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Posts posted by Shmella

  1. For the shot that appeared to go over the berm, that had the RO shaking his head afterwards.

    The way the video plays on my screen, shot broke after he started moving, and gun was angled upwards.

    Practically shot through the barrel

    If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, but that's what it looked like on my screen.

    Sorry for being "that guy"

    I'll stay quiet going fwd.

    Looks like that on my screen too. Three shots went off and the third seemed to be what is was described above.

  2. I'll reiterate alien gear. I am going to a G19 for the same reason stated. I used to carry a G23 with the alien gear holster and It was more comfortable with that holster than anything else I tried. Also doesnt hurt that its close to being the cheapest holster out there. But the lead time sucks. I remember it taking 6 to 8 weeks to get after I ordered it.

    But they messed up and sent my order twice so that made up for the long lead time. I was surprised to see two more holsters show up a couple weeks after I got the first two and suddenly didn't care anymore that they took so long to get to me. :)

  3. Yep, I had a single stack 9 before and ended up getting rid of it and picked up a .40 limited gun. Regretted that decision after swapping calibers a couple times so I went back to all 9.

    Planning on getting a Glock 19 for a carry gun so I don't have to buy any factory stuff and still be able to practice with my carry gun.

  4. Ive tried trading or posting WTB locally no body wants to give up any precious feds. And to be clear there isn't anything illegal I'm trying to do lol. Ive had powder shipped to MA before. If you're licensed its perfectly legal MA. In NH anyone with an ID over 18 can buy primers, bullets or whatever.

  5. I talked to them on the phone to try and see what I could do (ship them to an FFL) or pay by check but I think Im out of luck. Dang Federal primers even when theyre available I still cant get them.

  6. If you are shipping something to NH and it is legal to do so I dont understand the policy. I get they don't want to ship to MA because of the dumb laws in this state but Im shipping to NH not MA. Other companies will ship to MA and I get policies change from company to company but I still believe the billing address shouldnt affect where an item can ship. So I think it is ridiculous.

  7. I have to say craigslist is great sometimes. I found someone selling a super 1050 within 45 mins from me and naturally in Craigslist fashion I had to throw a lowball offer out there. Got denied.

    About a month after I lowballed the guy He responds again reconsidering my offer. (apparently there arent many people looking for 1050's on craigslist.)

    Ended buying the 1050 for $1100 and the guy Threw in a Large Dillon case tumber/cleaner and large Dillon media seperator. He bought the press new "years ago" and never even opened the box. It was still sealed when I got there, I opened it when we met up just to make sure it was actually in the box lol. The guy had to take a quick peak himself as he said "I've actually never even seen one myself." The box was dated 2001 :surprise: lol.

    went from a Hornady LNL to the 1050 and finally have it set up. I will say I'm very impressed with this machine and happy with my purchase. Sold the LNL and traded my limited in .40 for a 9mm single stack. Now I have an open gun 9mm, 9mm Revolver and 9mm singlestack gun and I have a 1050 set up and only load for 9mm!!

    Going from my tiny Franford arsenal tumbler to the massive one I have now was an added bonus too.


  8. I don't think the name calling is necessary and I think teros135 has been pretty polite in pointing out that the facts you're stating are incorrect whether it is a problem with their sites "add to cart" page or not. I think he and others like me are trying to keep the facts straight for other members who may read this thread thinking precision deltas are more expensive than Montana golds when in fact they are not. As entertaining as I find it to be, this isn't the site for name calling, But I'm sure a moderator will clean it up soon anyway.

  9. Where do you buy plated from? I never found any played cheaper than PD when you factor in shipping costs. Also don't like plated because they were terribly inaccurate for me but just curious because I always found them to be more expensive than PD

  10. Uuuuhhh.... So I have been shooting MG's for a while and this thread motivated me to give Delta's a look and what I found was staggering. Delta cost more than MG! And not just a little more... A lot more. 3k deltas cost the same as 3750 MG's?!??!! Tha f%*k??? Wow.

    Montana golds because America and cheaper.

    It's ok... Math is tough sometimes :cheers:

    Lol I was thinking the same thing. I reiterate to anyone reading this that PD are cheaper and there's nothing special you have to do other than to buy 2000 or more. MG sells theirs in different quantities and the best way to buy them is by a "case" which is 3750 ct or something like that and they end up being something like.10 bullet. And PD .89 c bullet if you buy 2k or more. At the end of all the math the simple answer is Precicion deltas are cheaper.
  11. I think I am transgunder in spirit, maybe its something in the water around here... :surprise: I want to get gooder with all of my guns but I know I'll probably have to stick with one gun for a bit to actually do that. I'm planning on sticking with revolver this year and actually earn a class then try to improve from wherever I land in the classification. I'm all over the place, buying selling trading I never stick with what I have and just shoot it. Its like a hobby in itself trading up guns trying to plot a way to get something new.

    Being transgunder in spirit I dont know how long I will last only shooting or primarily shooting revolver but for now Revolver will have most of my attention.

  12. I've been using WST and the cylinder has never been too hot to handle from what I've noticed. My current load is 3.5 with a black bullets international 147g .356 seated at 1.135. Federal brass easy ejection. I've shot this load at psa shootout and walls of steel where you stand and shoot 25 to 30 steel targets no issues handling the cylinder. I don't remember what of it is but its above 125 from what I remember.

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