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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Jeff686

  1. Anyone ever try to put ink into one of those RCBS lube dies, and use it in the last stage of the press?
  2. Problem with having a stamp made is that you have to be very careful about the ink. The standard 'stamp pad' ink used on paper DOES NOT work on brass. Yes, it marks it, but doesn't dry! Fingers get all dirty and inky and sticky, and the ink comes off in the box or magazine. Yuck.
  3. I 2nd that! Run some brass through the seating die without a bullet. If it is damaged, then the whole die is in too far (massive over-crimping). Screw the seating dye out until it doesn't deform the brass, then adjust the seating depth with a bullet. Did you check the die for foreign objects? Clean it?
  4. Have you checked the gun? Is there something in the throat or barrel? Can you chamber a resized but unloaded case? How did the nose of the bullet get so messed up?
  5. In what aspects are your current rifles not meeting your expectations? Do you think the JP will meet those expectations?
  6. I had a couple of ideas, but I'm not sure if they would really work. 1. Make pin a little longer. Put a shoulder on the end, and use a smaller nut. The nut would tighten against the pin shoulder, not the frame. If the pin rotated, the nut would rotate (instead of loosen). Of course, the nut would have to be small enough to fit into that recess on the frame, and still rotate freely. Since that sounds impossibly small, this might not work. (edit: guess this is similar to Leo's solution, but has a bearing surface to tighten against, not just loctite to hold the nut). 2. Make the pin a little longer, with a few more threads. Drill a small hole. Wire-tie so you don't loose the nut. It might loosen, but won't fall off.
  7. Today, I lost my 2nd nut from the Henning trigger pin! The first one had blue loctite on it. The second one had red loctite! I thought I knew how to use loctite! I even use the 'loctite prep' liquid. Maybe I'm being too careful about it. I was trying to use is sparingly, keeping it only on the threads. I worried about getting it into the trigger. Next time, I guess I'll have to use a bit more. Maybe even loctite the nut to the gun, as well as the threads. Any advice?
  8. My 38 super Dillon die did the same thing last week! Already got a RMA from Dillon!
  9. Brian, Thanks for working so hard on the forum to fix and improve it. The full version now works on my iPhone without changing of my phone settings. I do think that the 'mobile version' of the web page looks good, and is pretty easy to navigate without having to zoom in/out, and deal with all the full-version overhead. Here's where your recent changes do provide a 'full version' link: There was also a new surprise at the top of the screen! Cool! It leads to a bunch of options that we're all used to on the full web page! Most of them work great! I can even get to my messages. However, when I try to use the 'New Content' feature, it shows no new posts. When I use the 'full version' on the iphone and PC, I always see new content. My favorite feature on the forums is 'new content. Can you (or anyone) give any advice or changes that will enable this last great feature on the mobile version of the web page? Thanks!! EDIT: Think I found it! Your Options> Settings> General Settings> Search Settings = Show me all content that I have not read.
  10. I don't think it is broken. I think that's all we get with the 'mobile version' of the forum. Features that we all like (view new, login, messages) are not part of the current 'mobile version'. You have to find a way to force your mobile device to access the 'standard version' of the web page (by modifying the devices settings), or wait for improvements or changes to the mobile version. Oh, and the iphone app (IPBoard) does have some of the good features, but I can't get them to work. I'd say that was a bug somewhere.
  11. We actually did get a different car. Still had to put half the luggage in the back seat next to the kid.
  12. Here's a few pics from our recent trip to Grand Cayman. Went diving with my 10 year old son for the first time!
  13. I searched Youtube for 'Lee Bullet Feeder'. Found piles of videos, including these: Series of videos on Lee Bullet Feeder
  14. I agree with this. Make some friends. Give them all free trial memberships. Have a 'demo day'. Make sure to put your best foot forward. I was most surprised by the comments about 'they were afraid to come to the range'. We all known this is PC nonsense, and the typical reaction of the uneducated. You need to change that perception. Show them that we are mainstream members of the community, not a bunch of rednecks. Recruit the most well spoken and respected members of the club to interact with you neighbors (doctors, lawyers, business men, politicians, LEO).
  15. I'm not sure that sending the weakest members of the team to the Elimination Challenge is the best way to win. Sure, you are keeping your team as strong as possible, and minimizing the number of chances of personal elimination. However, that has to be balanced with the opportunity to eliminate other possible winners. Who knows how long there will be a 'red team' and 'blue team'. They might rebalance the teams, or merge them! At some point it has to be 'each man for himself'. For example, what if a few people agreed to try to send JJ to the elimination instead of Jim. The idea being to ambush Ian after he'd volunteered to face Jim. Food for thought.
  16. You need to operate the powder measure in the exact same manner as when reloading. Vibrations, velocity of stroke, twangs of brass going into and out of the bell all impact how much powder settles into the slider cavity, or falls into the case. When you measure a teaspoon full of flower, you take a scoop, shake it level, dump it into your pot, then TAP IT on the rim to get all the flower. Same thing with the powder measure. Gentle careful operation is going to be less consistent. Here's what I do: deprime, resize, and prime a piece of brass. Run that brass through the powder drop just like normal, using the shell plate and a normal stroke of the handle. measure the weight. If you make any adjustments, don't measure the very next powder drop!! Always measure the 2nd (or later) drop of powder after adjusting the screw. I ran a variation experiment a few years ago, and I'll see if I can find the data. However, I wouldn't expect more than 0.1gr of variation.
  17. Speedy Things with Magazines: fast way to get magazine into gun = CR Speed Versa Mag Pouch fast way to get bullets into magazine = UpLula fast way to get bullets out of magazine = Tanfoglio Gold Team
  18. Seriously! Let's all remember that controversy and conflict are the bread'n'butter of reality TV.
  19. I was a little torqued when, during the last commercial break, they showed the preview of the next episode. I saw Kelly! Spoiler!!! It ruined the rest of the show. I'm going to be sure to TIVO more carefully next time.
  20. My solution to the problem: http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=76573&st=0&p=885720&hl=slider&fromsearch=1entry885720
  21. How's the brightness on the SPARC? Is it really daylight friendly? Do you think it will stand up to an open pistol? I just can't afford an Aimpoint Micro, and every other micro size dot I've seen is too dim.
  22. I used a nylon bolt for 6 months. All you need is to hammer it into the dovetail from the side.
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