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Everything posted by alma

  1. I tend to assume the best in people until proven otherwise. I am sure that being part of the BOD is a sacrifice. It's one that I would not be willing or able to make for this sport right now so I am grateful for those who do.
  2. I can tell from the video that it isn't production legal. The face of the trigger safety has been profiled to match the trigger and it looks like the trigger safety engagement has been modified by removing material from the rear of the trigger safety where it contacts the frame.
  3. Here it is with the NC tube on it. 12 in the tube plus one in the chamber.
  4. My name almost touched TGOs in Front Sight one year. That has pretty much been the highlight of my shooting career. What an honor to have him offering advice on your journey even though he only has 300+ posts.
  5. Is anyone using a Shadow Lite over the Shadow SP01 for Production? I am wondering what kind of difference that 3oz makes on transitions and recoil management. Do the 75 Shadow frames now have the same magwell, trigger guard undercut, and beaver tail?
  6. Center of Mass holsters. http://www.comholsters.com
  7. wow! I learned something today and will never underestimate the potential for stupidity. Thanks.
  8. If that was the actual objective there would be many ways to communicate that which would be much more clear. I don't know why they would even need to say that if that was the correct interpretation. Kind of stupid really. Has or would that foreseeably ever be a problem?
  9. I think the shortest is 26 inch but that shouldn't matter too much as most run at least a 10 round tube on the gun. 12 in the tube can also be desirable as it allows you to quad load once at the beginning of a stage if you have time before you start shooting. 11 in the tube isn't bad though for these guns since you can still throw three quads in it with the first round being chambered automatically.
  10. Are we assuming power at the range or does it need to run off of batteries? If powered then: http://www.amazon.com/Woods-32555-Outdoor-Control-Converter/dp/B001Q9EFUK/ref=pd_sim_hi_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=0BTBX68BWX4ZYJMS6BWF or http://www.amazon.com/Woods-Extension-Switch-Remote-15-Feet/dp/B000KKND86/ref=pd_sim_sbs_hi_8?ie=UTF8&refRID=036F8773MZZ8FNP1AFCP plus http://www.harborfreight.com/120-volt-3-watt-28-led-work-light-66274.html
  11. Not sure I would like to have a flash going off just before shooting. Can't be good on the vision. I still think just something corded would work with a simple toggle switch or button. The RO can drop the switch right there after activating since it wouldn't be attached. No need to take the switch down range.
  12. I have an email out to DNROI to see whether clarification can be provided. Another way to accomplish this is by angling the target such that no shot is available on the front of the target when at the 180.
  13. Here is mine. I have yet to shoot it. I went a little less aggressive removing material towards the forend as I would like to avoid having my new gun break in half if possible. I did remove a bit more material along the right side (looking at the gun upside down) as I strong hand quad reload on that side of the gun.
  14. I don't consider forcing shooters to push the 180 to be a valid way to "test" a shooters skills in USPSA. That isn't what USPSA is about.
  15. I sighted my reason or interpreting that stages should be designed to avoid this. Were in the rule book does it talk about everyone being big boys?
  16. Again, not wanting to over complicate things you could just rig up any switch with a long cord that turns on a small light on a stand down range. Put the light in the peripheral view of the first target and have the range officer throw the switch at the same time as he/she pushes the instant button to start the timer. The RO won't need to worry running down range with a cord attached to the timer as he/she couldn't just activate the light switch and leave it there.
  17. Good point. 3 gun can have some very high round counts.
  18. I just got the Springer Precision basepads with my name engraved on them. Very cool product and fast turn around. As a bonus they make my CZ 17 round magazines the same length as my 18 rounders.
  19. Here is the most critical rule: 2.1.4 "Target Locations When a course is constructed to include target locations other than immediately downrange, organizers and officials must protect or restrict surrounding areas to which competitors, officials or spectators have access. Each competitor must be allowed to solve the competitive problem in his own way and must not be hindered by being forced to act in any manner which might cause unsafe action. Targets must be arranged so that shooting at them on an as and when visible basis will not cause competitors to breach safe angles of fire." I am in my phone otherwise I would highlight that last sentence, "Targets must be arranged so that shooting at them on an as and when visible basis will not cause competitors to breach safe angles of fire." The OP is correct. Stage designers have a responsibility to eliminate the possibility of engaging a visible target which could breach a safe angle of fire (i.e. 180).
  20. You can run pretty much anything you like. Beings competitive might be another issue however.
  21. ok, I had thought the RO could press it against the back of your neck/head and you would feel it then start the stage. I'll ask my friend who has a similar problem though I think he uses a shot timer with a strong speaker that creates a vibration and has it put up against his neck/head. I can see why you would want the strobe. I think holding against the back of the neck or shoulder would b a good solution. Not as good as a light but better than what you've got. - No real RO reaction time added. Just set the timer to instant and the RO can drop the flag at the same time as he is activating the timer. It would be better than touching the shooter given that it can't affect his stance, ballance, etc.
  22. Strobe would be cool. I wonder if you could get the RO a flag on the end of a stick that he could hold in peripheral vision and drop when its time to go. Maybe not the most sophisticated solution could could work until something better comes along.
  23. Jayohee, I used to have grip issues or my Glock. Grip tape in the right place helps but you need to correctly position your weak hand on the grip and lock it in. I made this video for another shooter bit it keeps coming in handy. Perhaps it can help
  24. I used a triangle file from Harbour freight tools and put a piece of tape on one side.
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