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Give something for "free" they know what it is worth!


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I like to get paid for what I do like everyone else. I also don't mind working "in kind" or work in exchange for something of perceived value. Nor do I mind helping those in need....

BUT, when you give an inch they want the extra mile and a half...give me a break!

This situation has me giving time/effort to someone who is making money off my work in the first place...and then not only wants more and more...but has the BALL$ to question my "honesty" - seriously?!

And yes this is one more lesson (you'd think I'd had enough lessons by now) in life on "why not to give anything away" and cover your @$$ with EVERYTHING in writting...son of @ !!#@&^ %#%^# &*%$#@@ !! mother-scratchin %@$%@&^&%###

ANd...I knew this guys was a shiffer brains in the first place but thought he had changed/matured/etc...what WAS I thinking?!

And no, none of this is his fault...only mine for getting involved with his type...my bad.


EDITED to add: this has nothing to do with anyone here...nothing but good experience with the beno-verse for me.

Edited by hk_mtbr
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Dont get too discouraged

All the good you do for people..(even those who would take advantage of you) is still goodness

Being right and true, has a way of coming back to you in one way or another.

Best wishes


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Thanks Jim...I was ready to fire a volley right back at this guy when I saw your post...now think I'll go get some MORE fresh air and reflect on something good.

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Been in your shoes. Our radar that tells us to run, not walk, away from deals like that has let us down...again. To take a riff from Robert Frost's "Good fences make good neighbors," I've found that written contracts definitely make for good business relationships. The freebies need 'em as much as the big buck jobs...maybe even more. At least with the profitable jobs somebody is paying to make your life miserable.


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Your a good guy Joel take a look in your mental Mirror and ....Breath.

Just the short time I had to interact with you , makes me happy to call you my friend.

Thank you Sir! Hopefully we can squad again down the road somewhere!

As far as the original issue. My friend went down the road of scathing email...I can't believe he said some of the things he did. He is "known" for his crazy emails...never thought I'd get one.

Live and Learn


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Dont get too discouraged

All the good you do for people..(even those who would take advantage of you) is still goodness

Being right and true, has a way of coming back to you in one way or another.

Best wishes


it comes back x10

Its just Human Nature, it happens to me all the time, I just let it flow like water off a ducks back. Keep your head up and don't let it bother you. I have people asking for free stuff all the time from me or breaks or discounts. In fact don't even call me unless they want something. The reason they do that to you, because you are a good person and will do the work. Hopefully they will remember when your evaluation comes up...

Edited by Sean Gaines
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Not long after I went into practice, I did a bunch of pro bono legal work for a couple who was having serious financial problems--problems that were largely not of their own making. During the time I represented them I found them somewhat demanding and difficult. I couldn't help but think, why would they act that way with me when I'm doing this work for free? However, I kept those feelings to myself.

We managed to get the issue resolved, I closed up my file and moved on to other stuff. A couple months later a big box showed up at my office--it contained a nice thank you letter from the couple, along with a really neat quilt the lady had made for me. I was touched, and realized they were genuinely nice people who were under a great deal of stress.

Somebody here on BE has a signature line with a little quote to the effect that you should be nice, because everybody you encounter is dealing with some kind of challenge or problem that you might not even be able to imagine. Pretty good advice if you think about it.......

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Carmoney - something similar happened to me.

We *greatly* reduced our fee for a relative of a paralegal at another lawfirm (collection defense) (the paralegal worked for an atty that we know). The understanding was the the firm would refer work to us. *Big mistake*. The people we were doing the work for were a PIA. Wouldn't respond to inquires, the paralegal was a BIT$&, complained about our work all the time, tried to tell us how to do our job, etc. Well, we were successful in getting the plaintiff to go away completely, our client didn't have to pay any money (they were looking at about $20k). Guess what happened? No thank you, no nothing, only, "where is our money" and "why do we have to pay this filing fee, etc.? We had to chase after them for about 2 months for a lousy $60. Oh, and we've never heard from the law firm again - no referrals. That was 2 years ago. We feel very used and will never do it again.

We still do a lot pro bono work, but only through the legit public interest non-profits.

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Carmoney - something similar happened to me.

We *greatly* reduced our fee for a relative of a paralegal at another lawfirm (collection defense) (the paralegal worked for an atty that we know). The understanding was the the firm would refer work to us. *Big mistake*. The people we were doing the work for were a PIA. Wouldn't respond to inquires, the paralegal was a BIT$&, complained about our work all the time, tried to tell us how to do our job, etc. Well, we were successful in getting the plaintiff to go away completely, our client didn't have to pay any money (they were looking at about $20k). Guess what happened? No thank you, no nothing, only, "where is our money" and "why do we have to pay this filing fee, etc.? We had to chase after them for about 2 months for a lousy $60. Oh, and we've never heard from the law firm again - no referrals. That was 2 years ago. We feel very used and will never do it again.

We still do a lot pro bono work, but only through the legit public interest non-profits.

This has always been my experience with Pro Bono work, too. I won't do any work for family or friends anymore much less Pro Bono for strangers. I've been burned and treated like crap too many times. I take those cases through the local Volunteer Attorney Project only. Everything else is referred out.


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