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Posts posted by Cuz

  1. 30 minutes ago, Modoc said:

    Cuz, I was just looking and the Ted Blocker Double Mag Carrier is $80!


    That’s almost what I paid for 4 Blackhawk! Mag carriers. Quick side note, a Blackhawk! Single Stack mag carrier will comfortably hold a Leatherman Wave while a double stack will hold a Leatherman Surge

    I would recommend you do what I did for my kids. Get the CR Speed Versa Mag pouches. Lots of places sell them, and I think they are $30 each at Shooters Connection, which is also a great place to get a 2 piece competition belt if you need one. The best thing about the CR Speed pouches is their flexibility. Today he is going to shoot a 1911. Next year it may be a Glock, and the year after that a 2011. The Versa Pouches have inserts that allow them to work with a lot of different guns. I was using them myself for many years. I had 4 black ones, then I rotated them to my kids and gave one kid 3 red and the other 3 blue, so they each have 5 alternating colors and they love them. One kid shoots Glock, the other a 2011. They are very versatile pouches. 

  2. I just took apart my RL 1100 to clean it before reassembling it to switch from loading to processing.  I'm wondering if I even need to put the primer slide and primer tube on the press if I'm only going to be processing brass?  Just depriming, swaging, then sizing.


    Since I'll clean the press before switching back to loading ammo I figure I can put it back on at that time.

    Will it work???


  3. 22 minutes ago, midatlantic said:

    DDC,  good points on the index lever and shoulder. Will order now. Since I last posted, Now you know how I spent  my Sunday afternoon, I replaced the stock index pawl with the  Forcht heavy duty..I already had it just hadn’t installed it, and cleaned the spring etc., and I pulled apart the Mk 7 pulley etc and cleaned and reinstalled that. Seems to have solved my indexing problem. Perhaps some erratic operation of the mk7? Not sure.  Now I’m waiting on a new Dillon 9mm shell plate.  

    im also intrigued by your two pass strategy. So it’s one pass to Decap and resize and swage, and another to prime, powder and bullet? 

    Lots of two pass discussion here:


  4. Welcome,

    but first of all, when you start a post with “I only have enough money for”, you are really not providing any useful information at all, so your question becomes a bit silly. If you told us what your budget was you could get much better answers. Reactive steel targets could cost anywhere from $8 - $8,000 dollars. 

    Is there a specific competition you want to practice for?  Regardless of everything else, forget about the Texas star. After the 2nd time shooting it you’ll be done because you won’t want to spend 5 minutes going down range to set it up only to come back and shoot it in just a few seconds. 

    There may also be a lot of different vendors out there that you are not aware of, so it’s possible that for the amount of money it would cost for 1 plate rack from vendor A, you might be able to get 2 plate racks from vendor B. 

    So, give some serious thought to how much money you have to spend, and then you may be surprised at the options some of the great folks on this forum might come up with. 

    Personally, when COVID struck early on, and I knew my kids would be home a lot, I spent $200 on a rimfire dueling tree. It was a great investment. We shot the crap out of that tree all hear.  It broke down easy and was very convenient to transport back and forth from the range, so we used it a lot. 

    in addition to a budget, what do you plan to shoot the steel with?  Rimfire?  Center fire pistol?  Rifle?  Does it need to be light and portable so you can bring it to/from the range?  Or is this for a backyard range where portability doesn’t matter?

    your original question is like asking someone which gun you should buy. We need more info to give you some useful answers. 

    And, welcome to the forum. This place is awesome!!!




  5. I started my kids off with BladeTech Classic holsters. That was well over 10 years or so ago. I’ve been using the same one I bought even before that and it’s still going strong. Yes, it costs 2x what the Signature model costs, but there’s a reason for that. 

    BladeTechs good stuff tends to be excellent, but I don’t like their cheaper line at all, and I would NOT recommend ANY of their mag holders. They are crap. 

    For our mag holders it seems that our CR-Speed, CompTac and DAA get used the most. The rest are for when friends come and shoot with us. 

  6. 3 hours ago, HOGRIDER said:

    After purchasing my first CZ, an S2 Orange, I quickly had to adapt from loading 9mm at 1.142"-1.150" down to MUCH Shorter OALs!  Did a lot of "plunk" testing between 135g and 147g coated lead along with 125g and 147g JHPs.


    From the examples I had (Bayou, Acme, Blue, and Zero) I found that the 147g Coated flat points and the 147g JHPs allowed me a longer OAL vs the smaller weights.  


    IMO, whatever bullet weight and profile you may be was considering, I would definitely call the manufacturer and ask them how their particular profiles work in CZ (short) chambers!


    Attached is a pic for example:  My current match load, the Zero 147g JHP on the left, easily clears at 1.125".  And would go out to 1.145" if needed. 

    The middle Zero 125 JHP Conical AND the right side Zero 125 JHP both have to be loaded max 1.080" to give me my desired .015" clearance.


    So, particular ogive profiles definitely play a huge part in chambering successfully in our CZs!


    Good luck!

    147-125 Compare.png


    thanks for the info. You know, I’ve recently gotten myself wrapped around the axle regarding short OALs. I’ve always loaded RN to 1.140” and considered everything else as “short”. 
    Now that I switched to JHP Bullets, and Goliath base pads for my PCC, I had to shorten to under 1.125 to fit the Goliath. Somehow I ended up at 1.09 which fed reliably in everything and worked fine, but I couldn’t escape the feeling that my loads were “too short”.   So tonight I dug out my 2 reloading manuals, the newest being 15 years old, and the “recommended” OAL for 115 and 125gr jhp is 1.075”.  The general consensus among competition shooters has always sort of been to load long for reliability, until the CZs became so popular, and now everyone is scrambling to load “short”. In reality, they aren’t really loading very short at all, they are merely loading just barely shorter than what has been a recommended OAL for many years.  I feel a little better about my OAL now. 

  7. On 2/5/2021 at 1:21 AM, slavex said:

    so a buddy and had to pull 2200 rounds that he'd loaded on my automatic machine, with zero powder being dispensed. (yes he's a dummy lol). And that burned out the collet in my Quinetics puller about half way through. We then went to the older style collet that I had sitting around and it was frustrating. We looked at how we could do the same thing with those old collets and the O-ring around them, but couldn't get a good staking mark on the collet. Instead, I grabbed my super glue and activator, and glued the O-ring into place on the collet and cut it one spot. Boom, works exactly the same as the Quinetics. I already had the shim plate installed too, so it works just awesome. We hammered out those rounds super quick after that. He did order me some replacement collets though, which Canada post promptly lost, waiting on the replacements for those now. 

    Well that definitely beats my 125 rounds loaded without primers…


  8. 30 minutes ago, Ssanders224 said:


    This is exactly why the USPSA rules are written the way they are. 


    That IDPA rule is nonsensical. 

    I agree. On the few occasions I shot IDPA, I shot it just like USPSA and let the SO assess penalties as he felt necessary. There was nothing else going on that weekend and my kid wanted to give it a try. 

    And, for the record, I think all my “mikes” are doubles regardless how far away the target is. One time, I shot like 8 doubles in a match and the ROs didn’t give me any of them.  Damn fool ROs. 

    All kidding aside, I’ve missed very close targets at a match and I remember thinking there was no way I missed at that range, no way.  But alas, I’ve only challenged it once when it was pretty clear and the kid scoring was new and didn’t know what to look for. Every other time I took the “mike” and it came with a good deal of ribbing from all the “friendlies” I drove to the match with. Sometimes it lasted for the next few stages. 

    All in good fun. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, njl said:


    Not entirely true, at least in IDPA.  As mentioned above, 4.12A allows for the use of stationary targets at 3yds or closer with the down-zero cut out, and the assumption that all shots at those targets that don't leave holes outside the down-zero went through the cut out.

    In that scenario, does the SO get to use his judgement as to whether or not he thinks your shots went through  the cutout or if you missed the target completely?


    or do you automatically get credit for center hits if there are no bullet holes in the target?

  10. Ok, so after less than an hour of research, and an incredible lack of patience, I ended up ordering a bunch of the Dawson .300 base pads from Chuck at Shooters Connection.  I figure, as best I can tell, most of the others were .25" long, and Dawson says there's are .300" longer than stock base pad, and if I have to take a chance on one of them working with the Dawson Ice magwell, I may as well try the Dawson pads to start.


    I still welcome input from anyone, as most of my best research is normally done after I place an order since I have nothing to do while I wait to receive my order...


  11. Title says it all, I am looking for some aluminum base pads to use on standard Glock magazines.  Dawson makes an EZ-off that is .300 longer than standard base plate.  Taylor Freelance has some that Robin says are 3/16" long.  Taran has some, and others.  I'm only looking for a base pad that will extend beyond flush with my Dawson Ice magwell to make reloads faster/easier.  Not worried about fitting in a box or anything.  I would love to see some of these pads installed on a mag and inserted in a gun with Ice magwell if possible. 


    Edit: looks like Carver also makes one, anyone have any experience with it???


    Oh, and lastly, they have to work with the Glock OEM spring retainer as the part that has the little button that holds the mag in place.





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