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Everything posted by thegirl

  1. It's on my calendar already - great match and fabulous people - you can keep the sand-filled mini tornados though!
  2. I had this problem on Sunday - the primer plate was not advancing, causing the whole thing to jam up and stop the handle from moving. I removed the whole priming system (put tape over the hole where you add primers to keep from spilling them), and removed the primer plate to make sure nothing was stuck under there. Turns out I had bent the primer index arm so much that it would not fully advance the plate. I didn't realize this until I found a spare index arm in my handy-dandy spare parts kit and noticed how badly bent the original was. Replaced the arm and the spring for good measure, made sure that it advanced freely before putting it all back together and it's all good now. Hope this helps, good luck.
  3. Actually not just in the same weekend but also that chance is there for the same day...... Ahhh, so you've been to Wichita Falls before, huh? I'm a little worried that the FroggToggs I bought say to keep away from open flame - no standing next to the bum fires for me! Rolling out of Dallas before the crack of dawn in the morning, see y'all there.
  4. I wouldn't go that far, especially now that you said it out loud. I'm bringing ALL my clothes to avoid another desperation shopping trip at the WF Wally World. I shot the RO match yesterday, it is an awesome match - but bring your front sight! And yes, it was sunny and 80-something degrees at one point, then we got wet for a while, then the wind picked up and I put on 2 shirts and a jacket. The usual!
  5. Excellent job, Nic! I knew you could do it...
  6. You guys are working your butts off and putting in an unbelievable amount of work on this match - I'd just like to say thank you, and I can't wait to work AND shoot this match - it's going to be awesome!
  7. A HUGE thanks to the ROs and staff - this was an awesome match, and you guys did a hell of a job keeping everything running smoothly even with the sandstorms. This is why I keep coming back every year! Squad 10 was an absolute hoot - got to shoot with some good friends and make some new ones too. Can't wait to see our group pic. My teeth are really clean, my skin is so soft and shiny, and I'm still trying to figure out how so much sand got inside my suitcase. See y'all next year!
  8. I can't WAIT to get on the plane tomorrow - the stages look awesome, and so does the weather. See y'all soon!
  9. thegirl

    The Fish

    Nice job, 'Fish. It was a hell of a fun match, even better watching you and stick boy duke it out. BTW, how's the fanger today?
  10. Remind me to never, ever, ever come visit you two... Nanci, I can't believe you filmed that - he wouldn't have been able to post this video if I'd been in your place, the language would have been much worse. Sorry Jim, guess that's one more whack from the skillet.
  11. Just curious - will there be a prize table or will it be cash awards for div/class winners like last year? Last year's match was really fun, hope I can make it down for this one!
  12. I'm just hoping I don't have to throw my gun over the berm. I have simple needs... Besides, you're A class now aren't you? You're still gonna get beat by a kid!
  13. I am soooo ready to go, wish today was Friday 'cuz I'd already be there. Cleaning the gun and mags tonight and packing my range bag. I might even (*gasp*) dry fire a bit before I pack it all up - Who am I kidding, I'm gonna have a beer and sit on the couch instead! Probably about 15 of us coming up from the DFW area, see y'all on Saturday.
  14. Yes, the match is lost brass.... looks like it'll be production, then, eh Rhonda?? Negative, Catfish - I'm bringing the loud gun. Jimbob got around to sorting the brass we picked up at DTC so I've got a whole new supply of 38SC. Jim, I apologize up front for your squadmates - but I guarantee you'll have a good time once you get over the initial shock!
  15. I can't remember from years past, is this a lost brass match? I may have to break into my precious supply of brand new starline 38SC, ouch... Looking forward to this one, see y'all on Saturday!
  16. Hey, if you can catch a ride with Stockton, that 8 hour drive will be about 4 hours instead - just bring a blindfold or take some valium if you're nervous about speed! Robert is on the annual "Holy crap that match was alot of work Cruise with the wife". I am putting my entry in the mail today. I willo get with Robert when he gets back and find out if he wants to go or not. What squad are you guys on if you don't mind squading Porter and me. Robert and his whole family certainly deserve a vacation. He should have paid for you to go too! We are on squad 10 but it's full. Squad 9 has spots, you can follow us around all day. Hope you talk Robert into it, we all need some good match weather for a change...
  17. Hey, if you can catch a ride with Stockton, that 8 hour drive will be about 4 hours instead - just bring a blindfold or take some valium if you're nervous about speed!
  18. I have entries from Rhonda and Greg, if that helps. You can visit USPSA self-squadding for the match to see if there are others. Yeah, but Rhonda and Greg are flying... I believe the NTPS guys (Lee, Nick, Ken) are coming out, not sure if they are driving or flying though. This is an awesome match, hope you can make it!
  19. Along those lines, I took the time to send e-mails to the list of sponsors that David put on the other DTC thread, plus a few others that got left off the list. I got several responses back saying thanks for simply taking the time to say "thanks". They were very appreciative, and several said they will do it again next year (including Dillon, woo hoo!). If you haven't done this yet, please make the time - it will only make Robert's job easier next year when he goes to build up the prize table.
  20. I am dying to know how Lesgar got that awesome trophy on the plane back to Jamaica - is it legal to have a bullwhip in your carry on bag?? Great job on the trophies again, Steve, and for keeping us all in line. Hope you're feeling better!
  21. I ROd the DTC again this year, and let me tell you that Friday was one of the most miserable days I can ever remember - at least Saturday was dry, though bitterly cold. As challenging as it was for the ROs and staff to be out there all day, I can't even imagine trying to shoot a match in those conditions. To the shooters who stuck it out and finished this match, my hat is off to you. The only saving grace was that despite the conditions, both shooters and staff alike were still smiling, having a good time and trying to make the best of rotten weather. That, along with getting to see old friends and meet new people, and being a part of the premier match in the US will keep me coming back year after year. Robert has once again outdone himself, I know I say that every year but he just keeps raising the bar. Congrats to all the winners, and to everyone else as well - we should all go post on the "Hell, I Was There!" thread now. See y'all next year!
  22. Yeah, I have never been back on a Saturday since then - most of the SoS workouts are insane like that, those people are truly nuts! I'm pretty sure pull-ups of any variety with a weight vest are not in my immediate future, but if I get a wild hair one day I'll give it a try... I've already been chastised by the boys because I talk about snatch too much, they're threatening me with an intervention if I don't cease and desist. Ooo, I'll definitely be watching the Journal - I have tried to explain what we do on the range to the trainers, have shown them vids of Max and Travis, and have even told them about you and your successes as well, but a tie-in between the two would be really cool (I assume that's what you're planning...). See you guys in a couple of weeks, I'll be working stage 1 at the DTC - hopefully all the crappy weather we're having now means it will be gorgeous by then!
  23. I've been lurking on this thread for over a year now, reading, absorbing, but never feeling comfortable enough to actually post. I joined Crossfit Plano here in Texas about a year ago after struggling with various diets and other forms of exercise for years. I'm done, the search is over, I have found my calling. Below is the blog post I wrote as my one-year report on Crossfit, I thought I'd share: "You want me to do WHAT?" Over the last year I have either thought or said those words out loud countless times. I have collapsed in a sweat-soaked heap on the floor wondering if I was going to puke, die, or both. I have stumbled to my car with my legs barely responding to my instructions. I have gone back to work red-faced and shaking so badly that I scared my coworkers. And I love it. Welcome to Crossfit. A co-worker sent me a link to Crossfit Plano (www.crossfitplano.com) – he told me to check out the crazy people and their workouts. I had heard of Crossfit from a shooter’s forum (http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=59221) and it sounded interesting, so I contacted them to see how to get started. On Saturday, February 16th 2008 I showed up at 8am for their Elements class to get familiar with the fundamentals, then I was invited to stay for the Suffer on Saturday class to see what Crossfit was all about. Here is the posted workout from that day: Suffer on Saturday: "Resentment" - Have to rename this "The Deceiver" as it was much harder than it looked. No one started the second round today! 2 Rounds for time of: Row 500m 1 Rope Climb (3 climbs from the Ground) 25 Box Jumps - 24" 25 Ball Slams - 20 lb 25 Kettlebell Russian Swings - 32kg 25 Pull Ups 25 Push Press - 65 lb 25 Wall Ball Shots - 20 lb 25 Knees to Elbows 25 Overhead Squats - 65 lb 25 Thrusters - 65 lb 25 Burpees Muscle Ups - 5 (Sub 25 Pull Ups and Dips) 25 Hang Dumbell Squat Clean - 35 lb 50 Foot Walking Lunge Staying true to the name, I suffered. A lot. I thought it would never end. I had no idea what I was doing (and of course everything was scaled for me), but one of the trainers stayed right there with me to help and to keep me going. I left the gym, went home and slept for 3 hours. Days later I was still walking like a drunken Frankenstein and couldn’t raise my arms above my head. Two weeks later I joined Crossfit Plano. Years of mainstream gyms, aerobics classes, kickboxing and entire collections of workout DVDs that I could recite word for word bored the hell out of me. Almost 5 years of indoor soccer was really fun, but earned me an ambulance ride to the emergency room and a large collection of medical braces and bruises. Only one year of Crossfit, plus a gradual change in eating habits (www.zonediet.com), and an introduction to ZHealth performance training (www.zhealth.net) has done what years of traditional exercise and dieting failed to do. I feel better, look better and have made a permanent change in my life that I can live with. No more yo-yo diets and gaining another 10 pounds while my sprained ankle heals. No more feeling deprived or guilty for eating (and, very important to me as a beer connoisseur, drinking) the things I enjoy. No more dreading the boredom of the same old workout. I believe this is what they call a life-changing experience. Besides the touchy-feely stuff above, here are the facts. I have lost 30 pounds over the last year, which translates into a total loss of about 14 inches measured over 8 points along my arms, legs and torso. A year ago I couldn’t do a single regular push-up – now I can do 15+ in a row. A year ago I couldn’t do a single pull-up – now I can do 3+ kipping pull-ups (http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFi...ng1-Concept.wmv) in a row without an assisting band. (Guys, I can hear your eyes rolling already – bite me, I’m a girl, this is much harder for us, as much as I hate to admit it). I didn’t even know what a deadlift was a year ago – I hit my PR (personal record) on the deadlift of 200 pounds last month. I can back squat and front squat my body weight. I’ve almost mastered the intricacies of the snatch (http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/cfj-nov-05/snatch.wmv), and in the last year I have done more handstands, cartwheels and tumbling than I have since 5th grade. Being out of your element, out of your comfort zone, isn’t a bad thing, really – you never know when life will surprise you and that will come in handy. Crossfit isn’t about mastering a single lift or exercise, it is about being competent and efficient across a wide range of physical skills. From the main Crossfit site: "[Crossfit] delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive. Our specialty is not specializing. Combat, survival, many sports, and life reward this kind of fitness and, on average, punish the specialist”. This is Crossfit. And I love it.
  24. This is a great idea to help promote the junior shooters - more major matches should do this as well. Somebody's got to take over when all us old folks retire!
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