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Everything posted by sleipnir

  1. In the July/August 2005 Front Sight, on page 40, there is an advertisement for "high capacity magazine" from S.P.S. Having never heard of them I went to their web sight (www.sps-dc.com) and learned what little I could. (my browser had some trouble with part of the site). Anyway, what do you know about their products? A 21+1 round .40 mag for somewhere around $50.00 is interesting. However I could not absolutely verify that they were suitable for my STI. Who has the skinny on these guys?
  2. I was surprised to learn that my employer gives a mother-to-be a generous three months of maternity leave with full pay. Fathers-to-be get three days paid leave. In all other respects they, my employers, are so tight that they squeak when they walk.
  3. sleipnir


    I'm a big fan of Gunther Grass' Danzig trilogy. I've read The Tim Drum, Cat and Mouse, and Dog Years many times. They never get old.
  4. sleipnir

    My Knee!

    Kinda makes car trouble before a big match seem insignificant. One can always rent a car, but a knee.....
  5. I really really truly absolutely love coffee. But lately in the morning when the weather is hot I've skipped my morning cup. By early afternoon I have a headache. A quick cup of coffee makes the headache go away. The headaches are a symptom of caffeine withdrawal and that makes me angry -- that my body must have the stuff or I'm gonna pay for it. So I guess that I should not miss the morning cup -- or learn to like the headache.
  6. Af few years back I shot a local match where the local prima donna brought his wife to help out. She pasted targets and set steel while he go his mojo ready for an upcoming major match. At other matches he manages to appear to help by holding a strip of pasters in his hand. I think that the same strip of pasters has lasted about five years. What pathetic behavior.
  7. I jsut purchased a surplus rifle that seems to have been in storage for the last 50-60 years. There must be a better way to clean off the cosmoline and caked on crud than hot soapy water. It'll take me a year to clean this rifle that way. What have you used to clean similar firearms? I plan on the soapy water followed by brake cleaner followed by Breakfree and a whole lot of elbow grease. The wood will be cleaned separately. Any suggestions?
  8. Thanks for the ideas. I've been reading about glucosamine and condroitin and think that I will start taking it. It couldn't hurt as much as the knees. I may also look into working less and playing more. That seems like a good path to take.
  9. In the grand scheme of things this is very tiny, but I hate it when my knees hurt after a match. Got to the range at 08:00 to set up, shot the match, left after tearing down at 16:30. And now my knees hurt and my legs are stiff. I'm walking like Walter Brennen in the "Real McCoys". My feet hurt, too. My wife keeps asking me why I put myself through this. I tell her that the range time is good time but she doesn't see that, just my stiff walk. I think that I'll quit fighting it and take some ibuprofen. I'm right fond of that stuff lately.
  10. Dates are set for Sep 30, Oct 1 &2 at the Sir Walter Gun Club in Creedmoor, NC. Web page: http://sirwaltergunclub.com/match/index.htm
  11. Consider that we eat "dead" cheese in this country, a little mold shows some sign of life. Afterall cheese is simply spoiled milk. A little time to ripen is good for it. "How can anyone govern a nation that has 246 different kinds of cheese?" Charles de Gaulle
  12. sleipnir


    Worked fine using the Opera browser.
  13. I just watched it -- or at least parts of it -- during Star Gate commercials. Must be nice to be fast. Thanks for the notice.
  14. I purchased a revolver from someone on the USPSA members' board, got exactly what was advertised, and made a friend in the process. It worked for me.
  15. While Google now makes it easier people have always been able to get that information from reverse phone books -- if they knew which towns to look in. These phone books are commonly, and freely, available in local public libraries. FYI, while my land line is listed, my cell number is not listed. I would give up the land line in a New York minute if it wasn't necessary for my wife's business.
  16. I need to purchase an inexpensive laser printer. Amazon.com has the best price that I've found -- two thirds the local price. I can order through the link on the USPSA page (just ordered two cmputers/printers and USPSA got 1% of the purchase price). Does anyone have any experience ordering electronics from Amazon.com? Good or bad experiences?
  17. Long ago I tried shooting CP Bullets (124 gr. RN CP Copper Clad) in my Glock 17. I frequently saw multiple holes for each shot in the target at close range. The copper cladding routinely disassociated itself from the lead core. Accuracy was only so-so. I experienced some keyholing, too.
  18. When will this madness stop? We don't need another division.
  19. So I'm taking my NROI Review Exam. Question is: "In the United Stages, can a competitor take a sight picture after the "Load and Make Ready" command?" I'm looking at section 8.7 Sight Pictures and Range Inspection (pp56 January 2004 Edition Rule Book). 8.7.1 prohibits sight picture with a loaded gun 8.7.2 allows match organizers to also prohibit taking a sight picture with an unloade firearm. 8.7.3 permits a sight picture with an uloaded gun when permitted. But I see this: "US8.7.1 Not applicable" and "US8.7.2 Not applicable" "US8.7.3 Not applicable" How am I to interpret that? Does the rule book mean that in the United States rule 8.7.1, 8.7.2 and 8.7.3 are not applicable? Or is this simply some artifact left over by sloppy editors?? A second, somewhat related question. Several places in the rulebook competitors are prohibited from doing something but given a pardon -- "violation will result in a warning for the first occurence and one procedural penalty for each subsequent occurrence in the same match". How in the world is the RO who calls the competitor for doing whatever the warning was about supposed to know that he was called about it earlier in the match. What are we going to do mark their foreheads with a felt-tip marker? Expect the competitor to volunteer that they violated the rules a second (third, fourth) time? I'm not a big fan of some of our new rules.
  20. I spent part of last weekend promoting our club's monthly match at a local gun show. There was some interest, but most people seemed more interested in the SASS people promoting their match. Perhaps it was the pretty clothes and big hats. Or maybe the OLN show on the video. We are out there promoting our sport. When a new shooter, or potential shooter, is distracted by big money open guns we just tell them to "bring what you've got" and don't worry about the space guns. That works for some of them. Others just figure that they cannot be "competitive" unless they spend too much money -- eye candy syndrome I guess. Go figure. Anyway I think that it would be nice if the USPSA organization provided me, a match director, with a video that I could slip into the player when those galoots in the big hats aren't watching. Moving pictures speak much louder than words.
  21. Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon
  22. I cleaned out a storage shed at our range and found about 200 loaded shotgun shells that were crusty with tarnished brass and had been in damp storage for about 12 years. How would you properly dispose of these things?I tried our local hazardous materials collection site this morning and they were afraid of the things. The 12 year old plastic bottle of Dursban did not faze them -- but it trouble me greatly. I also found a selection of rifle and pistol ammunition of various calibers (and unknown loads) which were also crusty. I do not want to pull bullets having better things to do. How would you properly dispose of them?
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