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Everything posted by LChico

  1. Everyone had that problem. Anyone who tells you they did not see those message was trying to sign in at least 5 minutes after the start time. Linda Chico (L-2035) Rockcastle-ARFCOM ProAm Statistician
  2. Please check your spam folder & junk mail folders. It was sent at 01:56 AM Linda Chico (L-2035) Rockcastle-ARFCOM ProAm Statistician
  3. Last night over 1050 computers, laptops & phones submitted a request for a registration code for the 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Match. 873 separate logins were made at 9:30 PM. Some requests were duplicates and quickly removed. After the duplicates were removed, there were still 562 valid entries for the 2 matches. Currently, about 66 Am and 102 Pro entries would be on a waiting list. However, I am waiting to send out waiting list numbers because I expect about 40 slots to open up today. Last night I sent Registration Codes to shooters who were in the Pro Match & shooters who were in the Amateur match. Unfortunately, nearly 40 shooters received a code for both matches, giving them a slot in both the Am & Pro matches. They will only be able to shoot one. I have sent them all an email message asking which match they plan to shoot. As they let me know, I am sending out registration codes to the next shooters on the match list. I emailed this message to anyone who did not get a Registration Code last night. You may get this message twice if you signed up for a code for both matches. You may get this message after you got a code last night, because you were successful obtaining a code for one match, but are on a waiting list for the second. If that is the case, please email me to tell me you prefer to shoot the first match, so that I can remove your name from a waiting list for the other. I hope to start sending out waiting list numbers by late this afternoon, after I notify the 40 shooters who will move up. As I noted on the confirmation message on the screen, it might take up to 24 hours to get a registration code. Thanks for your patience. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician 803-629-7095
  4. I am sooo torn! Jesse and some friends sent me such a nice bribe . . . err, I mean gift. . . so I hate to expose little attempts to stretch the truth. But the guy who is really number 1 in the AM match is liable to have heart attack if he thinks it is a mistake. So, Jesse is in the match, but he is not number 1 (you would have seen THAT email hours ago). And he is kind of pulling your leg about which match, also. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician
  5. You would be number 16 on the Pro waiting list . . . I just sent the one you were definitely IN. Many people signed in & got codes for both matches. I think the first 20 or so on each waiting list will go really fast. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician
  6. If you did not get an email message, please send me the name you used for sign in (email to LChico@msn.com). I have a number of bounced back emails. These are emails that look correct (24 total), but will not deliver. Might be a typo, or a firewall issue. The entries in the error log are clearly wrong or incomplete emails (43 total). There are commas instead of "Dots," the numeral 2 instead of the symbol "@," the symbol "#" instead of "@," and mistakes on the domain names (just "gmail" instead of "gmail.com," "yahoocom" instead of "yahoo.com," and other problems that meant the system did not realize it was an email address. Most if not all of these shooters have codes that are low enough to be in the match, but it will be tomorrow before I have time to sort it all out. It is approaching midnight here on the east coast. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician
  7. Remember all the warnings about "Check your email address carefully?" Only one correct email address for the 4 of you. Dan will get an email tonight. Jared, Rob & Brett will get emails tomorrow once I have time to sort out the error file. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician
  8. Send me an Email off forum please Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician LChico@msn.com
  9. By March 1st Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician
  10. On 2/3 of your practice runs, your email address was wrong. Many test runs had double periods after "hot" -- type carefully. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician
  11. Oh, I know. I was just trying to stress that ONE complete entry is enough. If you are using 2 computers, hopefully one is for a second competitor. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician
  12. It did not break. I did not allow enough time to switch files. That is why last year I shut testing down 30 minutes before the real time. This year I gave myself an hour. And, since I am here browsing, I am actually done already with prep on my end. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician
  13. Since ONLY the first one counts, the better plan is to send ONE fast & punt the other 999. Once you see one message on a big white screen that says your name was entered, you're done. As I explained to the "Mayor" a few years ago, multiples are a waste. It could be marginally helpful to have friends or neighbors try to put your info in, but 3 entries by the same person is useless once the first confirmation message appears. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician
  14. Linda's last minute notes Just putting in a link to my Lo-o-o-o-ong message on this page Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 ARFCOM-Rockcastle ProAm 3 Gun Statistician
  15. Sign in Link http://www.LChico5u.com/ar15.html Application Link http://www.rock3gun.com/files/Rock3Gun_App.pdf Match website http://www.rock3gun.com/ Sign in is tonight at 9:30 PM Eastern Time (8:30 PM Central, 7:30 PM Mountain & 6:30 PM Pacific - if you are Canadian or in Hawaii/Alaska please adjust that time to suit your location). The system will not take any TEST entries after 8:30 PM Eastern Time (7:30 PM Central, 6:30 PM Mountain & 5:30 PM Pacific) today, so that I can set it up for the REAL sign in. If you try to submit an entry at that time. you will simply get a message that you are "too early." If you submit an entry when the clock on the page reads 9:29:59 PM, you will get the "Too Early" message. Hit the "Back Arrow" on your internet browser & submit again. Please remember that filling in the screen is NOT a speed event. Errors in the email address or phone number may make it impossible to reach you. Please make sure contact information is correct. Nearly everyone who complained about "late or missing" test notices had errors when I went back and reviewed the sign in information. The comma on the keyboard is right next to the period. If there is a comma in an email address, it goes nowhere. RO's can skip the online sign in if they are shooting with staff. RO's can just write "RO" on the registration code line of the application. Amy at Rockcastle will assign a registration code when she gets the RO application. Sponsored competitors can skip the online sign in if they are CERTAIN 1.) their sponsor IS supporting the match and 2.) donating at the level which earns a free shooting slot and 3.) they will be designated by their sponsor. EVERY major match I work, several shooters send applications & no check. THey write "Sponsored by XYZ Tactical." I have to contact them to tell them XYZ Tactical is not one of the match sponsors. Also at EVERY major match I work, several shooters send applications, no check and write "Sponsored by BigName Tactical." I have to tell them that BigName Tactical sent us a list of their 2 or 3 sponsored shooters and the applicant's name is not on the list. This happens because BigName Tactical either has a dozen sponsored shooters, and did not tell the team who is designated at this match, or BigName Tactical decided to send a different mix of shooters than usual. Sponsored shooters can just write "Sponsor - XYZ Tactical" on the registration code line of the application. Amy at Rockcastle will assign a registration code when she gets the Sponsor application IF THE SPONSOR HAS ALREADY AGREED TO SPONSORSHIP. Nick Noble at Rockcastle will check with sponsors to be sure their shooter's names are correct. If you are working a Pro Clinic, contact Linda Chico via email to get an assigned registration code. Everyone else needs a registration code. If you do not fall into any of the exempted categories listed in this email, and want to shoot the match -- Sign in tonight. Once you have a registration code, or any of the by-passes to Registration codes listed above, you can get an application. Note that you can TYPE on the application and this is STRONGLY encouraged. I won't even get into "terrible" handwriting, and just say that even with the best handwriting, it is difficult to tell the number zero from the letter O, or the number one from a lowercase L. Thanks! Linda Chico (L-2035) Rockcastle-ARFCOM ProAm Statistician
  16. And this is one of the reasons it will not work smoothly for multigun matches. We have been using the pistol Limited Classification for Tactical & Limited shooters in Multigun. If I do an update, it re-sets all the Tactical shooters to U. Linda Chico (L-2035) Columbia SC
  17. They may not have had a chance to update the upcoming events page yet, but I can guarantee that they are having the match again. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 Rockcastle Pro-Am Statistician Will you be involved with it again this year Mrs. Linda? I guess you didn't read my signature line Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 Rockcastle Pro-Am Statistician
  18. They may not have had a chance to update the upcoming events page yet, but I can guarantee that they are having the match again. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2012 Rockcastle Pro-Am Statistician
  19. Miss Kitty needed an assistant & since I will be in Texas that weekend, I volunteered to help her out (she has certainly bailed me out too many times to count!). I have to leave Saturday & Sunday for a meeting in Dallas, but look forward to seeing many of you at registration & on Friday. I will be nice to work a match where someone else is the boss Linda Chico (L-2035) Columbia SC
  20. I understand that. There are separate division winners scoring 100% at EVERY 3 gun match I work. My objection is to the "single congo line" at a match that scores using divisions. I consider it inherently unfair. I prefer separate prize tables OR heads up scoring if there is only one prize table. As I said before: The Top HM_Limited shooter was 35% of the match winner & would be ranked 142th in match overall. Why would he go to the prize table ahead of the 84 shooters in Tactical and the 44 shooters in Open who were under the 100% of the division leaders but above 35% on the combined overall results? I don't like social engineering or politically correct awards in real life & I don't like them at the shooting range. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2011 USPSA Multigun Nationals Statistician
  21. If you have a shared prize table does the USPSA HM Limited Champion get to walk the table before Taran? Does he get to walk before Honer? The HM Limited winner won by 100% over his lone competitor. Whereas Horner won by 2.01% over the second place Tactical shooter. If USPSA had a shared prize table and it was based on percentage of performance by the shooter in their division, the HM Limited winner would have walked before any of the other division winners. Is that fair? Well compare their raw scores and see if that is fair or not. Under that system, do you think the better shooter is walking the table first? If USPSA used a shared prize table (thankfully we did not), there would be no need to compare raw scores or guess at who goes to a prize table first, because the scoring program can score everyone as if it were one big match (no divisions). It scores everyone based on time & hits. So the 100% scores earned in a very small division become 40% & 50% when scored heads up against every other shooter in the match. The Top HM_Limited shooter was 35% of the match winner & would be ranked 142th in match overall. Linda Chico (L-2035) 2011 USPSA Multigun Nationals Statistician
  22. I do not think Larry plans to print match booklets. Originally, I had planned to post a pdf version of the booklet on the website, so you could print a full copy in booklet format. But the file was 37.5 MB and would have been a problem for anyone without a high speed internet connection. I opted to post it as individual pages. I would not print the entire booklet. Print the stages, maybe the map, or the schedule (anything you think you must have at the range). Linda Chico (L-2035) 2011 FNH USA 3 Gun Statistician
  23. No. Let me explain my squadding policy: I will honor your squad requests. Period. Unless a request exceeds squad size, it will be honored. All those who asked for AM starts, or PM starts, or Thursday AM registration, or "I'm driving with these guys. . ." will be honored. If I screwed up, I will fix it & change it even at the last minute. I do not start squadding ANY match until the week of the match (like today) so that I can honor squad requests. See you in West Virginia Linda Chico (L-2035) 2011 FNH USA 3 Gun Statistician 803-629-7095
  24. What individual or group of people (by position, not name) has access to the database, or root/administrative access to the server on which it is hosted? What procedures do you follow to assure that your server remains hardened and all operating system vulnerabilities that become known are fixed? If it's anyone other than a trusted independent entity, the election process is below the level of professionalism that would be appropriate for USPSA. You have completely misssed my point. I am not advocating online voting for USPSA. I am not encouraging anyone adopt our electronic system. I am not suggesting it met the level of security required for anyone other than our club and the bank that processes our credit card/debit card payments. I was making the point that dismal ballot return rates might not improve if the switch was made to electronic voting. Several forum members implied that "easier" or "convenient" online election procedures would help turnout. I don't think members did not vote because it was too hard to fill out the ballot and put a stamp on it. I think some are complacent or uninterested. Several members told me did not feel they knew enough about the candidates to make an informed decision. Linda Chico (L-2035) USPSA A6 Director
  25. Final results now posted on the Match website: www.lchico5u.com/ipsc.html Linda Chico (L-2035) 2011 US IPSC Nationals Statistician
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