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Jack T

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Everything posted by Jack T

  1. Travis, That could be an interesting concept to help promote the sport. Start a tour, with the top six (6) matches in the country. Do it like they do with Pro Bass Tournaments and Pro Archery Tournaments (ASA). I shoot 3D Archery and the paybacks are pretty good off the gates, same way with Motocross Racing. Make the circuit and accumulate match points for each stop on the tour and announce the winners at the end of the season, promotional banquet, etc. Just a thought. Jack
  2. I like hot dogs! Better shoot good or else you won't eat! That's a fact. Also, you can't eat no trophy. I like cash payback!!
  3. Thanks Donnie, Get that brother of yours to come down too. Jack
  4. Draw and Duck, Off the thread for a second. Man, I'm reading your signature; It's NOT that I can't shoot, I'm just a dumb ASS!! (Personal Quote- 2007 Gator Classic Stage 5) I can't remember if it was the 2007 Gator or Area 4 at the Shootout Range, I was trying to open the door on one of the stages and it wouldn't open and I'm yelling at the RO, what's wrong with this f@#king door!! and he said it opens the other way. Man talk about having a case of the dumb ass. That's what happens when you don't do a walk thru on an easy stage. But, yeah 1st - 3rd get the top prizes in all three divisions. Even TI/Open division, maybe this will make more people want to shoot TI if they have a better chance of winning nice stuff. Nothing wrong with incentive. There is great talent in all three divisions, there is no reason not to reward the shooters evenly accross the board. Jack
  5. Yeah, you guys kinda cornered the tactical reload market there for a while. Definitely he who reloads the fastest wins!
  6. After reading what Bruce said about this match being an "Old School/style" match, this kinda brought things back into perspective for me. I guess I have been spoiled by shooting Benning, Messa and other high end technical matches and thinking they should be the norm. I love the challenge/fun of the technical stages, but this is generally where I loose a lot of match points/time. Really can't beat a straight up match without all the mechanical apparatus. It is one hell of a lot easier to train for. So what was I bitching about anyway? Oh yeah, still needs more stages for a 3 day event. Jack
  7. One more thing about Remingtons and Oil from lessons learned. Cold weather and Remingtons. It's almost humerous to watch shotgun competition on a cold morning when the temperatur goes down in the low 40's or so. The Remingtons become Reptillian. Half of them will become sluggish and not cycle/eject. Unless you are shooting high brass or high dram loads. Only use a very light machine oil like Rem Oil in the clear bottle or the Spray Rem Oil. Very low viscosity and performs well in all temperatures. Anything else will want to gum up. But still clean the damn thing frequently. Check the interceptor latch. They come messed up from the factory. The "E" clip is meant to go on a certain way, because of the way it is stamped, and sometimes they are put on upside down. This has nothing to do with cycling, but if you ever have shells slip past the interceptor latch and get in between the gate and the easy loader, then your day is done. No way you can come back after trashing a stage like this. There should be zero up and down movement on the latch. I am seriously considering haveing an interceptor latch specd out at .010 oversize and having a production run of them made out of 4140. This will solve a lot of the Remington problems. Have fun, Jack
  8. You got it!! We still shot. Didn't let no stinkin hurrican stop the match. We just didn't realize the whole state went ape sh#t and started a mass exodus to the north that weekend. I'm from Florida and didn't get too excited seeing how we are in central Louisiana, not a whole lotta tidal surge up here. We will hold the match irregardless of the weather. It is already set up on matchday so unless a tornado comes thru and takes out the stages, we will shoot. Jack
  9. OK, here are the stages for the match. We will have 5 Handgun only stages and 5 Multigun stages consisting of the following: Note: The stages are designed so that those wishing to shoot handgun only may do so, you just don't shoot clays and shotguns don't shoot paper (except slugs). There are not 5 extra stages. I know this causes some confusion until you shoot it once. This is just an easy way to intergrate both disciplines into one match. We do this at least once every month. All scoring will be USPSA for this match in preparation for the Nationals, then we will go back to International Scoring next month. Stage 1: Go Low (Nationals stage 4) Handgun/shotgun (6 slugs) Stage 2: Variation of stage 12 Walk in the Park, starting with a rifle run and gun and transition into the shotgun 10 static clays ending with 5 poppers and 3 flippers Stage 3: Thru the Ports (Nationals Stage 1) Handgun-Shotgun-Rifle Stage 4: Pistol/shotgun Stage 5: Pistol only Round count: Pistol only: 130 rounds Multigun: Rifle: 50 Pistol: 40 Shotshell: 41 Slugs: 6 Regards, Jack
  10. Got all the bugs worked out on mine finally. Shooting Benny's match in San Antonio got the final glitches to come to bear. Had a lot of ejection problems and the mag catch locked open on the field course. I went back machined the CAR Replica gas tube out of bar stock for extra weight/Balance put the MAGPUL stock on it and made a few more internal mods. Thing runs like a sewing machine. It will even run Winchester AA extra light target loads now. Zero ejection problems. I matched the LOP, trigger pull (2#) and the Hogue Grip and total weight of the Saiga to match my AR. Makes transitions feel more in tune. Appreciate you guys showing me how to fab the high cap mags. Got one 16 rounder made up for Benning. First time I have felt confident about a shotgun in years. I have Browning Golds, M1 Super 90, Winchester Super X and all my Remingtons. They have all let me down, but only during competition. Guess we will see.
  11. I was expecting you to come back and slam me for being in my smart ass mode. But I forgot, you are actually one of the good guys!!
  12. Topmaul, I played with that idea in the shop. I visulalized it as being pretty effective and I got tunnel vision sticking with that concept. I failed to see the simplictiy of what is needed to actuallymake a good mag well work. I hit on a design that is really simple, and very easy to install and very effective to speed reload. Hang loose and they will be out pretty soon. Jack
  13. But you gotta look at the timing. They won't be out till after the Nationals and Probably the Ft. Benning Match. Then the playing field will be even. The new drawings were completed today. Derek will get it up and going pretty quick. I will make sure you get one of the new ones right away. Take care.
  14. But of course you have Oh great one, but the point is, put oil on it!! Wait, let me restate this: The top european shooters recommend if you shoot a remington, run it wet. Wet meaning keep it oiled. Not dry like the manufacture recommends. My knowledge comes thru seconday research, I spent all my time in North Africa and the Middle Eastern Championships.
  15. Bruce, Great job!! Good looking stages and excellent presentation. Mark of a professional. I have no doubt this match will be even better than last year. Anyone that has not shot up here is really missing an excellent weekend of shooting. The match hotel is the best I have ever been in for the money, the match is 2nd to none, and the people are the best. We got a lot of guys down here wanting to go to the Gator Classic but I am going to try and get them to head on up for the AR Section Match. We'll see. Jack
  16. We are waiting to get the prints finalized and will have a mag well in production fairly soon. We had problems with the last batch that was run because the people we contracted to manufacture the product decided to make a change which was not acceptable. They ate the production run. It made the maching process easier for them. I am going to try and attach a picture of mine. Don't know if it will work or not. The mag well will be sold by Millennium Custom www.mcguns.com Jack T.
  17. Just opening up the gas ports is not enough to solve all the cycling problems with the 1100 and the 11/87s. Remington does not design their guns to cycle target loads. Mainly this is because they use a heavy action spring. Remington makes a light action spring, but for the life of me, I can not get the part number for the light action spring, but they use it in the 1100 Tactical Shotgun. They might even use it in the 1100 competition (not the competition master), I don't know, but the gun is supposed to be set up for 2 3/4" target loads. I lucked out and have three of the light springs. I can run Winchester AA Extra Light Target (1oz) loads and the low velocity BP's thru any of my Remingtons. (Got a bunch) Find the light spring and you should be able to cycle any light load you want. The gun shoots sweet. Feels like your cheating!!! Never recommend cutting coils, but you can do it. Cut 2 at a time, put it back in and keep testing until it cycles. Buy an extra action spring before you do it so you can always go back and have a functioning gun if you screw up. This will work if you are going to stay with target loads. Put the full length spring back in for high brass/heavy field and such. Make sure your gas system is 100% functional before you attempt this thru desperation. If you have the old two piece piston/seal get the new unitized piston. Remington recommends running the gun dry. Dripping oil is better. The europeans know more about shotguns than we ever will, and the top dogs run theirs wet. I just now quit messing with the remingtons because I am tired of loosing compeitions because my 1100s goes tits up. Always seems to be with slugs. Runs like a sewing machine 364 days out of the year, till the money is on the line. I think I fell in that definition of insanity, kept doing the same thing, the same way, expecting different results. Although some would say I am still crazy running a Saiga 12. Working my way up the alphabet. Love em when they run.
  18. Bruce, Don't know if anyone has caught it, but the Gator Classic is the same weekend as the AR Section Multi-Gun. Guess we will find out where our passions lay. I'll see ya in Arkansas!! Just a mention: Looks like all the hotels/motels and such are booked up with emergency personnel, workers, etc., because of the Hurricans in the Houma/Thibadeaux area. Might want to check ahead of time if you are going to the Gator. Jack
  19. We will be having another Multigun/3-Gun match on the 4th Saturday of this month, 27 Sep 08. I also set these matches up so you can shoot handgun only if so desired. Scoring will be USPSA for this match. 5-6 stages, at least two will be from the USPSA Nationals. Registration at 0800, first shot at 0900. All the set-up is done on Thursday/Friday and tear down is done on Sunday, so all you have to do is bring your sorry ass to the match, shoot, have fun, and go home. Members $10.00, Guests $15.00 We are located in Fort Polk/Leesville, LA. For more information email me or give me a call. Regards, Jack 561-317-9096 jack@ussteelshoot.com
  20. My 2 cents. I would wager if you made, for example, the Fort Benning Match a "Trophy" match only, you would still have a waiting list. Probably at least 90% of the shooters who go there know they are not in the running for the big prizes. They go for the love of the sport, socializing, and such. The quality/prestige of the match will bring in the shooters. The days of the big prize tables was back in the late 80's, early 90's, especially when Dillon used to be involved, those days are gone. It is also getting to the point we need to go to a PRO/AM concept like Phil is doing out at USSA. Or, pay a large entry fee into the kitty and the winner take all out of each division. Leave the prizes for the amatures. For anyone who would not go to a match unless it had a big prize table, that's pretty shallow and you probably won't be missed anyway so it ain't no big deal. Does anyone know if there is an archive of the SOF results?
  21. If the shot breaks after .30 it will be an overtime and will be scored as such. The rule is based on the concept of neutralizing the potential max hit on a target. If the steel is scored as 10 points then the overtime will be -10 points. Jay BTW: I'm running the rifle standards. I'm new to USPSA rules/scoring, but let me see if I have this clear. Let's say the steel has an assigned value of 5 points, which can be assigned, then the penalty/procedual value would only be -5 points? The rifle rules are not clear to me either. Another question: Since this stage is shot under a 10 second fixed time, is it virginia count or comstock? I get a serious headache when I try and read thru the rules so I appreciate any assistance you may render.
  22. Greetings, Anyone have the approximate load data for .38 Super utilizing Hodgdon HS 7 with a 125 Grain JHP, PF 170?
  23. Thanks Shooter Grrl, Zero's .356 115 Grain is currently a Jacketed Soft Point. No problem with that, but I would still prefer a JHP. Latter
  24. Paul, I followed Cindy Cooper over from West Palm Beach and shot the Eustis Match in December. I wasn't aware of how many matchs we have in our area, if one doesn't mind driving a little. Latter
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