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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by AustinMike

  1. Like the title says, I'm looking for loads for the Precision black 147 bullet for a Glock 17 factory barrel for minor Production loads. I got talked into trying them today, but I'm not finding much load data. I've got Clays, Universal Clays, HS-6, Power Pistol, and Titegroup on hand. I'm open to other options. I'm a little wary of shooting non-jacketed bullets in the Glock, but I was assured it's safe at minor velocities and the way jacketed prices are getting, I thought what the hell. Thanks, Mike
  2. Stupid revolver noob question... I've had troubles with occasionally skipping a chamber on my 625 in matches during rapid fire. I sat down to analyze this last night since I couldn't figure out what was going on during a match. I mostly shoot Glocks and what I'm doing is riding the trigger like I normally do to catch the Glock reset. So, I end up letting the trigger out enough that when I pull back again the cylinder spins, but the hammer stays down. Is this what ya'll mean by short stroking? Is there anything I should have looked at in the action or just shut up and dry fire more? I had my 'smith do a trigger job, but I'm not sure what the pull is on it. It's kind of middle of the road, I guess - heavy enough primer strikes that I'm not restricted to Federal only. I searched and was still scratching my head, so apologies if this is covered somewhere and I'm missing it.
  3. When I shot my buddy's G32, it was with S&B ammo. I was a little surprised that it didn't kick back all that much, but then again, I shoot my G23 with full power defense loads alright. Certainly not something I want to spend the whole afternoon doing out of these compact guns though! My buddy really wants to get a .40 barrel for his G32 since I told him that will work. He had some regrets about his purchase over the cost of feeding the G32 for practice. That's why I always tell new gun buyers to look at the price of ammo and magazines before making their purchase.
  4. Sorry, I had a tactical moment there! Made an edit to fix.
  5. I fired one a few weeks ago. A buddy said it didn't shoot straight, but it was the indian, not the arrow. It recoiled about like a .40. Ammo is expensive for it and I steer people away for that reason alone. I've always thought of the .357 Sig as a solution in search of a problem. Hot 9mm or .40 is good 'nuff.
  6. Crap! I was hoping to buy an AR this year, but now I'm not sure I want to! My lil' Mech Tech carbine in 9mm sounds better all the time, I just can't play in the long range matches with it.
  7. AustinMike

    Failure To Eject

    No offense intended, but my first guess is technique. The only common piece to the puzzle is, well, the shooter. I've come across folks that claim their gun jams in this way or that, but I couldn't reproduce it. A little reworking of their grip and the problem disappears. I think that the lightweight polymer framed guns can be susceptible to limp grip syndrome. It's conceivable that in the frenzy of a crisis situation, you just aren't getting a good solid grip on the gun. I've not fired any +P+ ammo through my Glocks, so I can't comment on how well it runs in them. I'm sure recoil is pretty stout!
  8. Absolutely sickening. Hard to comprehend a society that places the rights of criminals over the rights of law abiding citizens. Instead of being shocked and angered that a 15 year old is running around robbing people with a gun, people are shocked and angered that someone put a stop to it in self defense. What a twisted mindset.
  9. In spite of the fact that he was trying to rob a guy at gun point, he was really a nice kid. One less thug on the streets, good riddance.
  10. Our dogs are cherished family members. They keep me sane by putting a smile back on my face after a day of work in the cruel world. I was a basket case when one of ours had a 3 day hospital stay a while back. We enjoy our time with ours while we have them and it's a shame they don't have the longevity that we do. Very sorry about your loss!
  11. Argh... For what it's worth, Nasonex seems to have helped decrease the frequency of sinus/ear infections for me. I use it every day.
  12. I finally mustered the courage to shoot the 625 I built up last year at a local USPSA match the other day. I sucked, but it was fun. I didn't try to be competitive at all and shot just for the fun of shooting an awesome gun. I'll be doing it again. I don't shoot big matches due to time and $ factors, but I figured I could get classified on revolver and shoot the local matches here and there to do my little part to help support a division that I think really needs to be there. Revolvers are pretty rare around here and I got looks like I had an extra head growing out of my hip. Lots of double-takes!
  13. I wasn't a fan of Glocks until I started shooting competitively and have made lots of improvements to my technique. Now, they shoot just fine for me and that's what I'm shooting the majority of the time. I sometimes carry a Glock 23 and it eats Speer Gold Dot hollowpoints just fine. For what it's worth, I'm usually carrying a little S&W scandium J-frame. The little sucker is light and easy to hide. While jamming may not be much of an issue with a revo, it does take practice to shoot accurately with them. Find a gun that fits your hands well. Seek out a qualified instructor who can guide you toward the right selection and help with any technique issues.
  14. Too bad he didn't have the gun turned around. If he only smashed one nut, he still might procreate.
  15. Too funny, I had made that comment a while back to a friend that was complaining about gas prices. I said, dude, you spend more on water! How 'bout Starbucks gouging us on coffee?
  16. You can find gas around here for $2.65. I'm glad I've got my motorcycle - 55+mpg! I use my truck as little as possible.
  17. I feel your pain. I get several sinus infections a year, usually gets into the ears as well. Allergies trigger mine and I take Nasonex daily, supplemented by Claritin to help keep things at bay. Had one bout where one ear was completely clogged and I could barely hear out of it for a couple months. They put me on some steroid pill that time, which seemed to get rid of it. Go see an ENT Dr.. I live with Tinitus (ringing in the years), self-induced from years of rock-n-roll drumming with no hearing protection. It's constant and can actually keep me awake at nights sometimes. Nothing can be done about that, that I know of. It can get worse when the ears are clogged. High blood pressure increases the ring too.
  18. Some moron with a rifle apparently didn't read those crucial 4 rules of shooting and killed a 7 year old kid playing in his yard yesterday from 200 yards away. "Didn't know the direction he was going." Very sad. Child killed in Kyle
  19. Some updates here: AVMA site
  20. Dave, I'm very sorry to hear this. Thoughts and prayers for you and your mom. Let me know if Tonya and I can do anything. -Mike
  21. Frozen Dihydrogen Monoxide...the worst kind!
  22. Well, it looks like dihydrogen monoxide is ruining our club match this Saturday. The stuff has collected in our bays and turned the dirt into a gooey mess. Forecasts indicate a strong chance for sustained atmospheric exposure to the stuff this weekend. Sign me up for a t-shirt. This menace has got to be stopped.
  23. We feed our dogs Precise Plus. Nothing from China in this brand either. Dog Food Project is a good info site for doing some research.
  24. +1 I used to have problems with bullets not getting in perfectly straight using the Dillon seater, which caused bulges as described. No issues since switching to the Redding Competition seater. It aligns the bullet just right every time.
  25. It would be nice to hear the good and bad both. I guess I can see from a moderation standpoint where it would be difficult to weed out genuine bad experiences vendors from the buyers that you simply can't please no matter what. It would also be cool if there were a way that members could have feedback in the classifieds. I haven't had any bad experiences yet, but with as much money as we exchange in this sport, it would be nice to have the extra assurance of seeing feedback history.
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