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Everything posted by AustinMike

  1. In .45ACP, if the case will hold the bullet, I reload it. I'm cheap that way, I guess. I've cracked a number of cases with no ill effects.
  2. Short of paying somebody to follow you around with a net, expecting to get every piece of brass back is well...unrealistic to say the least. Pick up what you can when you can, but lost brass is simply part of the cost of the game IMO. I try to get my .45 back as much as I can, since it's the most costly. I don't lose sleep over losing 9mm though. I pick up what I can easily find after practice. I often leave it at club matches for no other reason than I'm too lazy, hot, or tired to pick it up.
  3. Thanks for the video clip, Chet! I enjoyed the vicarious shooting through the eye of the hat cam. Man, I really missed some fun!
  4. I was overwhelmed by the emails and calls from folks about my hospitalization this week. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. I was taken to the emergency room early Wednesday and I was released yesterday afternoon from the cardiac unit. They put me through a bunch of tests because of an irregular heart beat detected by EMS. It appears that my heart is OK. There was some sort of enzyme anomaly that had them looking at my kidneys as well, but whatever it was went away while I was there. The best guess is that a combination of prescription medications, over exertion, and dehydration all contributed to my fainting. I drink lots of water, so I was surprised by the latter, but one of the medications I was taking may have played a factor in this too. I’ll be following up with my regular doctor this coming week. I feel OK for the most part, but I’ve had a lingering headache and I’m kind of groggy – not quite back to my old self. I just checked with the on-call doctor and he says I’ve probably just got a tension headache, possibly caused by allergies flaring up too. So, I’m taking some Tylenol and trying to get some rest. A few days in the hospital really puts a drain on a person. Hard to get any rest when they wake you up constantly to take blood and check vitals. I’ll take a break from shooting for the next weekend or two. I’m really bummed that I had to miss Double Tap this year! Hope to see everyone on the range again soon. Thanks, Mike
  5. You're not the only one. I'm writing this from a hospital bed. I collapsed while working out at the gym yesterday morning and it looks like I will be here through Friday at least, depending on how test results turn out. Hopefully it was just some new medication I was taking, but the poking and prodding will tell. I really hate that I'm missing DT. I was so ready for some run-n-gun this weekend.
  6. If I go with Dawson sights, I'll just run the gun up there and have them put the front sight on. It will be cheaper than ordering in a special tool.
  7. I picked up a Glock 24 for cheap on a whim to experiment with the longer sight radius. I've been using Dawson sights on my other Glocks, but it looks like the front sight will hang over the lightening cut on top of the slide on the the G24. Don't know if that's a problem or not, but I was wondering what the few who shoot the G24 prefer for a sight setup. Thanks, Mike
  8. Lightweight, breathable rain wear. Popular with fishers and motorcyclists. Frogg Toggs Site
  9. I like to carry my Frogg Toggs with me. They fold down into practically nothing, so the jacket is easy to carry around or stuff into your shooting bag. The material breathes, so you don't get all sweaty. You can find them at fishing or motorcycle shops usually.
  10. Absolutely not! I wouldn't risk it. Please box up and send said cases to me and I'll make sure they are properly disposed of. Seriously, I've never had any issues with them at major. I'll shoot Speer, Federal, Win., and R&P at major. Everything else goes in my minor bin for steel matches. Grab all you can for free, brass just keeps getting more and more expensive!
  11. I ordered a couple pairs of 511 pants on clearance and a few other items. No problems, but as said already, they seem to have no idea on their inventory. I called before I ordered to see if they had my size and they said they had no way to look that up. I was told to order and if they didn't find my size in the warehouse, they would contact me. I took a chance since the pants were so cheap and it worked out. Odd way to do business though. I prefer to deal with vendors who keep their inventory updated in real time on their sites.
  12. Heh, I've been in the same boat for a while. Got lots of guns that I've rotated through since getting introduced to this sport a couple years ago. I like shooting them all and it's taken time to figure out what works best. For me, it seems like I do the best with my Glocks and I go back and forth between Limited and Production - mainly shooting Production when I haven't had time to reload and I shoot factory stuff. I'm trying to focus on the Glock platform this year, but I'll still mix in the others from time to time for a little variety and fresh mind set. Shooting open, for example, seems to help my iron sight shooting, even though I don't consider myself a very good open shooter. It points out any sloppiness in my draw. Figure out which gun you shoot most consistently with and stick with it if you want to move up though. I know it's hard to stick with one when you've got a safe full of blasters that you enjoy shooting. Just ain't fair to leave the others behind, is it?
  13. I had to load Precision coated bullets a little shorter (about 1.230") to get them to feed reliably in my 1911, for what that's worth. I liked those bullets, but I had to return to FMJs because the coated bullets caused real bad leading in my barrel. I think I've got a rough spot about mid-barrel. Never had any problems with plated or FMJs. This gun shoots the tightest groups with FMJs, so that's an added plus. It's more expensive, but not so much so that I've been motivated to see if my barrel can be fixed somehow. I occasionally pick up my .45 wheelgun and I shoot FMJs in it for ease of reload, so I'm buying those bullets anyway. I do shoot Precision coated bullets in my .40 though, with no problems.
  14. No mention of HS-6 being discontinued on Hogdon's web site.
  15. I like to use plugs and muffs when shooting open. I usually wear a big floppy hat since I'm so fair skinned. I'll keep ear plugs in and when it's my turn to shoot, I'll but on the baseball cap and muffs. I bought a fishing hat the other day at Cabelas and it's basically a cap with a wide flap on the back. I think muffs will work, sitting over the flaps when I shoot, but I haven't tried it yet. It would be nice to not have to change hats.
  16. I was wondering about getting a Ghost replacement Glock block for my STI belt rig. My 773 mag pouches seem to sort-of fit with the Glock mags, but there is flop room front to back. I've read where some people use 773's for Glock. Is there a Glock specific 773 variety? I was thinking there are just double or single stack sizes, but the fit doesn't seem right.
  17. I noticed a Glock 24 for sale the other day for about $500, looks like it's in nice condition. I shoot a G22 in Limited now and have been toying with getting a S_I at some point. One of the things in my mind was whether I'd go 5" or 6" barrel length down the road. I was thinking maybe an old G24 might be a good way to try out the longer sight radius and see if it works for me, without spending a lot of money. Is that a reasonable price for a G24?
  18. If the pin is sliding out, does that mean I need to knock it in a little more? One other question, I noticed in another thread that there is an alignment tool needed to put things back together if I take the shaft off. Is this right? Thanks! Mike
  19. Lately I've had trouble with my 550B's main shaft binding up. It looked dirty and I cleaned it off best I could, but it seemed to be sticking passing through the frame. I applied Kroil to the shaft liberally, which ran down the shaft through the frame and seemed to dislodge some gunk. I wiped it off and repeated several times and it's better, but still not as smooth as it used to be. Also, I noticed that the upper link arm pin was backing out and I tapped it back in. Looks like it's going to keep backing out though. I'm not sure what is supposed to hold it in. Is there anything I can do to restore the smooth action of my press or is it time to send it in to Dillon for some refurbishing? I've still got to load up my ammo for the Double Tap championship, so I'm hoping my press will hold out for me!
  20. AustinMike

    Grip Tape?

    I use Decal Grip on my Glocks. All of my Glocks are 2nd Gen. frames and I just couldn't get a good fit on the front strap with the TruGrips with the finger groove cutouts. TruGrip is my choice for my 1911 though!
  21. When you edit the section/page, just add the img src tags and have the images either in the root directory or specify the full path. Ours just looks like this: <div align="center"> <img src="Roy4Web.jpg"> <img src="MarcyC4Web.jpg"></div><br> Don' t forget in phpwebsite, you have to save the section your are editing, then click the save page button at the bottom of the editor page!
  22. I was shooting a steel match one time and my gun went "click." I didn't get my mags reloaded before stepping up to the line. There were a few newbies on the squad, as I recall, and I was the last shooter on the previous stage. I intended to reload mags after walking over to the next stage. I started to load up, but one of the new guys was asking some questions and I tried to help him out. About then, the RO (I won't mention any names, but it rhymes with X-Ray ) barks at us to help with painting the steel. We were a small squad and so I go help, walking away from my bag with empty mags. I'm full-on distracted now and next thing I know, it's my turn to shoot and with all the rushing around, I completely forgot about my mags. Damn. Must resist urge to force empty mags down said RO's throat when he says "that's why I always reload immediately after I shoot." I try to take care of my equipment immediately after shooting now, but it's tough sometimes. I'm too much of a gentleman at times and I hate to sound like an ass and tell people I'm busy, get somebody else to do it. I've had several matches lately where we had smallish squads and a few less experienced people. I end up helping RO or scorekeeping right up until before I shoot and my mind is mush when I step to the line. I completely blew two stages at a recent match because of this. So, I don't care how much it holds things up, I WILL take the time I need to prepare before and after I shoot so I can do my best. I'm relatively new myself and I don't shoot the straightest arrow as it is! I need all the preparation time I can get.
  23. Go to the directory for the theme your are using and edit theme.tpl. It will be something like <h1 align=center><img src=/themes/Default/images/mainlogo.gif></h1>. You'll have to do this anytime you change templates. Make sure the pictures are somewhere visible to the outside world and just use img src, like above. While you are logged in as an administrator, go to Control Panel, User Administration, Settings, uncheck Show Login Box. To get back in yourself to make edits, you'll need to go in through http://www.sagepistolleague.org/admin. There's a forum with good info here: http://www.phpwsforums.com/
  24. I've got a Shooting Chrony myself. It's reasonably close to Oehlers I've compared to, but I haven't had an opportunity to compare to a CED. How far off is yours from CED?
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