physically at all times. It is a lifestyle change on many levels. There is six full months before this event begins and we give you the tools necessary to be successful. This is an event that will define much of your future perspectives and will be well worth the time invested. Thanks again for your interest and please let us know if we can be of further assistance with anything.

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I am not opposed to resorting to cannibalism against other teams...

At 250 lbs., you could survive quite a while off my carcass, although the rump roast may be a little chewy.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Did you guys check out the survival trail workouts. Those WODs ought to get you ready.

Monday, May 30, 2011:

Run 10 Miles

-Each Miles perform the following:

20 Pushups

20 Lunges each

20 Jumping Squats

20 Crunches

Tuesday May 31, 2011:

Set a countdown clock for 60 minutes of continuous movement:

Squat Clean x 95lbs x 5 reps

Push Press x 95lbs x 5 reps

GHD Sit-up x 5 reps

Dumbbell Fly x 45 lbs x 5 reps

GHD Sit-up x 5 reps

Wednesday June 1, 2011:

Rest Day

Thursday June 2, 2011:

Ruck March Day - 5 miles x 45lbs

Friday June 3, 2011:

100 repetitions x:

Kettlebell Swing x 45lbs each arm

Dumbbell Clean x 45lbs each arm

Dumbbell Press x 45lbs each arm

Saturday June 4, 2011:

Bike x 15 miles or Swim 3 miles

Six rounds:

Pull-up x 10

Ankles to bar x 10

Hanging Dip x 10

Broad Jump x 50 meters

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One can only wonder how many of those that enter actually finish...........it is really hard to believe that no on here has ever attended this event......lastly, wonder if they allow you to bring a rabid dog to chase you along the trail as that is about what it would take for me to cover 25 miles in 24 hours since I never marched with the Stonewall Brigade.

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