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Oh Yes, Always "bad" Coverage...

SiG Lady

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It did say that less than 1% of the dealers had guns used in nearly 60% of the gun related crimes. The one dealer in the Baltimore area had a pretty good retort to the questions of why his guns ended up in a lot of shootings-crimes. "This is a high crime area." Overall is was a typical Total Neg BS slanted news coverage type piece.

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It's just that the only aspect of "guns" we hear about (especially on TV) is "bad" news...... crime-related, hostility-related, bad-guy related, seamy dealers (obviously a very small percentage of most dealers), and children killing children with guns. In all my adult years (never mind how many) I've NEVER, EVER, EVER seen a "positive" story on firearms covered on television. Not even a sports story... we do shoot in the Olympics, don't we...? What about the billions of dollars spent each year on RECREATIONAL/SPORT shooting...??!! Or on legit' civilian defense...? I don't want to hear (see) any more stories on gun crime. It's strictly out-of-balance b.s. :angry:

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Guest Larry Cazes

SIG Lady, not to justify this type of attitude but in general the gun sport organizations DO tend to hide from the mainstream. It took quite a bit of research to find out about what types of sports were available in my area and even then most of the local clubs were not very enthusiastic about bringing in new people. We are responsible for our own PR.


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It's just that the only aspect of "guns" we hear about (especially on TV) is "bad" news...... crime-related, hostility-related, bad-guy related, seamy dealers (obviously a very small percentage of most dealers), and children killing children with guns. In all my adult years (never mind how many) I've NEVER, EVER, EVER seen a "positive" story on firearms covered on television. Not even a sports story... we do shoot in the Olympics, don't we...? What about the billions of dollars spent each year on RECREATIONAL/SPORT shooting...??!! Or on legit' civilian defense...? I don't want to hear (see) any more stories on gun crime. It's strictly out-of-balance b.s. :angry:

Perhaps we should push for legislation requiring more diversification among the major media outlets. Since almost all of the major news outlets are owned by only 4 or 5 corporations maybe they should all be forced into partial ownership of firearms manufacturers, motorcycle manufacturers, sporting goods, etc... Basically anything the liberals hate!

Let's force them to take a more balanced fiscal outlook on their news coverage! :D

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It's true; we don't get much national coverage for the good stuff. Locally, though, we get really good press here. Not only do the media types come to cover the charity events and major matches, but they come play. We hold special media matches. The Glock representative comes and brings a selection of his merchandise. We supply the ammunition. They love it. In fact, they have been asking for another match. We held a benefit match for one of the local charities last year and a good chunk of the media types showed up to compete with us. Some of them were darned good. Of course, it doesn't hurt that one of the girls is a regular IPSC competitor. ;)

At our annual Freinds of the NRA Banquet a couple of years ago, the emcee told the media they had to leave before the auction started. We informed him that the media liked us and they could stay. Pretty much, if he had a problem, he could go.


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The ABC News story only proves that someone was paying attention in Statistics class. But not enough. I'll bet that 97% of the convicted felons in the NY prison system have never read the New York Times. Obviously, we can reduce crime if we get them to read the NYT.

They probably all ate potato chips with their colas. Eliminate chips 'n cola in schools, and we'll cut crime.

But I think you get my point.

Did ABC allege that the dealers were criminals? If not, then closing the stores will simply mean the bad guys will find a new 1% to afflict.

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In my 32 years I can only recall hearing about ONE possitive news story regaurding the use of a gun in the Chicago area.

A very elderly lady shot a home intruder as the little bastard was pushing her around her house in her wheelchair making her show him where the valuables were. She told him to go to a certain piece of furniture, where she opened a drawer pulled out a hand gun, and proceeded to do the world a favor. The story was just too big in the Chicagoland area for the media to ignore, and it is REALLY hard to put a bad spin on that story. ;)

Of course, as we all know, the media isn't at all bias. :o

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It's surprising--but refreshing as hell--to find out how many 'elderly' people have no qualms whasoever about letting bad guys have it with their handy-dandy household blasters. I read about it frequently. And I love it. :P

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It's surprising--but refreshing as hell--to find out how many 'elderly' people have no qualms whasoever about letting bad guys have it with their handy-dandy household blasters. I read about it frequently. And I love it. :P

I think that is because many of the older generation realizes the police will only help them as much as they can AFTER THE FACT. Also, many of them were raised when people actually tried to take care of their own problems instead of being dependant on others. Just my $0.02.

Either that or they are just so sick of all the B.S. that they want to blast away at the bad guys? :blink:

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  • 1 month later...

" I've NEVER, EVER, EVER seen a "positive" story on firearms covered on television.

GREAT point SigLady! Sure, cable will once in a while have a show to appeal to shooters but take any of the 4 big networks (FOX included) news shows: anything positive? Not that I recall. Even that bastion of liberalism, National Public Radio did a positive radio story on Cowboy Action back in the CLinton years; they recently did a piece on a reporter going to, of all things, a TOY-gun show buying a vintage cap gun (over the objections of his wife) and he confessed he understood gun ownership's appeal. Sadly, you will never hear anything like this from ABC, NBC, CBS or FOX (or especially those anti-gun, anti-semites over on CNN).

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One of the gun shops that made the list is Hyatts Gun Shop in Charlotte, NC. I asked Larry Hyatt the last time I saw him about the story. His reply was that the numbers were based not on guns used in crimes, but on the number of ATF traces a store got. Since he has been in business almost 70 years and is the largest gun shop around, it only makes since he would have more traces!

I like the cola and chip reference!

James Flowers

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Since almost all of the major news outlets are owned by only 4 or 5 corporations maybe they should all be forced into partial ownership of firearms manufacturers, motorcycle manufacturers, sporting goods, etc... Basically anything the liberals hate!

Good God no. We saw how well it worked out when the anti-gun Brits bought Smith & Wesson.

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