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Posts posted by Cuz

  1. 8 hours ago, JDIllon said:

    I don’t understand! Why the two steps! For 9mm I clean all mixed 9mm brass. Then spray a couple of hundred cases with Franklin case lube and size decap, swage,prime and flare case and load powder, drop bullet seat ,crimp and finished all in one pass. I have loaded thousands of rounds that way? JD 

    if you have a 100% reliable sizing/decapping die in that 1st station, then you are correct. 

    however, if it’s not 100%, then you have to decide what percentage of failed primer extractions is annoying enough to get you to convert to the 2 pass system. 

    I now have four 9mm sizing/decapping dies (2 Dillon, 2 Lee, standard & undersized). None of them work reliably 100% of the time. I picked up an FW Arms “popper” decapper, and that so far, has worked 100% of the time through about 5000 cases. 

    This is also my first auto indexing press. I’m coming from an RL550 where nothing happened until I indexed the press so if I wasn’t sure about anything it was easily verified. Things happen faster on the 1100, and I found that by going to a 2 pass system with multiple sizing/decapping dies added after the FW Arms Popper, then I could cruise through the 1st pass without really paying attention as there really wasn’t anything going on. 

    Then, when I switch toolheads to load, I pay closer attention, and the whole process is smoother since there are no spent primers to worry about and the press runs much smoother. 

    I also thought this would be a better plan if I automated the press, but in reality, I probably only shoot a few thousand rounds a year, so I’ve decided that I’ll spend the $2200 on primers when they become available rather than on an auto drive. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Boomstick303 said:


    Is that how the rule works?


    9 hours ago, gerritm said:

    To add I have had several times on close targets, where a sharp RO has said he saw me shoot twice and hit the same spot so no need for overlay.



    Some folks might wonder why the RO wasn’t focusing on you and the gun like he’s supposed to be doing. There will be plenty of time to check the targets after the “Range is clear”…

  3. It does look nice, and I’d like to add one to my Gen5, and even better if it fits both Gen4!& Gen5 so I can try it in my G34 & G41. But, for some reason I just can’t bring myself to spend that much money for a 2.5 ounces of hidden brass. I also couldn’t find where it says it fits both the Gen4 & Gen5. 

  4. 31 minutes ago, GrumpyOne said:

    With the classifier "Can You Count" is where it sometimes becomes difficult to determine exact hits. Putting 5 rounds on a target that close can lead to ragged holes, but 99% of the time it is still possible to tell where all the rounds hit (and, when you have 4 distinct holes in a 3/4" group, it would take a wild swing of imagination to think that your 5th shot completely missed the target.)

    Unless you pulled out a bit early to start your reload…

    Or your first shot was a bit too soon from the draw, before you were fully on target. I’ve seen both happen. 
    Not often, but it does happen. 

  5. 8 hours ago, njl said:


    I didn't say I was good enough to shoot perfect doubles, but I am generally accurate enough, especially at very close range (5yds and in), that it does happen from time to time.  Sort of a combination of skill + luck, though in a match, perhaps bad luck.

    Get yourself a set of scoring overlays and when this happens in practice, study the holes and teach yourself how to identify a double from a single. If you can’t identify that the hole is a double, then you have also missed the target in practice as well. 

  6. NJL,

    Im sure you are positive you hit the target with both shots and they just “happened” to go through the exact same hole. But, if the ROs were unable to positively identify that one of your holes actually contained a double, then you should have been given a miss in all cases you mentioned above. In the match where they credited you with a scoring hit, they actually cheated everyone else in the match by giving you points you didn’t earn. There are quite a few missing holes on targets at matches where competitors are “positive” they hit the target. It’s happened to me a few times as well. 

    As was mentioned already, the only correct scoring of a perfect double is Alpha-Mike. 

  7. Are you guys loading ammo specifically for your PCC?  I contemplated that for a month or two last year, but gave up. We shoot 9mm almost exclusively in my family. There’s 3 of us, multiple guns and a couple of PCCs. Things ended up getting too complicated for me. Now I found an OAL that seems to be 100% reliable in everything and is under the max recommended by Taylor Freelance for his Goliath base pads and I load the same ammo for all our 9mm. I’m right around 1.08-1.10 for Jacketed Bullets and shorter for coated. The PF for the pistols is right around 130-132 and for PCC it jumps to about 144.  Not optimal, for the PCC, but life sure is simpler for me. 

  8. Mr. Stevens,

    I don’t know you, and have never met you, but hopefully you will still get out and shoot a match every now and again. Our games are too much fun not to participate in, and most other shooters are a pleasure to be around at the range.  And you can certainly mentor other Shooters and hopefully convince them to become ROs, and even MDs. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Tom S. said:

    Guys, I am doing my part to help you out.  I haven't bought any primers in more than three years. I recently did swap some SP's for LP's as I was running low, but even if primers dropped to pre-hystiric prices, I have enough to last for a while.


    Here's hoping prices return to normal soon for those of you in need. 

    Why, that’s mighty nice of you Tom. I truly appreciate it. Now, if it’s not too much to ask, could you please get everyone else to stop buying them for a bit?  Not too long, maybe just for a few months or so???





  10. 2 hours ago, cool said:

    It's for pistol.

    Manual decapping for me is the only solution to eliminate cases that are dead.

    As soon as I come back from a shooting session I do the cartridge case process.

    For 15,000 to 20,000 cartridges per year I have to motorize because I have already had tendonitis.

    i suppose in small batches it wouldn’t be too bad. I tend to wait until I get about a 5 gallon bucket full before I do anything. 

  11. 58 minutes ago, cool said:

    Hello, here is my method

    removing the primer on a single station press when a primer is effortlessly ejected the cartridge case goes to the trash, I think it's the single station that allows this sensitivity.

    Milling the vent hole to the same depth I use a K&M Service bur on a drill all mounted by the collar on a clamped support

    Ultrasound 20 minutes



    lubrication of cases

    reloading Evo Pro

    Is that for rifle or pistol cases?

    decapping on a single stage press?  That would take WAY too long for me. I went with the RL1100 to minimize reloading time, and to make the time I did spend reloading a little easier than on my 550. I don’t mind my 2 pass method, and I’m even 2nd guessing my need to automate. I am shooting less than 10k rounds a year, so in less than 8 hours I could load up the whole years worth of ammo manually, even with 2 passes. 

  12. 1 hour ago, StealthyBlagga said:

    By this logic, cycling the slide to clear an unextracted case or a misfired round would be a match DQ. Another example of the law of unintended consequences caused by an overly-micromanaging rules document.

    This is what I was thinking as I read through this thread. If the extractor didn’t grab and extract the case on the first try, it’s an obstructed barrel. 


  13. I wouldn’t even think of going to a major match with ammo that chrono’d below 130. I would be targeting around 133-135 PF, so I would have one less thing to get stressed about. 

    Of course, I would be shooting mostly for fun, so if I went sub-minor at the chrono stage they would still let me shoot the match for no score, and I would still enjoy the experience. 

    But I still couldn’t imagine leaving the house with ammo that “might” not make PF wherever I was going. 

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