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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Mark 48 Torpedo


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What's even more impressive is the fact that the 2700 ton destroyer has been raised some .5m from its previous floating line (compare photo #2 and #3) by the shochkwave before the explosion finally erupted through the ship hull.

That torpedo definitely made Major PF... :blink:

P.S. Isn't that Destroyer a bit expensive as Chrono for testing PF? :P

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As a former submarine sailor and torpedoman's mate, I have seen that film when I was going to A school. The torpedo weighs 3500 pounds and has 650 lbs of exlposive.

You should see the engine on that thing.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks,

Yes, Australia does indeed have a Navy, and you can see some awesome images of our newest toys here.

By the way, the "HMAS" in front of the names of our ships means "Her Majesty's Australian Ship" as opposed to British ships which don't have the "A". Of course one of these days we'll declare Australia to be a Republic, after which the we'll probably just drop the "HM" or change the meaning to "Huge Muther".


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Et tu, Vince?

[Thread drift mode on/Thread Hijacking alert on]


you know the original last words from Julius Caesar?

Great! ;)

BTW, there is some historical debate about this sentence, being it "Et tu Brute, fili mi?" or "Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi?"

[Alarm bells off]

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Curses. Foiled again. Anyway thanks for merging these threads. And I think this might be "Le Bombe Frog" dialogue you mentioned:

Extracted to a new thread in the Humor forum.


Yes, Australia has and needs a Navy, but I doubt the entire US Pacific Fleet could defend our entire 13,000 miles of coast :(

Edited by Erik Warren
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