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Over helped - and lost my mind.


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I felt the need to write this, more or less to apologize to the community - and take my licks for doing something pretty stupid. Those that know me will know I will be kicking myself for this more than anyone else could.

I'm still dealing with my calf tear and been to see some sports medicine folks that said I can continue to do activities, and it's recommended, just wear an aircast boot. I had sent in my registrations LONG ago and a full plan to make a long trip to see family and friends, Area 8 was the first stop. So, walking around yesterday was tedious, shooting was slow and there was several COFs requiring what I would consider a longer truck than I'd been used to - with the dang thing up to my knee. I had forgotten about being competitive long before even arriving - just wanted to have fun, and was doing that.

It was hot, and I started to get beat down around 4:30-5pm. I was helping paste and reset and I completely refused to let the boot be an excuse for me to not do my part. Second to last stage, the clamshells, and I grabbed a set of pasters and walked out to what I thought was were I should have been and saw holes - and pasted them. Then I looked to the back of the stage and to my horror, the ROs were walking toward me and I realized they had not called the target I just pasted. I didn't even remember the holes, not that it mattered. I completely apologized and explained that I just must have lost my mind and thought they called the target. I felt about the size of pea. They pointed out it was a "level 3" match - and at which point I didn't think it mattered, it's not something I had ever done, regardless of level 1 or what. I stood and looked at the CRO - shook my head and he said to me "Will you do that again --- " I said "no" - "alright then."

As an RO, and someone that takes pride in doing the right thing, I DID know better and it plain shouldn't have happened. To the ROs, Competitors and everyone else - I apologize.

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yeah ive done that a couple times when the suns been beatin on me for a while, its all good, your helping out and making the match run smoothly. $hit like that happenes once in a while. not the end of the world.

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its nice to know there are people out there who truely care, thank you aztec, for writing that, I for one have had one too many experiences where I had a fantastic run on a stage, only to have it erased by someone who wasnt payin attention and kind of gave that'who cares' sort of sign...then you try to do it again, and well, im pretty sure mr. murphy lives in my hip pocket on re-shoots

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At the 09 Mississippi Classic I was shooting with a great squad of very experienced shooters. During our last stage I think there were three reshoots due to premature pasting, one of which was done by the most knowledgeable rules person I know. The RO finally gathered us around and had a come to Jesus meeting. I felt like I was at a new shooters briefing. It was funny afterwards, not so at the time. Just proves we all make mistakes. Stuff happens.

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Aztec - Been there done that. My first major - 2008 Area 8 - I did the same thing to my husband, of all people, and he'd had a smokin' run. I was pretty much sure I'd be walking home (to Virginia) from Pennsylvania, because most often, reshoots don't benefit the reshooter! But it happens! I know by the end of this past Saturday I couldn't even give a decent stage brief - my mind was a mess! And I remember you well - and know you worked your...well, boot off, the entire day. Nice of you to apologize... and I agree, Don't Dwell. Hope your healing continues!



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Hey all,

Thanks for the comments. I'm not dwelling - I just believe confession is good for the soul and my way of saying oops - sorry and moving on. I was fortunate in that the reshoot was indeed wanted by the shooter... still hated to effect the match that way --- thanks again, and Boz, I'm sure when I get back you can fill me in...

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  • 2 weeks later...

On a somewhat related matter... had the opposite of this happen to me today.

In my squad I was one of the few pasters.... before my run, instead of pasting, I did another walk through.

Shoot the stage... time comes to score.... on a set of targets... there are 4 holes each instead of two. Someone forgot to paste the targets ahead of me... including a No Hit Target.

Luckily, the rest of the run was good, and the other 4 extra holes were alphas.... so just took the no hit and kept the alphas.

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Been there, done that and have the Dunce hat to prove it. Don't feel too bad, similar things have happened to all of us.

I did the same thing at the 2007 Area 6 match in the shoot house. I had thought that the up front targets in the house had been scored and pasted two of them. As I was putting the last paster on the targets, the RO, score keeper and shooter came around the corner. :surprise: I felt about an inch high. :sick: Then the competitor came up to me, looked me in the eye and kissed my cheek. She had two Mikes and a No Shoot on some other targets. She was attractive enough that I thought about doing it again on her reshoot but I behaved myself. :wub::devil:

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She was attractive enough that I thought about doing it again on her reshoot but I behaved myself. :wub::devil:


Early taping is like an ND in this sport, there are those who have done it and those who WILL do it. Sad to say I have done both. :( GOTTA keep that booger hook off the bang switch during reloads or it will bite you.

Joe W.

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  • 5 weeks later...

On a somewhat related matter... had the opposite of this happen to me today.

In my squad I was one of the few pasters.... before my run, instead of pasting, I did another walk through.

Shoot the stage... time comes to score.... on a set of targets... there are 4 holes each instead of two. Someone forgot to paste the targets ahead of me... including a No Hit Target.

Luckily, the rest of the run was good, and the other 4 extra holes were alphas.... so just took the no hit and kept the alphas.

You were entitled to a reshoot because the RO could not honestly say that it was your bullet that put the holes in those targets or the noshoot. It doesn't matter that the extra 4 hits were alphas on the regular targets. The fact that they were there is evidence that you were not necessarily the source of the noshoot hit.

9.1.4 Unrestored Targets – If, following completion of a course of fire by a

previous competitor, one or more targets have not been properly

patched or taped or if previously applied pasters have fallen off the target

for the competitor being scored, the Range Officer must judge

whether or not an accurate score can be determined. If there are extra

scoring hits or questionable penalty hits thereon, and it is not obvious

which hits were made by the competitor being scored, the affected

competitor must be ordered to reshoot the course of fire. For the purpose

of this rule, B-zone and C-zone hits shall be considered one and

the same.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's nice to see that others have also committed this shooter's sin. It sounds, though, like the rest of you just fessed up to it and took your lumps. That's what I should have done . . .

I was shooting a large match last summer and walked over next to a buddy of mine to tape a target. He was fooling with his tape roll, so I assumed the targets had already been scored. (Yeah, all the jokes about what it means to "assume" come to mind.) I had some pieces already shredded and popped one down over an alpha hit. My buddy jerked back in surprise and said, "these haven't been scored yet!" I calmly reached down and ripped what I thought was my piece of tape off the target. When the RO got to that point in the stage, he started scrutinizing my target. He kept looking at the target, and then back at me. Finally, he said, "those two holes are from different caliber pistols."

Aztec, if you felt small as a pea, I felt as small as the speck of dirt that needed to be washed from it.

I began apologizing profusely, both to the RO and the shooter. The RO called a reshoot. It goes without saying that the reshoot was not as good as the first run. It also goes without saying that I had a rather derisive nickname that included the word "tape" for the rest of the day.

No one likes learn a lesson the hard way, but I'll certainly NEVER do that again.

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  • 2 months later...

It usually happens toward the end of the day when you have lost some of your match concentration and the brain is wondering. You walk out not even thinking about what you are doing and automatically go to taping targets. I did it once at a local match to a friends target he had just had the best run of anyone that day and i reuined it. Is gun jammed on the reshoot and he couldn't get it cleared. "0"d the stage and I felt lower than a snakes belly. That was four years ago and he still reminds me of it each time I go out to tape his targets at a match. Its great having friends......

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