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boo radley

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Everything posted by boo radley

  1. Perhaps, but.... I don't shoot very much IDPA, but when I do, I mostly use my G35, but sometimes a 1911. I'm the same shooter, but in SSP I'm MA yet in CDP, EX, and I feel that's right -- I'm much more used to the Glock. And in IDPA, with stages that might have at *most* 12 rounds, and rules that punish speed reloads, etc., you've got to be perfect. I've reached the conclusion that -- for me, anyway -- it's all about visual patience. With a Glock, I need a lot less of it, because the sights are -- bam -- right there, when I raise the pistol. With a 1911, they're not, so right off the bat, I'm needing to wait out the micro-adjustments necessary to correct the sight picture, for at least a stage or two. <shrug> Then there's everything else -- mag release button, slide release, slim magwell, etc., etc. But I think, bottom line, it's a very personal journey, especially regarding motivation and reward. Nice firearms are a pleasure, and it's an even greater pleasure to run 'em in competition.
  2. Man. I shot yesterday, too, and whined like a spoiled 8 year-old the entire time...(but only on the inside). Started the first stage with 4 mikes, and 3" of rain water in my range bag, by accident. <grin> Day got worse from there. I was pretty impressed, however, to see a friend on our squad -- Ian Robson -- win A Open in those conditions. Pretty damn impressive, considering the ankle-deep mud on some stages, and driving rain. I was also amused to see people cleaning their mags in puddles. Stages were great, and I agree -- many thanks to the RO's and staff!
  3. Do you forsee earning a slot in much the same manner as the other Divisions? Thx
  4. "Curiouser and curiouser," cried Alice. So now the question is how a pig that large got into the fenced-in "hunting preserve" to begin with. http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/05/30/...Monster-Pig.php Seems a good question -- 150 acres isn't that large an area. I'm starting to think this whole story stinks. I'll bet they transported some freakishly large pig in, for the kid to whack, in the contained area. And 8 shots and 3 hours isn't a particularly humane or sporting kill. Finally, after getting this enormous creature, why not get some state wildlife officer in to certify the size? Edited to add: latest AP news report says the investigation revealed nothing illegal. Guess the hog just grew inside the preserve. I'd still be suspicious of its diet. Family Stone might want to think twice, before frying that sausage.
  5. The only thing I do, is tumble ammo for major matches. It helps get the OneShot® off the cases, and any primers that are really loose in the pockets will back out. Then I examine the cases just to make sure none are split. The Lee FCD seems to obviate the need to case-guage, but it will happily resize a split case, too....Have had zero problems with my Glock 35, and I'm pleased that this Caylor STI build seems to eat every profile at any OAL, so far.
  6. It's a weird story, no doubt. Even more strange is the website: www.monsterpig.com, and the father's comments, and the hate/fan mail.
  7. Heh -- I'm in the opposite boat. I *have* a Les Baer PII, and have been looking for a second single-stack for competition. I will say the PII is a terrific gun for the price point, but I have had a couple issues. First, I have a hard time agreeing the trigger is the best "stock" trigger out there. I've had Kimbers with better triggers out of the box. My PII pulls about 4lbs, and the break isn't crisp. It's not a bad trigger, however. Second, the finish -- at least the blued finish -- is no big deal one way or the other. Just blued steel. Third, the gun is heavy. With a steel S&A magwell, it's not IDPA legal, or at least mine isn't. Don't shoot that much IDPA, so it's no big deal, and it's never been weighed, anyway. Fourth, the gun is so tight it's amazing, but I've also found it a bit unforgiving with ammo OAL, and certain bullet makes/types. I suspect the chamber is tighter than my case gauge, and sometimes I have to help the slide into battery. Not often, but sometimes. In fairness, I haven't bothered sending it back, for LB to check. All that said, the gun is very accurate, yes, and feels great in the hand, and it's clearly got this "hand-fitted" vibe. I don't think you'll be sorry, for sure.
  8. Makes sense...Ordered two of them just now. Thx, all.
  9. %&*(#&*$ <say 1k times: I will never clean guns outdoors, again....I will never.....> Anyway, removed the striker plate carelessly, while cleaning my G35, and that tiny white plastic piece ( I think it's called a 'spring loaded bearing') shot into the weeds. It's the piece that fits into the plunger spring. My question is, does this piece have a function beyond making it easier to replace the striker plate? Thx
  10. boo radley

    Blade-tech DOH

    I believe he's refering to rule 5.2.5.
  11. boo radley

    Blade-tech DOH

    Yes, this is the exact problem I had with the holster. Supposedly BladeTech will send you a kit with shims and screws, but I ended up going to Home Depot, and spending a couple dollars on what I needed. That said, after dicking around with it, and hurting the hell out of my thumb, I said, "screw it," and ended up just going with the non-DOH holster, that I originally had (Comp-tac). One thing you will discover, is if you screw and unscrew the attachment often enough, the post screws won't snug down, and that will open another can of worms....<grin> Nothing against the company -- their service has been fantastic -- but depending on your draw, with Glocks, this holster is problematic, IMO.
  12. ME TOOOOOOO!!!!!!! So the question is, if you create a new "XYZ" division, who will shoot it? Existing USPSA members, who are active in a another division? Or *new* shooters, who currently aren't, or *active*, USPSA members? IMO, this is the heart of the matter. If you create "Open10", and you pull shooters from another division, you've hurt those shooters that remain in those divisions. Doesn't *everyone* want to shoot a match -- local, and especially a major -- with as many other shooters as possible in your class/division? How many ways are you going to slice this pie? It's just not that big, to begin with. I think this same issue is very real with PSSD, which is why any discussion thereof can't help but involve L10. OTOH, I do believe that PSSD, unlike "Open Revolver", actually has a chance of bringing in new members, with the right marketing; increasing the size of the pie, if you will...That's a big distinction. Could Springfield and Kimber put a USPSA brochure in the literature that ships with new 1911's? Etc.
  13. Not hard -- the dremel, with a thin cut-off disc, will channel out the striker. Mine looks exactly like the one pictured.
  14. Here's the short version of my experiments on this subject -- ymmv. Sotelo kit with factory striker spring: 100% reliable with everything. Feels pretty good, compared to completely stock. Sotelo kit with factory striker spring minus a couple coils (shortened). Very good -- what I'm using now, and 99.95% reliable Sotelo kit with reduced spring and lightened striker (I took the dremel to it -- someone posted some pictures here, and I used those as a guide. Very easy) -- feels *great*, but still, once in a great while, I'll get a light strike. Where I say Sotelo kit, I mean generically a 3.5lb connector, polished parts, etc -- whatever *isn't* the striker and striker spring. In fairness, some of the problems are just due to reloading with many-fired, old brass. It was a real eye-opener when I started tumbling my loaded ammo; out of a couple hundred rounds, a few would have their primers back out.... Still -- I will never trust, with 100% confidence, a reduced-weight striker spring in my Glocks.
  15. Yeah, but Paul -- I see those stats as exactly what's problematic with this issue, until it gets resolved. 5 shooters in Single-Stack (btw, did Rob L. really shoot this match??). 16 in L10, maybe 14 of whom shoot 1911's? Move a couple over, and you've now got two weak Divisions, instead of a single Division with 21 shooters. Here's what interesting: 2001 Area 6: 8 Production shooters, 6 of whom had "U" classification 2002 Area 6: 19 Production shooters 2006 Area 6: 11 Single Stack shooters, 0 were "U" classified 2007 Area 6: 6 Single Stack shooter, 0 were "U" classified I'm presuming in a major match that offers plaques, prize $, fame and glory, no one is going to much care about the classifier for the sake of classification....So now where is everyone? I agree with JFD -- it's probably going to go through regardless. I think for it to become "popular" -- which is different from "successful" -- it will require major sponsorship input at area matches. Single-stacks guns and special prize $ given away only, or with a focus, to this Division. Reduce the entry fee, or something, if you're willing to shoot SS. Dunno, just my 2 casings.
  16. PP -- if you go the route of the 650 and KISS please post a review! I'm kinda in a similar boat, except I never think about upgrading my 650 to a 1050 until I read messages on this board. When I had the SDB I couldn't wait to get something faster...Now, when the 650 is "tuned" and running well, it seems like it's everything else that slows me down and is a pain -- loading primer tubes, clearing the occasional jam, dealing with brass, etc.....I don't see that changing with a 1050. But then again, I'm glad I've never tried one.
  17. All is well. Called Caylor and the slide-stop was stock (explained he put in a stock one so the customer could modify as desired for lock vs. non-lock). Out came the Dremel®. I ended up doing all three of the steps on the Brazos website: grinding down the slide-stop, adding a detent, and -- on the Grams followers -- grind them a bit, too. Now nothing is locking back. Boy - you don't need much of a detent -- think I got a bit carried away and now it take a bit of effort TO engage the stop... Now I just have to learn how to shoot this gun, and change the setting from "MIKE".
  18. That's going to be a terrific trip, and an a wonderful experience. And in September, the French will be back from their vacations, and in (comparatively) good moods! No International DL needed for the short trip. In France, like most of the world, one drives on the right. Do you really need to rent a car? The train is *the* transportation in Europe, and a lot less stressful than wrestling with directions, finding gasoline, etc. Ignore cliches, and *enjoy*.
  19. That's an interesting point. Would the rules require stock magazines? What if CZ came out with a stock...extra-length magazine that held 22. Or the CZ-SP01X, with a longer, slightly fatter grip, that held 22+1 9mm rounds? Would take some mighty mental management to offset that difference, with a stock Glock and 17 rounds, I'll wager... Then there'd be all the "competition followers", and special springs, and plastic magazine tuning "specialists".....Bah.
  20. Well...perhaps the time has come for all of us to take a deep breath, and reflect on French Deconstructionalist theory. "Le morte d'auteur" or "death of the author." For whatever reasons -- and they include accomodating the 10-round magazine capacity limit, still with us in some States -- Production ended up with a 10+1 limit. These reasons are no longer important, and the decidedly non-PC game of Production no longer belongs to those reasons. It belongs to us. This gets back (in light of proposed new rules) to those who created it, saying, "wait, wait...we didn't intend, or forsee...." But it's no longer their game. It is what those who play it, lobby for it to be. I agree that there are too many Divisions, but Production is unique, and at this point being upset 'cause the game is played with 10-round mags, is like being unhappy with the 140mm limit in Limited, when 30-round Glock (and other) mags exist.
  21. I don't know why some of y'all are so resistant to something added if there's people that want to shoot it. Sure production is growing. It grew by one when I temporarily gave up Single Stack to start working on a classification. It's a good division and will grow whether there's a similar division for 'load what you can" or not. Nobody's messing with the division you want. Why should it bother you if they want something else? You don't like the perceived attack on Production, fine. Call it Minor Limited. The point is not in the name. The point is in that there are people that would like to compete with more rounds in the mag with a production gun. There may be enough to make it worth while to add a division, perhaps not. The only way to find out is to keep communications open by inviting such comments rather than jumping on then, and, if there appears to be enough interest, to give it a try. Lee OK, let me try again, with a bit less vitriol, and Craiger45, I apologize for implying you were trolling. Lee, here's my point, and obviously IMO, eh? I'm not an MD, or AD....just a shooter who's been at this for 2 years, and trying to spread the gospel, and get new shooters into the sport. So I'd argue: there are *four* Divisions, currently, that support the same general piece of equipment -- a semi-automatic, iron-sighted pistol. Unlike Open and Revolver, you really start getting in nuances describing equipment differences with the rest of the Divisions. Try explaining them to a non-shooter, and see. I think the bases are pretty well covered, and it's nice that, if you look at big matches over the years (and somewhere I've got a post in the forums that actually tracks this), there's a pretty amazing increase in one Division -- Production. Why bleed the patient? If you create a "provisional" new Production Division, and turn the current Production into "Production-10", do you truly think you'll attract brand-new USPSA members? Or will you merely strip off a couple veterans here, and there, and create another anaemic Division? And what data suggests there's a demand for this change? I think USPSA should 1.) make sure current Divisions are healthy and enjoy wide-spread participation, and 2.) attract new members, and -- a distant 3rd -- create new Divisions only if it's not at the expense of "1."
  22. I don't understand why some of y'all are so determined to f*ck with Production, which has been a growing and very popular Division by any standards. In case the original poster wasn't trolling, go to the USPSA website, and pull up stats over the years from major matches, since Production's inception. I have no doubt in some clubs it's not popular, but in some clubs Open isn't popular either, but it's silly to then draw a widespread conclusion... Oh, and there *IS* a Division if you want to shoot hi-caps in your Production gun: it's called "Limited" but check "minor" scoring.
  23. It kills me, how we can spend an hour dissecting a field course, explore and analyze every option, but when it comes to gas prices, well, hell, it's simple -- it's the "fuzzy-headed, tree-hugging liberals," or "greedy oil corporations," or.... Everyday work problems are complex and have nuances, for most of us, I'll bet, but gas prices? Reasons they're high aren't a bit difficult to understand, as long as there's some group to identify and despise: usually along the lines of one's personal bias; Hitman hates "buractaic tree huggers"(sic); someone else may despise Big Oil and the White House. I'm not ashamed to admit I don't understand the reasons gas prices have increased so dramatically in the last few years. It's frustrating, because I can't cheaply retool -- my truck is a V8 Tundra, wife's car is a V6, and freakin' boat (there's a necessity) is a 2-stroke V6. At the same time, like tens of millions of other Americans, while it hurts, it doesn't *really* hurt yet -- it's another bump, just like cellphone bills, Netflix subscriptions, XM radio, cable, broad-band, etc., etc. I feel we're like the proverbial frog in the pot of cold water, on a burner. At some point....OUCH!
  24. But how long have people been using "oversized" magwells in CDP and 1911 Society? That's not a rhetorical question -- I'm genuinely curious, and don't know. I've shot at least a couple largish IDPA matches in the last two years, and don't ever recall seeing anyting like SVI's magwell.... What I'm trying to get at: 1) Have magwells larger than the S&A style always been around, and the box dimensions, and the intent of those deciding the box dimensions, took these magwells into account? or 2) With the joining of USPSA and Single Stack Classic, and the new provisional SSD....equipment is being modified in unforseen ways? I agree -- shooters only need worry about rules, and not "intent", or "spirit." But it's somewhat disingenuous to support the creation and spirit of a single-stack division, insist on weight limits, ban bull-barrels, ban DOH holsters, dictate magazine and holster placement, but support the box size as being perfect since genesis.
  25. I'd think an SVI or Novak magwell on a 1911 would be a perfect fit for the catch-all Limited 10 Division, but hey. For SS? Maybe, but only if you accept the IDPA ESP* box as the primary definition for this Division. The S&A magwell, which is how I voted, is at least flush with the grips. * I realize the same box defines the limits of CDP/SSP, too, but unlike some, I don't feel the IDPA rules were written by John Locke, and am perfectly comfortable believing no one really anticipated these magwells on a 1911 Govt. frame.
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