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Posts posted by Cuz

  1. 45 Colt or 45 ACP.

    IF for 45ACP I have load the following. The bullet I used was actually weighed out at 220gr and I loaded exactly the same as the 230RN.

    OAL 1.250".

    4.0gr = 670fps

    4.5gr = 770fps

    IF for 45Colt. A freind uses these for Cowboy, 200gr FN. He loads these on my Dillon RL550.

    5.5gr = 750fps, real accurate in his Ruger Vaquero (old model).

    Try that load and see, he started 1 grain under what Hodgdon reccommend and has never changed. Hodgdon give 5.8gr for a 230gr RNFP = 850fps in a 7 1/2 barrel. So work from there

    Oops. I guess I should have said it was for 45 acp. thanks for the info.


  2. I'm switching to a 225 gr lead round nose flat point Oregon Trail bullet for all my .45 shooting. Mostly pins and plates. I was using WST powder but have been unhappy with it. Before I go back to Bullseye I figure I should at least try TiteGroup since I'm already using it for my .40 loads. Anyone using TG with lead bullets? I can't find any data so please send what you're using so I can have a guide.



  3. After trying lots of different ammo in my Ruger MK III I finally settled on the "cheap stuff". The Federal bulk pack hollow points from Walmart ($8 for a box of 550) seem to work the best. Yeah, I get about one misfire for every two boxes but I'm ok with that. Plus, there's no lead to handle and they are very accurate in my gun. It seems that almost every .22 is a little finicky about what ammo it likes, but once you find something that works you will be good to go. So far I'm on my third box without any hiccups and I haven't cleaned it in about 2k rounds either.


  4. For those still concerned...I spoke to Beven last week and sent him 3 more magazines to tune up. I called and he picked up the phone and was just as pleasant as always. He's working every day as much as possible to keep up with demand. He missed a 3-gun match that he had planned on attending due to the backlog of work. For those that haven't noticed, he pretty much no longer participates on this forum only because he needs to be working instead of typing. I sure wouldn't want to be that consumed by my job. :wacko: Call and leave messages, he'll get back with you.

    I'm not sure what's up, but I've also called him twice since this thread started and he answered the phone both times. He answered my questions and gave me all the info I wanted. I'll be sending him a couple more tubes to tune in a few days.


  5. Greetings NE Revolver Shooters.

    The feedback from the last (2) ICORE matches @ S&W has been overwhelming - "Thanks" to all who attended and helped.

    Because so many asked, we've added another indoor match @ S&W on 18 Mar 06. PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE FROM THE PREVIOUS POST.

    (4) stages + (1) Classifier - 8:30 AM signup, 9:00 shooting

    After that we'll be heading outdoors to the Hartford Gun Club - look for a May date TBA.

    Check here for the latest info:http://www.downzero.com/site_home.aspx

    Again, to all those who attended our inaugural 06 matches - "Thanks". To a person all the SOs commented on the friendly, helpful and courteous shooters.

    The REVOlution - back by popular demand,


    Awesome. I read your previous post and was bummed I wouldn't be able to make it. the 4th is my wife's birthday. I was thinking of telling her I was going shopping for her gift in the morning and then head to the shoot instead, but it probably wouldn't have worked. Now with the date change I should be good to go. BTW, the last one was the first I've ever attended and it was definately a blast. I can't wait to shoot the next one.



  6. I agree, I am left handed and I shoot both 1911's and Glocks by using my left middle finger to actuate the mag release.

    I know you were looking for cheap Kydex gear, but I have a suggestion for when you jump in with both feet. If you are going to run a 1911 or STI/SV variant, check this link at Safariland.


    They are great holsters and they are only available in left handed. $79 for a holster which usually cost $200+. Can't beat that with a stick, and if you don't like the color, just paint it.

    Good Luck, LEFTIES UNITE!

    +1 on Interceptors comment. I too bought one of those left handed holsters for $80 and couldn't be happier. It's not very often that a lefty actually gets a holster for less than the righties of the world. I am actually thinking of buying a second one to have as a spare.


  7. Thanks guys. I think after a little dry firing, that this gun just hadn't been used that much. I didn't expect a 39 year old gun to need breaking in. I may take a few thousandths off of the strain screw, but I really like a heavy pull. I know that sounds wrong, expecially considering all the 2 pound semi-auto triggers I have, but the wheelgun stays more still for me with the heavy pull.

    My problem with the trigger return was solved when I replaced the return spring that had been shortened with the one that came with the Miculek spring kit. Once I did that everything worked fine.


  8. As to Gary Skiba-I made a trip there today to check out if he was selling reloading supplies. He said he is slowly getting into them. I expect if you needed powder, primers, etc., he'd make 'em available. He's a very nice fellow, and, since I was there, I bought two more Dillon powder measures. I look forward to him getting completely set up. He's really got an impressive commercial reloading facility and several nice guns for sale.

    As to places to shoot here, Knight's seems expensive for range time, some people swear at it, others swear by it. You can shoot handgun or rifles indoors there.

    Bill Jackson's is old timey, won't let you shoot "fast" whatever that is. Mostly it is in the eye of the employee who happens to be there at the time. They are pleasant though.

    The St. Pete Pistol Club is nice, is open most days/eves, is only $11 per day and they let you shoot "fast" if you want. No rifles except 22 rimfires, though.

    The Wyoming Antelope Club is open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. AMs, Fri. PMs, and all day Sat./Sun. Rifles and handguns at this outdoor range. (All others are indoor).

    Some limits on round capacity-one round from the bench at 100 yards, three in the mag at 50 yards from the bench for centerfire rifles and max of six in handguns.

    This area is real densely populated, urban sprawl at its finest, so ranges are kind of hard to find.


    I f you like to shoot ACTION PISTOL. AT THE WAC ON TUESDAY NIGHTS STARTING AT 6:30 we have a Single Stack Match(3 or 4 stages with a max of 24 rounds per stage)

    Info at http://www.fwcdpc.com/pr05.htm.

    On Thursday night at the WAC we have Defensive Pistol,info at http://antelopeclub.org/

    and on Friday we have ACTION PISTOL USPSA.

    So at the WAC there is more to do than just shoot at the PUBLIC LINE.

    Also on Thursday and Friday we have ACTION SHOTGUN.



    Thanks again for the great info. I already passed it along. Maybe he'll run into one of you on the range. Heck, maybe I'll run into you also since we spent much of the time shooting when I go visit him.


  9. I should have mentioned Gary Skiba's new shop. I wasn't aware he was actually selling reloading supplies. He did sell me a Dillon powder measure the other day and he does have a fantastic set-up for his reloading.

    He is also a fine revolver gunsmith. I have a 625 that had serious "issues" because the fellow I got it from had it "customized" by someone who messed it up. Gary fixed it, it works perfectly, and, considering all he had to do (he returned the bad parts), I thought it was a very fair price.


    Thanks all for the responses. I shot at Bill Jackson's when I was down there visiting last May. Also shot in a small match at a place called "Knights" I think???

    If anyone knows of any good places to shoot in that area please let me know and I'll pass that along as well.


  10. Hello Cuz.

    I'll try my best:

    Registration opens at 8:15 AM.

    The shooters meeting starts at 9:00 AM.

    There are going to be 5 stages - not 4 - my error. I would bring at least 150 rd.

    Match length is a variable that is proportional to turnout. The last paying shooter at Jan's match finished about 13:30. We had ~60 shooters.

    Best Regards,


    Thanks Craig.

    Looking forward to it.


  11. Greetings NE Revolver Shooters,

    The Connecticut Sport Shooters will hold their next ICORE match at the S&W Shooting Sports Center on 4 Feb 06.

    Same match set up as the last one - (4) fun-filled stages (the remaining 2 AUS Postal Match stages, 1 ICORE Classifier and 2 original stages) - same great SOs, same great place.



    Can you give me a little more info about the match?

    What time does it start?

    What time is registration?

    I'm planning to attend, but just need a few more of the details so I know what time to be there. Can you also tell me approximately how long the match lasts so I can plan accordingly?



  12. Are there any tricks to getting the firing pin back in? Help please...


    You may have a bent or broken firing pin. You also could now have a burr in the channel it goes into. Either way, I have spare pins, retainer pins, springs, and a tapered broach to clean the channel so let me know if you want to meet Sunday AM.



    Thanks a bunch for fixing my 625 this morning. You made the 70 mile drive worthwhile. Once again a member of BE.com has come thru for me and helped out a fellow shooter. I really appreciate you taking your time (and using your spare parts) to fix my gun. Looking forward to seeing you again this season at Bass River and Manville matches.

    There is nothing like the hospitality of the shooting community.


  13. Is anyone from the Seminole Florida area? My buddy is looking to start reloading and doesn't want to have to pay the Hazmat fee for mail order powder and primers in small beginner quantities. If anyone knows of a good source of reloading supplies in that area please let me know. From what he's told me a couple of local places he's checked want $25 for 1000 Federal primers. That's much higher than even I pay up here in MA.



  14. Starting out, I bought a pound of Unique, as I had used it extensively in the past for medium power .327/.41/.44 mags., as well as .45's and a few others. It is an old friend, and very versatile, but may not be the best for my purposes. Obviously, whatever I use has to meter through a powder measure accurately.

    I would appreciate your thoughts.

    I was a longtime Bullseye user for my 45 and 38 loads. After listening to others I tried some WST for my 45. I just can't seem to find a very accurate load with it. Bullseye was a bit dirty, but I could shoot one hole groups from a rest at 50 feet. With WST the best I can do is 2 inches. I just wish I hadn't bought 4 lbs of it. I think I'll either go back to bullseye or try Clays next.


  15. If you look the firing pin you will notice a flat area milled out of it. When you put the pin back in make sure the flat area is facing down so that the little pin can fit in there. Push the firing pin forward a bit, again so that pin can fit into the slot and you are all set.


    I thought I tried that but I will check again just to be sure.


    Are there any tricks to getting the firing pin back in? Help please...


    You may have a bent or broken firing pin. You also could now have a burr in the channel it goes into. Either way, I have spare pins, retainer pins, springs, and a tapered broach to clean the channel so let me know if you want to meet Sunday AM.


    Thanks for the info. I don't have any time to look at it tonight so I'll wait till tomorrow to give it another try. I'll let you know how I make out.

  16. Ok, I watched the video and decided I could take my 625 apart even though it was one of the new types and was a bit different than the video. I had some problems, but thought I had them worked out until a small pin seemed to appear out of nowhere. I couldn't figure out where it came from. I put the gun together without it to see whether or not it would work and it appeared to until the firing pin fell out into the gun and jammed it up. I opened the gun and saw what I think is now the whole where the pin fell out of. It looks like the pin that holds the firing pin in the frame. Only problem now is that I can't fit the firing pin back into the frame. I took out the little spring just to see if the firing pin would fit and it doesn't seem to. Are there any tricks to getting the firing pin back in? Help please...


  17. Cuz, my sight has plenty of room to spare on the flat part. Maybe it's a difference in S&W models? Mine is a 625-3, 1989. Seems like I remember reading somewhere that others have reported some overhang with the SDM sight.

    That must be it. Mine is a brand new 625. They must have shortened the top part of the ramp. Wish I'd known that before I ordered it. Oh well. Live and learn.



  18. Here's the hammer out of the gun:


    And here's the hammer in my 625:


    This was actually part of my thesis project when I earned my M.A. Degree in Dremology from RGI.

    Nice hammer. Who's cylinder release is that? As a lefty, I think that would be much better than the one that came on my 625.



  19. Got them sights in and installed finally. I love them! I had a blast trying them out last weekend. Thanks ya'll!

    Here she is all decked out with the new sights, Miculek grips, and a trigger job. I hope to be practiced up and ready to compete with it the first of the year!



    I notice in your picture it looks like the sight fits perfectly on the base. I just had one installed on my gun and the site is longer than the flat part on top of the ramped base. The sight extends almost 1/16 of an inch past the end of the barrel and almost the same amount past the flat base of the ramp on the other side as well. Is that normal? I don't see how else it could have fit without trimming the actual site.


  20. Wow, that's a lot of "stuff". T I'll hold off on ordering any spare parts because if I screw anything up it may give me an opportunity to buy one of Randy Lee's new hammers to put back in. :) I mostly just want to be able to take it all apart and know how everything works. Even I'm smart enough to know that buying a DVD does not make you a gunsmith. It mostly just makes you dangerous.



    Have fun and keep us posted. If you want to see a randy Hammer let me know. My IDPA 625 sports one. Also, take a look at this diagram for reference. It is not the MIM style, but a lot of the parts are the same. The sear on this is what you need to fit an APEX hammer.


    Thanks for the graphic. I was trying to figure out how to pull it off your avatar last night and had meant to ask you about it.


  21. Standard stone for S&W is a Norton MF46 1/2X1/2X6" Medium India Stone Brownell # 657-246-146

    This is included in all Revolver Armorer kits from S&W. The length is important as it allows proper angle for sharpening the trigger. I also use a Fine, a Course, and an Arkansas cut to the same dimensions. My Dad worked for Norton for 42 years and kept me supplied.

    As for the files, you need a Pillar file with sadfe edges (2 different sizes) and a Barrett file for cutting ratchets and sears. Don't forget the punch set as S&W uses rounded top pins so you will need the cupped punches. Round and square Babbit are good to have also for fine adjustment :lol:

    While you are at it, if you are buying stones and files, I would suggest spare parts for anything you plan on stoning or filing :o I keep triggers, sears, rebound slides, cylinder stops, hammers, and a good assortment of springs. Then come the sight parts.

    Good luck, and remember "File Flat"


    Wow, that's a lot of "stuff". Thanks for the Brownells part #. That does make it easier.

    Spare parts??? Spare parts are for sissies. I don't need no stinkin spare parts. Especially when there's nothing spare about them. With me they end up being replacement parts because I always end up needing them. :)

    I watched the video and it certainly looks easy enough. I will order a stone and a couple of files just to "have on hand" when I open her up in case I get to feeling confident. Hopefully nothing will be needed except to replace the springs since the gun has already had a trigger job done to it. I'll hold off on ordering any spare parts because if I screw anything up it may give me an opportunity to buy one of Randy Lee's new hammers to put back in. :) I mostly just want to be able to take it all apart and know how everything works. Even I'm smart enough to know that buying a DVD does not make you a gunsmith. It mostly just makes you dangerous.



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