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Everything posted by AustinMike

  1. I don't usually care to jump in on computer problems because I work with them all day and don't want to see another one when I get home. I test system designs for a living, so I'm biting my tongue on some of the hardware comments. Rather than get into that, I'd offer up that if you're still having the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL blue screen o' death, that's a software bug, usually a crappy driver in my experience. Sometimes a BIOS setting can have bearing on it. Dave has a good suggestion about stripping down the system to bare essentials and then installing. Before proceeding, get software updates for EVERYTHING (BIOS, video, chipset, NIC, etc.) The software that ships will be long obsolete and the issues you're seeing may be already fixed. You also might try setting the BIOS to factory defaults after flashing it to a new version, just to be safe (F9 key defaults on Intel boards.) Also make sure you have the OS option set to XP. FYI, a little info on this error from Microsoft: Windows Driver Kit: Driver Development Tools Bug Check 0xA: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL The IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL bug check has a value of 0x0000000A. This indicates that Microsoft Windows or a kernel-mode driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above. Parameters The following parameters are displayed on the blue screen. Parameter Description 1 Memory referenced 2 IRQL at time of reference 3 0: Read 1: Write 4 Address which referenced memory Cause This bug check is issued if paged memory (or invalid memory) is accessed when the IRQL is too high. The error that generates this bug check usually occurs after the installation of a faulty device driver, system service, or BIOS. If you encounter bug check 0xA while upgrading to a later version of Windows, this error might be caused by a device driver, a system service, a virus scanner, or a backup tool that is incompatible with the new version. Resolving the Problem If a kernel debugger is available, obtain a stack trace. To resolve an error caused by a faulty device driver, system service, or BIOS 1. Restart your computer. 2. Press F8 at the character-based menu that displays the operating system choices. 3. Select the Last Known Good Configuration option from the Windows Advanced Options menu. This option is most effective when only one driver or service is added at a time. To resolve an error caused by an incompatible device driver, system service, virus scanner, or backup tool 1. Check the System Log in Event Viewer for error messages that might identify the device or driver that caused the error. 2. Try disabling memory caching of the BIOS. 3. Run the hardware diagnostics supplied by the system manufacturer, especially the memory scanner. For details on these procedures, see the owner's manual for your computer. 4. Make sure the latest Service Pack is installed. 5. If your system has small computer system interface (SCSI) adapters, contact the adapter manufacturer to obtain updated Windows drivers. Try disabling sync negotiation in the SCSI BIOS, checking the cabling and the SCSI IDs of each device, and confirming proper termination. 6. For integrated device electronics (IDE) devices, define the onboard IDE port as Primary only. Also, check each IDE device for the proper master/slave/stand-alone setting. Try removing all IDE devices except for hard disks. Hope this is helpful.
  2. Despite the fees, I like ebay for not having to deal with people in person. Some Craig's List people have said they will take it and then try to haggle in person. Very annoying. To help with ebay's fees, I usually pad a couple bucks in my handling fee, which the buyer just sees as part of the shipping total. They frequently do insertion fee sales, so you can also save stuff up to sell then. I've really had only one flaky buyer on ebay, were I've had to leave bad feedback. Most of the things I've sold on ebay got me more than I figured I'd get.
  3. Triumph rules! This DVD is a must-have.
  4. Good idea. I usually use a no-shoot target on top in summer to keep the sun overhead off, but that wouldn't have helped today with the angle of the sun.
  5. Sanity check...can the angle of the sun cause errant chrono readings? I got consistently low readings today from my 9mm major load (159 PF) that usually is around 170 PF in the summer. Temp was probably around 60 degrees today, so not too cold. I know temperature can influence the powder burn, but the ammo was taken from a heated environment and not exposed to the cool air for more than 15 minutes before shooting over the chrono. The sun was coming in at about a 45 degree angle, straight into the front of the chrono. Sky screens were used as there were no clouds. I would have liked to have tried taking readings with the chrono perpendicular to the sun, but there was no other choice at this range. I'll have to try and find an opportunity to take a new reading at a different range sometime this winter. Could the angle of sunlight have caused lower than normal readings or is temperature a more likely culprit? Powder was HS-6. I'd hate to have to bump up the charge if I don't have to. Last July, I chrono'd the same load at 172 PF average out of a 10 shot group. I checked this load several times last year (albeit in warmer months) and my lowest reading on record is 168 PF.
  6. I've been shooting Monarch "green box" for a Production load out of my G17. $5.86 a box at Academy. Reloadable brass cases and seems to burn cleaner than WWB. Shoots well and recoil is soft (126 PF last I chronoed!)
  7. Not exactly a Christmas present, I bought it a couple of weeks ago. I was going to buy a Remmy 870 express for "homeland defense" while they were cheap and a rebate was going on until year end. Instead, I grabbed an ol' 870 police Wingmaster from Summit Gun Broker for even cheaper. Looks like it could tell some stories, but it's got a smooth action and shoots just fine. Nothing like the sound of a 12ga racking to say "you broke into the wrong house, buddy."
  8. +1 The stresses of work were keeping me awake at night. I started sipping whiskey in the evening, which seemed to help a bit. My wife started buying herbal teas and some of those work well (and they're easier on the liver!) Drank some "bedtime" tea last night in fact and got right to sleep and slept all through the night. It's a healthier way to drink yourself to sleep, I reckon.
  9. Cheap factory rebuilds or police trade-ins are readily available for around $350 in G17. I've bought my 3 Glocks this way and they have been flawless (G17 for production, G22 for limited, G23 for defense.) Check Summit Gun Broker or CDNN. I like the way the shorter guns handle for me and they work well since most of what we shoot is inside of 25 yards. I shot a buddy's G35 and it seemed more "flippy" in recoil to me, but that could have been the loads.
  10. So, is $650 OTD a "snatch it up" price for a used 627-5 in good condition? No fancy aluminum case, just the PC pistol rug.
  11. Aesthetically, the sharp angle of the underlug of the regular PC looks a little goofy to me (more so than the silly compensator on the other! ) I noticed a used v-comp, which peaked my curiosity. I've got my 625, which I could use in steel, but I often miss more than once! Would it really be any cheaper to shoot than 38 special?
  12. Curious, what is the preferred 8-shot revolver in the 627 line: V-Comp or the standard Performance Center? The V-Comp weighs a bit more and has the "compensator." Any other big differences? Thinking mainly for steel shooting purposes.
  13. I tried one of those and found it to be more of a pain. Mine lives in the box of misfit gun toys in my closet now. After you take Glock mags apart a few times, they get easier to disassemble. I just use a punch, screwdriver, whatever is handy and my fingers and the bases slide right off.
  14. That's why my loads are 170ish PF. Should I ever have the time and money available to shoot a major match, I don't want my experience ruined at the chrono. Even so, I'd be crossing my fingers due to the subjective nature of the process.
  15. Given all the variables beyond the shooter's control, such as temperature, wind (when weighing bullets outside - doh!), chrono variances, scale variances, etc., I don't understand why a reasonable margin of error can't be allowed (or is it, I've never been to a major match.) The technical specifications for the scales and chrono probably spell out the manufacturer's confidence level. Midway states for their scale, as an example, "Accurate to plus or minus 1/10th grain." Failing to take equipment variances (with the published variances being under IDEAL circumstances no less) and declaring that 164.97 is minor is a huge disservice to the shooter. The whole chrono thing should be to weed out those who are deliberately powder puffing their loads. This shooter obviously was not.
  16. Especially since they just approached you recently about carrying your bag! Need any help twisting the knife out of your back? That's terrible! I guess you can look at it as a a form of flattery, but as I've got experience with unethical people stealing intellectual property that I've worked very hard on, I'm sure it is frustrating too. I'm sure most people understand it's not an apples-to-apples comparison though. Maybe they are planning on carrying your bag after blowing out the knock-offs. I hope that is the case, but probably not. On a side note, Helmie with i-SHOT noticed my previous post and has offered to fix or replace my current bag. Nice to see guys like you stand behind what you sell. I don't mind paying more when the product is made well and the manufacturer stands behind it.
  17. I'm planning on getting one of Chuck's bags when my I-shot bag disintegrates, which will probably be next year some time. I like their range rug bag for an interior pistol bag, but their tournament range bag turned out to be a waste. The plastic clip on the brass bag didn't last 2 matches and I replaced it with a metal one. It's looking pretty shabby after just over a year, with the fabric tearing in several places. I wish I'd only paid $30 for it! I'd definitely not expect a $30 Midway bag to last as long as Chuck's - just thought that was rather interesting when I saw it. Looked like a pretty deliberate knockoff.
  18. Quality doesn't come cheap, that's for sure! Looks like whoever built this bag for Midway had a good look at yours, Chuck. I thought it was yours when I saw the picture in their flyer, then saw how absurdly cheap it was and thought, no way! I notice they don't have 150lbs of bullets sitting on top of it though.
  19. Said about $10 ground to my area. Not too expensive, but Midway generally is high on shipping. They really jack you over on powder/primers (not that I've ever ordered that stuff from them, but I always get their "remember we sell them" emails!)
  20. You sure you want to run a match this weekend??? Hope ya feel better fast. I have a huge-ass bottle of Jagermeister in the freezer and I'll share! It'll make you forget what ails ya.
  21. Interesting...looks like a knockoff of Chuck's bag? MidwayUSA Competition Range Bag
  22. My wife caught this great photo of our toy poodles a while back. They love to catch balls in the air. Being sisters, there is lots of fighting over toys. There were no poodles harmed in the making of this picture.
  23. Interesting. I've got no use for a manual safety for competition, but it might be good for carry. I like my G17 and G22 competition guns, but I was always hestitant to pack a Glock since I carry IWB, but I bought a G23 with an 8lb trigger in it and I feel OK with that. I only wish they offered the option of no finger grooves! All of my Glocks are 2nd gen. and finger groove free! Funny ya'll mention the grip angle. I've been shooting a lot of Glock and some Open (STI based) this year and got my trusty ol' 1911 out last weekend. I had a heck of a time consistently engaging the grip safety! I've developed a real high grip on the Glocks and the STI (which has the grip safety disabled) and I "missed" the bottom of my stock Kimber grip safety several times. Otherwise, the Glock grip angle hasn't bothered me. Hmm...maybe Glock will use this as an excuse to finally update their crappy website! Still copyright 2000... You'd think with as many guns as they sell, they could afford to hire a good web designer!
  24. Thanks everyone for thinking about little Lucy. She came home last night! She is a bit groggy from pain meds that she is on. She has to take anti-biotics for a few days and is on a restricted diet. Definitely not quite herself yet, but she is coming around. It's great to have her back home! While she was in the hospital, I promised her I'd buy her a plush new bed that she's had her eye on, if she came home this weekend. She kept her end of the bargain, so I kept mine. She was going to get it for Christmas, but she deserves a soft place to relax after a very rough week. Hard to see her in it. She got in to it at the store and I thought I was going to have to carry her to the car in it!
  25. Went and saw her this afternoon and she seems to be improving, but they thought she was in some pain because she was panting a lot, so they gave her a shot of pain killer. She seemed rather zombie-like, so hopefully it’s just the medicine. Still on IV, but they are offering water to her now and they will try food tonight or tomorrow. As long as the fever doesn’t come back and she can hold down food and water, we might get her back tomorrow evening. Hope yours feels better, Dave. It's so hard to see our little ones suffer!
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